The story of Rarity and Pinkie Pie's journey back to Dodge Junction, and how it strengthened their friendship.
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You sir have made a story for two of my favorite ponies. Seriously though I enjoyed this, and I loved how well in character you made both Pinkie and Rarity. Now I want to know Rarity's revenge... I have a feeling it involves a frilly dress and Rainbow having to sit still for hours... Perhaps even a pin or two being stuck in her every once in a while.
They are quite the pair, aren't they? I love they way they interact in the Iron Will episode.
I'm glad you said that. I never quite feel that I'm getting Pinkie Pie right--she's got so many layers of personality, and it's too easy to get caught up on the hyperactive party pony, but there's so much more to her than that.
I didn't really have anything planned. IIRC, the last words of the episode were Rarity saying "I'll get you, Rainbow Dash." I do have an idea that whatever Rarity would come up with would be cunningly brilliant.
needs moar noise music
Ah, that was a refreshing story my friend.
My ears are bleeding....
Thank you!
Noise music isn't for everyone. It's a bit of an aquired taste.
Spend an hour or two mulling over the textures of sound on a good noise album, letting it block out everything else, and maybe you'll come to understand.
4998483 Hmm?
I'll shall partake in that endeavor, do ya got and recommendations.
I'm too old to pick up the new musical styles that you kids like. I'll stick with my hurdy-gurdys and bagpipes and the band singing in Gaulish--you know, the kind of music we had when I was a kid.
Very cute
It depends. Merzbow's the big name (I especially like his "Hummingbird" EP), but some of the higher pitches can be a bit painful, and other artists accomplish much the same thing with meshes of lower pitches.
Noise music originated in early 1910s Europe. It's older than Swing!
Hmm, well I do love me some good swing music. Although right now (and I am totally not making this up), I'm listening to the Black Sails soundtrack, which is largely Hurdy Gurdy (I love that instrument so much).
Some good music goes into OSTs! I often find myself listening to the sountracks to things that I don't even intend on watching/playing.
Yeah, I've got a whole playlist on iTunes of soundtrack music. The good composers can set a mood you can get into without watching the movie, I think. I've been disappointed at a lot of commercially available soundtracks, though, since they're too often just the pop songs that were used in the show, rather than some of the cool background music. To wit: I'd buy a MLP soundtrack in a heartbeat if it included the Hearts and Hooves day record music, or the spa music that was used in Ponyville Confidential.
This was a beautifully written slice-of-life. We need more like it.
There are fan-released versions of all of the mlp background tracks, although voices/effects aren't always entirely scrubbed. I nabbed them as part of the MLP Music Archive. An official release would be good, though, yeah.
I've come across a few, but there's some that I want so badly (like the Spa music, dammit!) What are we poor fans to do when they won't release what we really want?
REVENGE -- see, that would make for an interesting fic for you. Rarity's revenge on Rainbow Dash.
Surprisingly, I've got nothing. Whenever I think about RD and Rarity and revenge, my brain gets stuck on Estee's fic about Rainbow sticking Rarity in a tree.
Perhaps one of these days, I'll come up with the inspiration for her brilliant revenge, and if so, I'll write it.
It is known to be proper for a lady to glisten, however leaving one's name signed in recycled water seems a bit out of character for her. I would have thought she'd destroy all evidence for fear of somepony believing it to be her signature.
This is a decent story, though I think that thematically it could have been much stronger. Oh well.
This was really nice. I liked how you made them both stay in character even if Rarity seemed a bit more subdued then I expected. Though you did explain why that was.
Well, except for all the talk about pee. What the heck is up with that?
“So, it would not be hard to imagine how one could be lost out here, perhaps forever, if one were to prove an unbearable burden to her traveling companion.”
Isn't that a bit elaborate for Pinkie Pie?
“I'm the worst earth pony ever.”
You grew up on a rock farm, can't you tell if any of the rock are edible?
