Genuinely wishing I had more time and motivation to write. Sometimes you'll get lucky. Mostly you'll be disappointed.
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Oh god, I want to read this, so bad, but the story is already so awesome on it's own, I don't know if I can handle any more. I also don't know how much I want this versus how much I want the real story to update.
Excellent start, can't wait to read the rest!
Im excited to see where you take this
Have to give this a read later but I have no doubt it'll be great just like every other story I've read by you.
Can't go wrong with some cutealoo.
...How very punny.
I like it. Consider this faved and liked.
I do better when I have lots of options of what to work on, as well as the pressure of having people waiting for them to motivate me. Otherwise I just get frustrated and depressed if I can't work up the will to work on the only piece I'm writing. This way I can just switch tacks and clear my head.
This story might actually improve my publish rate for the other one.
awww that was sweet
Glad to see this was updated! I'll keep watching, keep it interesting.
Great chapter. Seeing Scootaloo so flustered was indeed adorable.
Already can't wait for the next chapter.
Too much for my heart this early in the morning. DAAAAMN YOUUUUU!!!!
Not bad. Honestly I prefer the most unlikely of places and no longer lost. Still tracking though.
I expect most people do and will. I had never really intended for this to appeal to fans of NLL in particular, and to a lesser degree TMUP, the former being fluffy and feel-good, the latter being dramatic and long-form. This is mostly just to sate those who got curious (as I hoped they might) about the "Last Winter" everypony in TMUP talks about by telling that story. It's gonna be short and a little self-serving, and that's okay with me.
Well, I'm addicted.
This is a nice opening chapter, and it's good to see Scootaloo's Earth Pony strength come into play.
If that's the case here are some options [if you'd like] that would be interesting to see:
1) You have had some peeps in NLL talk about Pinks reaction to orphanages. A Side/Prequel on that would be interesting. It's rare that you see any sort of anger / dark emotions from that mare. What happened, and what led her to being with the Cakes would be interesting. Might even add a few layers onto her friendly nature with pre-adopted Scoots when she was hooking Scoots up.
Although it [just like now] would put into question, why are they nice to Pinks, yet at first hostile to Scoots, then utterly distant to a pony who had gone through something similar, yet they took on and treat like a daughter.
2) I'm actually interested in Twixie. They pop up in the background of the fics, or making small appearances. Yet scenes like this [as well as when Trixie and Twilight first met Octavia and Vinyl.] Would be nice to see.
Also I'm interested in how she ended up getting along with Twilight's other friends. I mean, you never see any fics that mention Trixie's show was free in Ponyville, or that her livelihood depended on what others deemed she deserved to get. Nor that just as it started [again free show, nopony had to be there] Rares, AJ, and Dash started heckling her just as the show started [very few mention that Rarity vandalised her home during the performance]. Or that she bought time for Twilight to cast away the Ursa Minor.
How did things go from the Ponyvillians destroying Trixie's life, to becoming greatest of friends [which it's awesome that they did]. But seeing the how, would be awesome.
There's a lot of story there, but one of those 'a story for another time' type bits. And it'd be good to see it's time come. As well as the venom AJ apparently holds. I mean we don't see it in NLL, but in TMUP it seems that it's a big part of Apple Bloom's life and colored her views on said relationships.
3) Just found out you have a story of Deets and Silvers past. Honestly you could probably stand to make a group that's dedicated to this AU / Universe. Would make it easy to see all the little side fics.
4) Glittershell and Sweetie's Story. Like why Rare's appears to disregard / over look Sweets in the latest [as of now] chapter of TMUP. As well as how Sweets bonded with Glittershell, that seems to have a lot of emotional weight and tons of feels. Rarity adoption of Glitter and ... Glitttershell did get a magical sex change right [well Magically made the other sex, rather than surgery that just looks like the other gender.]? Or is she atm still a guy, but dresses and speaks like one till she can get her operation to become a mare?
That's another fic that is mentioned in the shadow of the original. But has tons of potential to be an amazing work.
Anywho if any of those sound good to you, then that's a few options to do for this series. Oh, and seriously, make a group. Then all you need to do is add a Link in the large description near the bottom. Or maybe squirreled away at the authors note of the opening of new fics. It'd keep things nice and organized. As well as easier to know what fics are part of the series.
This is just another reason Scoots needs to end up with Dashie later on in life. I mean the emotions are strong, the love is enough to give me not just a blush, but actual butterflies [damn ... I can't remember the last fic that actually gave me butterflies in my stomach. Hell not even my exes gave me that feeling]. Seeing how they grew on each other in their own eyes. Not just from the what little we saw on TMUP, but here as well.
That's love right there. Pure, unadulterated, and beautiful love. Although this is probably going to be a seriously small fic. I look forward to seeing things unfold.
Those are all good, but there are a few other fics I'm already working on in the background that fit in the NLL-verse, actually:
- Rarity the fashion mogul struggling with finding love while balancing it with her fame and her work schedule
- Rainbow's future as a Wonderbolt and one of the mares she meets there
- Scootaloo's future after the Academy, and how her relationship with Silver Spoon develops after TMUP.
- A far-flung future adventure fic about an existential threat to the land of Equestria (everyone does one eventually).
Anyway, there's a lot of lore in the NLL-verse to work with. I'll never want for a story to tell.
Hooray! Progress! Writing still as artfully crafted as ever.
Good to see you back, man.
W00T!!!! You're still alive ^_^! Good to see another chapter pop up.
Yeah, it's been nice to write again. I'm in a bit of a spot in TMUP, so I shook out the cobwebs working on some other fics. I was hoping for a little better reception to this chapter, cuz I really enjoyed writing it and was hoping other people would too, but one can never predict the people on this site, I suppose.
True but a 96% for upvotes is still an A+ ^_^. Seriously though, while not a lot of people have commented yet, the comments you have been getting have been positive .
It's good to see you writing again. This was a really good chapter, really vivid descriptions.