• Member Since 5th Mar, 2014
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago

Dream Seeker

Well, I just figured out how to do a short bio! So, yeah.


Twilight Sparkle has always wanted to be a writer.
Rainbow Dash has always wanted to be a Wonderbolt.
Rarity has always wanted to become a famous clothing designer.
Fluttershy has always wanted to become the caretaker of Canterlot Gardens.
Pinkie Pie has always wanted to become an official Party Pony.
Applejack has always wanted to get rich by working her apple farm.

But was it worth it?

Idea credit to Dark Enigma.

This was an interesting idea to work on; but I never fully finished the outline for some of the characters and no longer have the desire to, so it's time to officially put this work to rest.

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 1 )

"Hey ! Rarity, Twilights back let's get the kids and pay her a visit, Gosh it's been how long?" :moustache:
"Can you believe it's been ten long years" She whispered " Fashionably late is one thing,
But, Won't She be surprized with what we've done with the time":raritystarry::moustache:

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