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Chapter 9: The Lords of Time

Space -- The Space Time Continuum -- Day: ?? / Year: ?? / Month: ?

As the TARDIS warped to a dark plain of existance, the three ponies walked out. Although it seemed like they weren't standing on anything, they were standing on fabrics of the universe. Places where everypony, and everything, that passed through would be warped around to different places. In the middle, there was a large structure that was bolting with electricity. A pegasus was standing in front of it laughing. This must be Nexus.

"That structure is what controls time. We have to stop Nexus from doing anything else to it! Come on!", Doctor Whoove launched himself with the other two ponies. Nexus turned around as the three ponies clashed against an invisible barrier.

"Oh, woe is you. You're too late, Doctor! I will destroy the time device and all of the universes will be wiped out! Hahaha!", Nexus flew upwards. with laughter.

"Not on my watch!", Doctor Whooves yelled.

"Oh, my, hahahaha! That was a good one! Get it? Not on my watch? Err.. Ahem. Never fret about that. Nexus, get down here and face us!", Doctor Whooves called out.

"Oh, do you think you can defeat me? I am your significant other, Doctor. I know everything you have planned for me. And I know that I will win!", Nexus laughed.

"No. Because I have two others that you couldn't quite match up to. Twilight, dispel his barrier!", Doctor Whooves commanded.

"You got it!", Twilight's horn lit up as the invisible barrier was cracked away by the magic that shot out at it.

Rainbow Dash took the liberty of flying upwards and taking Nexus to the ground. Nexus was weak and Rainbow Dash overpowered him with ease.

"We got you now, Nexus! Rainbow Dash, hold him in place while I turn off the over-surge.", Doctor Whooves ran past Rainbow Dash and up to the large device.

There was a small box that was feeding unwanted energy. Doctor Whooves quickly smashed it and the surging electricity stopped. Time came to a halt for a mere millisecond. But then, it re-aligned itself and started again.

"No! How can this be possible?! I was suppose to win!", Nexus yelled.

"I guess you forgot to take into account of us. Now then, I think banishment is in order!", Twilight placed her horn on Nexus' forehead.

It went bright for a second and Nexus warped into stone, with a final yell of despair.

"There. That was easy, Doctor.", Twilight and Rainbow Dash smiled.

"All in a days work!", The Doctor looked back at the device.

"So, this must control time, then? Can we rewind time with it?", Rainbow Dash asked.

"Yes.. But.. That would be silly. Rewinding time would only cause even more problems in all the universes. But, we can view what's going on in Equestria if you'd like. It's always interesting to see what everypony is up to. Ha! I said it again. Never gets too old.", Doctor Whooves gently pressed a button on the machine.

A large, portal-like, screen appeared.

"Ask what you'd like to see.", Doctor Whooves smiled.

"...I..", Rainbow Dash cringed.

"I want to see.. Carl in Equestria.", Rainbow Dash looked up at the screen with only one eye opened.

"Displaying Carl in Equestria.", The screen emitted a voice.

A second or two later, the screen showed Carl. Laying in bed with his clothes on now next to a white unicorn. He was yawning tiredly.

"Thank you for everything, Carl. You made me feel a lot better about myself. But.. You never told me who your lover was.", The white unicorn said.

"Her name is Rainbow Dash. She's.. Really everything to me. I would never want to betray her.. I just hope she isn't betraying me right now... I would hate it so much..", Carl sighed lightly.

"Maybe you should head back to her? Tell her how you really feel.", The white unicorn smiled lightly.

"Maybe you're right. My time her was good.. But.. I think it's time to head back. To tell Rainbow Dash everything.. Even.. What we did..", Carl erected and sighed.

"But, you made m--"

"I have to tell her, Lust. I don't.. I can't live with it. I hope she.. Just understands. If I come back, she doesn't want me. If I don't come back.. Then, I'll send you a letter. And maybe convince Princess Celestia of giving you ponies a second chance in the world.", The screen turned off as Carl ended his sentence.

Rainbow Dash was silent.

"Rainbow.. I'm.. I'm sorry.", Twilight said.

"He.. He actually thought I'd.. Cheat on him.. Oh.. Celestia.. Why?! I made him cheat on me! Noo!", Rainbow Dash cried on the non-existant floor.

"Rainbow, it's okay. He's coming back to you. He still loves you.", Twilight tried to cheer her up.

"No! He hates me! He doesn't want me! He never wanted me! I just want to go home and die! Let me go home!", With that, a bright surge went throughout the group and they all disappeared.

Canterlot Mountains -- High Point Peak -- Day: 25 / Year: 2013 / Month: April

Rainbow Dash woke up on top of the highest known mountain in the entire world. She looked down the steep cliff to see Canterlot. And to her right, she saw the opened plains that lead out to the rest of the lands. She sighed.

"Well.. This.. Is goodbye.. I don't.. Want to live anymore... I'll just starve myself here..", Rainbow Dash laid back down. She sobbed lightly into her hooves.

There was nothing left for her.

Canterlot -- City Gates -- Day: 26 / Year: 2013 / Month: April

"How in Equestria..?", Carl stood up, rubbing his forehead. The royal guards at the gate stared at him.

"You just appeared here. We're just as curious as you, human.", The guards said.

"Uhg.. Why am I even here? I was in Everfree then suddenly appeared.. Uhg..", Carl gingerly looked up at the Canterlot mountain, yawning.

"Carl?", Twilight looked at Carl as she clicked forward.

"Twilight? How'd I get here? What'd you do?", Carl asked.

"I was stopping some pony named Nexus with Doctor Whooves. Rainbow Dash was with me and then when she said she.. Wanted to kill herself... We just teleported away. Maybe you were altered near here for a reason. The only place I know Rainbow Dash would go to do such a drastic thing is up on Canterlot Mountain.", Twilight looked upwards to the mountain.

"Think you can teleport us up there, then?", Carl asked.

"The air would be very thick. We'd only have a couple minutes up there.", Twilight answered.

"It's.. Good enough for me.", Carl said, sighing.

"Carl.. What did you do with that mare? Lust.", Twilight asked.

"How did you kno--"

"Don't ask. Just answer.", Twilight said, with command in her voice.

"I... Fooled around with her.. I.. Well.. Y'know.. I regret it, though.. I just.. Rainbow Dash said she'd cheat on me..", Carl sighed.

"It's okay. Let's just go to Rainbow Dash. We need to help her as quick as we can.", Twilight looked back up at the Canterlot Mountain, letting out a sigh.