It had been roughly an hour of wandering for the robed man, and he had found a small dirt-road leading to what he hoped was a city or town of some kind. As Severus Snape walked down the road, he noticed a faint trail off in the distance arcing across the sky. A least idiocy is universal. The greasy-haired man rolled his eyes, bringing his gaze back to the road in front of him.
As such, he never noticed the trail taking a sharp turn, straight towards him.
The lanky man's purposeful, swift gait was interrupted when something impacted the road several meters in front of him, a gaudy prismatic trail leading down to the cloud of dust currently choking him. Snape grasped his wand and ripped it out of his robes out of reflex, getting ready for any sort of attack.
"So what'dya think? Cool entrance or what?" The dust was blown away by a quick gust of wind, revealing a windswept, slightly dusty...little blue pegasus pony.
Snape's eye twitched.
A little blue pegasus pony...with a rainbow-colored mane.
"Speechless, huh? Nahh, it's alright, most everypony is with my skillz." The mare (for it was clearly female) continued stroking her own ego.
And Snape was sure he heard the 'z' in 'skillz'. He crossed his arms, discreetly slipping his wand up his sleeves. "Yes. Your ability to kick up dust is quite magnificent." He hissed, giving the rainbow pony his hardest deadpan.
"H-hehehahaa!" The pony cracked up, wiping her forehead with a hoof. "Funny guy, huh? I know ya liked my moves. Name's Rainbow Dash, fastest flier in Equestria! So what're you supposed to be?"
"Yes, I'm always the life of the party," he said, his voice never rising above his usual bored, annoyed drawl. So this land is called 'Equestria'...I'm sure I've never heard of it. He then nodded his head, responding with a curt, "And I'm supposed to be talking to whoever is in charge. My name is Severus Snape."
"Snape, huh?" Rainbow Dash scrunched her muzzle as she rolled the name over her tongue. "Weird name."
Snape's eye twitched again, his foot tapping the ground impatiently. Arrogant, boastful, loud, troublemaker... His lip curled in the special disgust he reserved for the Gryffindor House. Of course. How could it be anyone else? "If you're quite done insulting my name, miss 'Rainbow Dash', I have someplace to be." He swiftly walked around the cyan pegasus, continuing down the dirt path.
"Hey, wait up!" He heard from behind him, and in a whoosh the irritating equine was somehow doing the backstroke with her wings, hovering just to the side of him. "I'm sorry, okay? Here! I'll show ya around!"
"I can find my way, thank you." Snape grumbled, walking slightly faster to pull away from Rainbow no avail.
"C'mon, how're ya gonna see all the sights? Ponyville's a big place, especially with the Summer Sun Celebration tomorrow!"
Severus pulled to a stop, his usual sour face filled with incredulity. "...Excuse me, did you say 'Ponyville'?" What kind of asinine, ridiculous, stupid, infantile creature would name a town full of ponies 'Ponyville'? A dark cloud settled over Snape's head. Idiots...everyone in this land...I'm surrounded by idiots.
"Yep! Been living there for a few years now, it's usually a pretty quiet place. Kinda boring, actually." The rainbow pony's grin widened, getting even more excited if possible. "But not tomorrow! Princess Celestia herself is gonna come to Ponyville for the Summer Sun Celebration!" A high-pitched squeaky noise that should not have come from a living thing squee'd from the mare. "It is going to be so...awesome!"
"Well aren't you the lucky one?" Snape drawled, pulling ahead of the stationary pony. Princess? Perhaps she'll know what's going on.
Twilight Sparkle grumbled to herself in the gilded chariot, Spike hanging on to her leg for stability. "I can't believe the princess would do that!" She groaned, the chariot beginning it's descent. "The greatest threat Equestria has faced in a thousand years is at our doorstep, and she sends me to a completely different town to socialize?"
"Maybe Princess Celestia's right?" the purple dragon-whelp offered, "it was just an old story-book, maybe you're reading too much into it? Besides, you have a big job here!"
The purple unicorn mare rolled her eyes. "Overseeing the preparations for the Summer Sun Celebration isn't a big job, Spike," she groused, "anypony could do it...I think she just wanted to get me out of her mane."
Spike, seeing Twilight's downcast expression, thought quickly. "Well...uhh...At least she arranged for you to stay in a library! Doesn't that make you feel better?"
"...Yes." Twilight's eyes hardened, a smirk crossing her features, "yes it does. Because I'm right! Fine, I'll play her game. But, I'm going to be doing a lot of research, so I might have to forget about the friendship." Her eyebrows furrowed, her smile dropping into a grim frown. "Nightmare Moon can't be allowed to return."
"Hang on, we're taking her down!" One of the pegasus guards pulling the chariot through the skies called back, prompting the two to brace themselves. The chariot landed perfectly in the middle of the road, and it's two passengers hopped off.
