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Chapter 1: Exciting Remarks

Ponyville -- Entrance of Ponyville. -- ??/??/??

"Welcome to Ponyville!", Pinkie Pie giggled as she bounced further into the town.

"Ponyville? How original.", Kieran grunted lightly, as he looked around.

The town was lively with radiant colours. Pink, blue, yellow, green. They all co-ordinate well with each other. The reds on greens, the oranges on blues, the whites on blacks. Everything. It was a change of the usual, dull, scenery from his world. If this was a dream or not, Kieran couldn't tell.

Kieran and Pinkie lead themselves down the main road and to a large, grand tree, house. Pinkie Pie pointed to it.

"This is my friends house! She'll know where Carl is!", Pinkie Pie giggled.

"Let's hope.", Kieran said lightly.

Pinkie Pie burst through the main door of Twilight's house and into the library. A small, green and purple scaled, dragon was thrown back and books went flying everywhere. The library ground floor seemed to be littered for cleaning and Pinkie Pie seemed to have forgotten that today was cleaning day.

"Pinkie... You know today is cleaning day.", A lavender unicorn said, who was standing on top of a ladder.

"Oh, I know! But look!", Pinkie Pie immediately grabbed Kieran and threw him into the library.

"I found Carl's friend!", Pinkie Pie went bouncing in the sea of books.

"Wait, what?", The lavender unicorn jumped down from the ladder and forwarded herself to Kieran.

"You know Carl?", The unicorn asked.

"Yes, of course. He's my best friend. He's been gone for over a year, now!", Kieran looked down into the lavender unicorn's purple eyes.

"Well.. I know where he is. But, let me introduce myself. My name is Twilight Sparkle. Pleasure to meet you...?"

"Kieran.", Kieran answered Twilight's run-on question.

"Kieran. Carl is just hanging out with my friend, Rainbow Dash. I can bring you to them; if you'd like.", Twilight smiled.

"Hey! We have books to clean, Twilight!", The small dragon popped up from a pile of books.

"It'll only take a minute, Spike.", Twilight smiled.

"Fine...", 'Spike' said, in annoyance.

"C'mon, this way, Kieran.", Pinkie Pie bounced behind Twilight, and Kieran followed.

Finally.. I get to see my friend.. After so long..., Kieran thought, as they made their way out of Ponyville.

Ponyville Outskirts -- Rocky Meadows -- ??/??/??

"Look, Carl, this isn't a joke! I really have to practice!", A rainbow coloured pegasus was yelling at Carl.

"I'm not laughing, Rainbow Dash. I'm just trying to cheer you on!", Carl argued back to 'Rainbow Dash'.

"'Cheer me on'? You can't even cheer! You're too shy to do it! You'll make me look like a fool in front of all the Wonderbolts!", Rainbow Dash yelled.

"Wonderbolts? That's all you ever talk about! I mean, I know that's your dream, but you talk about them as if you want to have sex with them!", Carl's face was going red with anger.

"Maybe I do. Who wants to know?", Rainbow Dash crossed her forelimbs.

"How can you say that? We're together. Are you saying you'd cheat on me, Dash?", Carl's face flushed down into a pale colour.

"Maybe I would.", Rainbow Dash looked away from Carl.

"I... Really..?", Carl asked.

"Mmm-Hmm.", Rainbow Dash nodded, looking up at the sky with her eyes closed.

"Wow.. I.. Guess you don't really love me.. I..", Carl's eyes started to water, as he ran in the opposite direction.

Rainbow Dash just flew off, in a fit of rage.

"Well, there goes that encounter.", Twilight said in a smug.

"Wait... Carl... Is dating a ... What?", Kieran said in confusion.

"I know, it's weird, but, they were cute together... I don't know what's gotten into them.", Twilight looked up at Kieran.

"Well.. I wish he noticed I was here...", Kieran said.

"C'mon. Let's chase him. He didn't go to far.", Twilight started to run in the direction Carl went. Pinkie Pie and Kieran followed.

After a few minutes of running down the meadow, and into some light, bushy, woods, they found Carl.

He was hunched over, looking down at his feet, sitting on a rock. There was a pool forming in-between his feet as if he was crying.

Twilight slowly went forward and placed a hoof on his shoulderblade.

"What's wrong, Carl", Twilight decided to play dumb for now.

"Rainbow Dash...", Carl sniffed.

"What happened?", Twilight asked lightly.

"S-she... Wants to cheat on me... After everything I've tried to do for her.. She..", Carl let out a shivering sob.

"Hey... She was just mad. I promise, Rainbow Dash would never do that to you, Carl.", Twilight tried to cheer Carl up.

Carl turned and wrapped his arms around the lavender pony, and Twilight returned the hug.

Carl's eyes opened to see Kieran, standing right there.

"Kieran?!", Carl sniffed in confusion.

"Carl! I've been looking everywhere for you!", Kieran exclaimed.

"W-what are you doing here?!", Carl let go of the hug, standing up, wiping his tears away.

"You've been gone for over a year! Everyone is worried about you, Carl. Please.. Come back!", Kieran pleaded with Carl.

"N... No.. I.. I like it here. I don't need to take my pills here. I don't need to worry about anything here. I... I love somepony here.", Carl said confidently.

"It doesn't seem that 'pony'... Likes you very much.", Kieran regretted saying that part. He was a bit confused in all of this.

"She does... We.. Just.. Have a problem.. That's all.", Carl said in a saddened tone.

"Please.. Carl.. Come back. I miss you so much!", Kieran pleaded again.

"Then stay here, Kieran. You know how great it is here? Not having to worry about anything? I mean.. I miss my parents. But I love it here. I have everything I've ever wanted. And I'm healthier than before, back on Earth.", Carl retorted lightly to Kieran.

"Kieran, I'm not going back. I made that decision a year ago... Even if Rainbow Dash is losing interest in me... Now, if you'll excuse me.. I have some .. 'things'... To do.", Carl ran off, out of the light bush and directly at Ponyville.

Kieran sighed.

"But... How could he do this?... My friend.. My best friend.. Doesn't even want to come back...", Kieran thumped onto the ground, curling in a light fettle position.

Pinkie Pie wrapped her forelimbs around Kieran.

"Don't worry, Kieran! We're here for you!", Pinkie Pie tried to cheer Kieran up.

"Just smile, smile, smile!", Pinkie Pie gave a light tune.

Kieran just laughed lightly.

"See! There you go!", Pinkie Pie grinned brightly. Her teeth had a slight glint to it, as if it was a sword being raised to the sun.

"Maybe.. I can make the best of it here.. And see what's so great before I ask him to come back..", Kieran said lightly. Pinkie jumped up and down.

"I'll show you everything that's great here!", Pinkie Pie bounced around Kieran. Kieran couldn't help but laugh.

"All right. I'll head back to the library and help Spike clean up. In the meantime, you two be safe.", Twilight slowly headed back to Ponyville, as Pinkie Pie started talking to Kieran.