At least we found this thing on a spur track. Imagine if we'd had to hoof it all the way back to Dodge Junction.”
Or had no idea which way to go.
How long is Pinkie gonna hold it?
Rarity double-checked that the brakes were set: she had no desire for the vehicle to roll away while it was unattended.
Remember Rarity had to be TOLD what a hammer was in the comics. Heh.
Pinkie, naturally, felt no such restraint; she was staring over her shoulder as she attempted to write her name in the hardpack.
They're female. I thought they couldn't aim!
She'd remember,
Until she died of old age.
“Oh, I wish I knew a come-to-life spell,”
He mentioned the kumquat incident.
Unimpressed, he informed her that he was actually the Emperor of Roam.
She's playing the 'save the world card?' She is desperate since you don't see them use that much in the show. And this is a reminder that Equestria doesn't HAVE mass media!
Rarity was debating the wisdom of reaching over the desk and ramming a hoof down his throat as a form of therapy
You know such thoughts can't escape you in a situation like that.
“Of course!” Pinkie grinned from ear to ear. “I know everypony.
Just in Ponyville.
as our bags have undoubtedly made it back to Ponyville by now.
You know what would have made Rarity as angry as HELL!? THAT THEIR FRIENDS WENT BACK HOME WITHOUT THEM!!!!!!!
I do hope one of the girls had the good sense to carry them home with her.”
You think she'd be more angry that they took her luggage home without them, and FORGOT ABOUT THEM!
And I am sometimes too prissy and stuck-up for my own good.
She admits that?
So what would be the comeuppance she gives RD?
I read this comment in Frieza's (English) voice and it was glorious.
That's supposed to be Rarity saying it--did I screw up the dialogue tags?
50% chance of getting it right.
Well, she called it the "whack-a-nail-into-the-wall thingy for hanging pictures," so she knows what it is, just not what it's called. Besides Pinkie told her how the handcar worked, but she (rightly) doesn't trust Pinkie to assure the brakes are set.
You obviously don't know the right girls.
Pretty sure Rarity hadn't ever used one prior to this episode.
I leave that to your imagination.
Yeah, aside from RD--who brags about everything--the rest of the girls don't brag about how many times they've saved Equestria. Newspapers are canon (and TV, folding the comics into the mix), but they probably don't see either out on the frontier.
It is a great form of therapy.
I think she's branched out since the opening episode. Made friends with the buffalo and the Appleoosans, annoyed everypony in Dodge Junction....
I'm less sure about that. Remember how she talked her way out of the Diamond Dogs' captivity? While she acts like a damsel in distress, she's way more badass than she lets on. She was, after all, the first to attack the
minotaurEDIT: manticore, had little trouble carrying Tom (and defended him in a martial arts pose) or lugging the six carts of gems behind her . . . She complains a lot about little stuff, but then just goes and does the big stuff without batting an eye. I think it would be perfectly in character for her to gripe about her luggage, but not say a word about the fact that she was abandoned in the desert. (But that's just my opinion.)I think her behavior in Sisterhooves Social is a tacit admission of her failings.
I don't know--I haven't thought of anything. But when i do, it'll be magnificent.
Little risk of anypony seeing it in the desert before it evaporated or soaked into the ground, and it would be an insult to Pinkie to just obliterate her hard work.
Any suggestions on what could be improved? I'm always open to suggestions.
Until just now, I had no idea that anyone else had ever done a story about this. I actually got the idea from a group thread in the collab cage, when Not Worthy suggested writing one-shots which paired two of the Mane Six, and used the handcar as an example--one which I used.
5004534 I suppose.
I don't remember her attacking Iron Will.
That's supposed to be Rarity saying it--did I screw up the dialogue tags?
I meant for Pinkie Pie TO GET WHAT RARITY IS SAYING. Sorry.
It's not so much her being able to take care of herself. It's the PRINCIPLE of leaving your friends in the desert without even a note or going back for them.
That was the deleted scene?