"Thank you, sirs." Twilight bowed her head, causing the guards to stand a little taller for a job well done. Spike hopped on the purple mare's back, scrambling to find purchase without clawing her. Once he was properly situated, Twilight was on her way.
A way which was blocked by a solid pink earth-pony.
"Excuse me? You're in my w-" Spike nudged her with an elbow, staring pointedly at her. Right...friendship. Woo. Clearing her throat, she started over again. "Hello, I'm Twilight Spar-"
The pink mare shot into the air with a horrified gasp, before dashing away in the middle of the unicorn's introduction.
"See? You're making friends already!" Spike exclaimed, receiving a positively scathing glare from his steed.
It's just one day, Twilight...keep it together.
4984636 Working on it. I'm already an irredeemable sarcastic, arrogant, snide asshole. I just need to learn how to do it with class.
This fits, Snape so perfectly.
4984704 Snape and RD are going to play off eachother fantastically.
You can't get a better straight man/funny man routine. Except maybe for Pinkie. But she'll have her time to shine.
I wonder what happen when Snape meet Pinkie?
(because Snape is sarcastic, arrogant, snide asshole with a bit of touch of kindness (maybe not) while Pinkie is go lucky little kid mentality)
I bet snape msy get along with a certain zebra
4984769 Concentrated Slytherin + Essence of Hufflepuff. WARNING: CHEMICALS MAY EXPLODE WHEN MIXED
4984908 The world needs more Alan Rickman in Equestria.
4984320 Do you just read featured stories then?
Hmm, not bad at all. Though honestly, if a talking, bipedal... thing, showed up out of nowhere, you think pones, especially Dash, would use more caution. She's brash, but she's not stupid.
She's not that stupid.
Also, you can do perfectly fine without the Lavender Unicorn Syndrome. It's easier just to call him Snape.
Dear Lord, Snape in Equestria...
Dear Vald.
And now, a rendition of myself moments before discovering this.
Written by and staring , The Cake Devil.
Me: La la la la la, watching Evil Dead on Youtube la la la la.(Pauses for dramatic effect) Hm I wonder if that Vlad gentleman/women/dolphin was true to his word. Wouldn't hurt to ch-oh my gosh there it is!
The End.
Anywhozer, by Celestias third tit. Snape don't deserve this...noone deserves this. But on another note I do like how you took this, kind of an alternate beginning to the series. Alright, I'm game for it, I'm up for your little shim sham, your whim wam, come on man bring it on BRING. IT. ON!....If you don't mind that is.
Sincerely Yours, The Cake Devil.
Wow, this exists.
Why hasn't this existed before?
Keeping an eye on this.
Ohai, AJ
Good... heavens...
My brain. Ow. But interested ow, the 'oh dear I can see bad things happening but it's going to be fun' way.
Also my brain can apparently do Snape's voice quite well.
I request more.
A) How long will it be before Snape decides that he is, in fact, in Hell?
B) I look forward to the raw levels of snark Black Snooty is going to get.
Snapes magic should be op compared to Equestrias magic
he's also good at dueling so he knows how to fight
only problem that i see is he needs his wand to do magic lose the wand he will be just a normal powerless human
unless nightmare moon can get his wand he will win
p.s. pinkies goal should be trying to make him smile
Eh, not necessarily. This is a world with ponies, griffins, dragons, minotaurs, diamond dogs, and who knows how many other sapient creatures. And Ponyville is a small town. Most of its residents have probably never seen most of those creatures. SO I don't think it would be too big of a stretch for them to assume that Snape is just a creature from a far-off country they haven't heard of before. Or they could assume he's a minotaur if they've never seen one and only know the basic description.
Of course, that doesn't really explain their treatment of Zecora...
Still I think it's better than the 90% of HiE stories where the first thing Rainbow does is attack the human in question.
Ehhh....Snape is good, and definitely more skilled than the average pony, but he's not gonna be taking down what basically amounts to a demigod in a one on one fight. There's a reason the only thing that was able to stop Nightmare Moon in the first place was a set of legendary magical artifacts.
i am sticking with my choice that nightmare does not have what it takes to take on a high class wizard such as Snape he is one of the strongest wizards in Hogwarts and wizards are stronger at magic than unicorns are
I am honestly not a big fan of Harry Potter, but Snape was the ultimate badass that you don't know about until after his death. I'm gonna give this a shot.
I almost never see a good Harry Potter crossover, and when they are good, they tend to never update!
So far so good, I love cynical characters so this just was begging for my attention... also promise of hilarity.