I meant manticore. Damn monsters with their 'm' names.
That's all right. I think she'd get the tone, at least, even if the subtlety of the threat was kind of lost on her.
I would argue that while that hurts her, she is the bearer of Generousity, and if that's what it takes to bring AJ back to her family, that's what it takes.
Now, if they got back to Ponyville and AJ hadn't reunited with her family, I think Rarity would go on a murderous rampage. With an axe. [Okay, maybe not, but I bet she'd be pretty pissed.]
I wonder what the hell the Mane Six are gonna say when Sweeite Belle asks where her sister is.
That's a good question. We know that Sweetie doesn't live with Rarity, so she might not have to find out right away....
very nicely done not many Rarity pinkie romance or friendship i liked this a lot
5004754 i mean there aren't many fics that focus on the connection between the two
Where have you been my whole life? Seriously my friend you just made me remember why i love it when pinkie and rarity bond. Oh btw I honest to Celestia hated Dash in this episode I wanted her head on a platter for leaving rarity and pinkie to die in the desert. That's pretty much when Dash became my least favorite of the mane six I mean why not go back for them? I would have but then again maybe I think of others before myself and Dash doesn't.
Which is kind of odd, since the Iron Will episode had them together for pretty much the whole thing. I think it works well because they're so opposite each other most of the time, but they can work together for the common good--and quite honestly, I think they've been friends for a very long time, probably ever since Pinkie came to Ponyville.
I still don't get why Rarity is mad with Rainbow because of this. Pinkie was the one who knocked her off the cart. Yes, Rainbow was the one who made the decision not to go back to get them, but how would Rarity have known that? She and Pinkie were way back in the distance by then. I know it's canon that's she's mad with Rainbow but it really makes no sense.
It does strike me as a bit OOC for Dash, since she's loyal--on the other hand, I'll give her the benefit of the doubt in this episode; I think she and AJ, despite their differences, are very close, even if they don't always seem that way (the endless competitions). I'd venture a guess that AJ is second only to Fluttershy among RD's friends.
I can only assume she heard RD shout "They knew what they were getting into," or if not, just make the assumption that RD's impulsive nature is to blame for her current predicament. After all, with RD and Fluttershy pulling the wagon, who's going to be the most assertive of the pair?
She seems to live with her MORE OFTEN THAN NOT than with her parents.
Remember, we're just seeing a part of their lives. Yes, she spends a fair amount of time with Rarity, that's undeniable. However, if we assume that her parents live in Ponyville (canon suggests that they do), it stands to reason that Sweetie would be around Ponyville all the time, even if she isn't staying with Rarity.
*Shrugs* I still hate Dash though but each to their own right? That closeness between AJ and Dash is why that abomination of a ship appledash exists. But I digress do you like Cheese Sandwich? he's the only stallion I ship with Pinkie and yeah I really like raripie shipping or friendshipping telling by your favorites you have a fondness for Pinkie too Alex Warlorn has some pretty interesting headcanons of her. She's just fun to write espeically when she is paired up with rarity. How most people feel about fluttershy is how I feel about Rarity but I know that Rarity is bad ass and doesn't need protecting. She made the diamond dogs let her go by annoying them XD. I love that episode dog and a pony show i think but yeah good episode.
Dash fan alert! Typical Dash fan putting the blame on pinkie in the name of their dashie aww so cute! It so nice to see you try to excuse your wittle dashie from any blame rainbow dash isn't perfect and she is the blame. Dash needs to learn to take responsibility for her actions and she doesn't need her fans coddling her and excusing her horrible actions. Fans like this is why characters who deserve to be punished never get punished. Now you all see more reasons why I don't like Dash. Fans like this will relentlessly bash any character in the name of their favorite character its so cute but at the same time really depressing. these are the type of people who defend their children when they commit crimes. Defending Dash's actions is no better then defending your kid in court after he robbed a bank or something. It's called being an enabler.