The fact of the time period where this is set will make it even more fun
Great stuff, please don't keep us waiting too long for more
I've always enjoyed a good Snape story. Despite the many plot holes that the Harry Potter series may have, Snape wasn't one of them. You basically have a character whose dislike of Gryffindor is justified(Bullying at a young age), a personality that would make anyone think he's a bad guy but with a well written background on why he's like that and a heart that is willing to bare the burden of doing evil actions in order to achieved good results.
Although I didn't like how he tend to pick on Gryffindors.
This story has promise and I hope to see it go from beginning to the end.
Wizards, in a general sense, are shown to be more versatile than the average unicorn, but we don't really have a lot of comparison to say that they're universally more powerful. That said, Snape is undoubtedly skilled, and wouldn't have any trouble beating any canon unicorn we've seen in the show, with the possible exception of Shining Armor.
But Nightmare Moon isn't a unicorn.
she really has not proven to be in anyway better than a unicorn i'm pretty sure she was beaten by sombra who is a unicorn
wait never mind i just got that luna was beaten by sombra then she turn into nightmare moon my bad
4985440 Roughly three seconds after meeting Pinkie.
The title reminds me of The Fault in Our Stars...
4985549 He may be more skilled and more versatile, but NMM has no wand to disarm, she can avoid and evade by turning into smoke, and she's an immortal(ish?) alicorn with unimaginable power to throw around.
4985697 Ok.
That's my point. Snape is good, but Nightmare Moon is better. Even in headcanons where alicorns don't have diety-level power, she's still at least on par with someone of Voldemort or Dumbledore, and with thousands of years of experience to back it.
4984666 *Places a top hat and monocle on Vlad* Class.~*Jazz hands*
I like the fact that you're slightly changing up the events in the show instead of pretty much copy-pasting it like a lot of other stories seem to do
I am liking this!
truly masterful.
five stars.
all the stars
just take them from me.
Oh man, here we go . . .
I'd love to see a HP/MLP crossover where Mad-eye Moody ends up in Equestria. CONSTANT VIGILANCE!!!
4985604 I wonder what would happen if Moody showed up in Equestria after his death?
4985641 Wizards may not have more power per se, but their combat oriented spells are overwhelmingly more destructive and nastier than anything we've seen unicorns use.
Most glaringly obvious are the Unforgivables, but even common dark spells are downright horrifying in comparison to the magic we've seen unicorns use. Hell, even more neutral spells like Reducto, Bombarda and the Firestorm spell Dumbledore used against the Inferi in the fake horcrux cave, etc, are deadly.
Also, given that the Death Spell ignores/destroys shields, it may be able to pierce even Shining Armor's admittedly mighty barriers.
And then there's fiendfyre... Which is basically semi-sentient evil hellfire that wants to incinerate everything. And, considering that even Crabbe could cast it (though he failed utterly at controlling it...), then Snape sure as heck can cast it as well.
...And now I wonder, could a Patronus drive away a Windigo? Those things are almost like the Equestria-equivalent of Dementors.
Edit: Of course, in a contest of raw magical power Snape would get stomped flat by the likes of Twilight Sparkle (unascended and ascended) and the Royal Sisters, not to mention Discord, Nightmare Moon and a love-gorged Chrysalis. Not sure about Sombra, though. Aside from the smoke transformation, he hasn't really shown much ability or power.
A lot of Snape's ability to surpass unicorns in combat would definitely come down to his training and experience. In a fight, he would stomp Twilight simply because he's far more skilled in the area of magical combat than she is, even though she's arguably more powerful than he is.
Shining might have a chance, because he has Twilight's power, but with the military training to back it, though Snape's access to dark magic would likely tip the scales against him, assuming Snape was willing to actually use those spells. (despite how he acts, he actually was one of the good guys...mostly).
I'm curious about that wendigo thing now as well... I'd like to say that it could, since the patronus spell is based on the caster's happiest memories, but who knows. You could make a solid argument for it either way, if you really wanted to.
its featured!
Please don't make him a element.
4985955 ....To be honest?
He'd probably be in jail. Or an asylum.
4986165 That would be after he got curse-happy from trying to hit Pinkie Pie.
Fave because of the impending sense of comedy/doom approaching
4986200 To be fair, he'd probably try to make her stop moving..
Most likely by transforming her into a flamingo.
Of course, it would only make her sprout wings..resulting in all of Ponyville exploding. Twice.
4986223 In order to handle somepony like Pinkie, you need to have...CONSTANT VIGILANCE!!!
You had my undivided attention with It Never Really Ends, but now you have my admiration. You, sir, are gifted.
4986229 The only constants with Pinkie Pie is Pink and Pies.
Uhhh, this is promising to be very good. In a delightfully Snape-ish way.
CanĀ“t wait until he meets Zecora. That would be one hell of a Potion-Off if they end up as rivals.
Or he will find a kindred soul in our favourite zebra.
4986233 Thank you, it's good to know my talents are being put to good use.