• Published 7th Sep 2014
  • 11,387 Views, 284 Comments

All for One - One for Luna - Wodahseht

A strange condition has Twilight courting death in the wake of her battle with Tirek. Now her life depends on Luna, and both lives will be affected. Hopefully for the best.

  • ...

05: Taking a Risk

Luna woke feeling slightly stiff and a bit woolly headed - not uncommon after crying oneself to sleep. However, finding herself curled up under another's wing, head tucked between their two bodies like a filly hiding from an imagined monster, was most certainly unusual. Her sister was the only one she could remember holding her as such - perhaps their mother had, but she couldn't recall - and she was a bit embarrassed doing so with Twilight. And yet...

Twilight was perhaps the closest friend she'd ever had outside her sister, and she felt just as safe letting down her guard with either. And it was certainly comfortable. Briefly she considered putting off getting up, but quickly set the thought aside to straighten and stretch.

Surprisingly, Twilight had awakened before her again. Possibly by a fair margin given the number of books sitting open to various points on the bed in front of her. As Luna gave signs of being fully awake, Twilight flipped her wing back and shifted the books away.

"Good morning... err, evening… I guess." Twilight rubbed the back of her head with a slightly sheepish look on her face. "I'm still not used to that."

Luna smiled. "It is fine. Many common phrases to not convert well to a night schedule in any case. Had you trouble sleeping?"

"Oh no, I slept great. Really great..." If she hadn't been so close to her fellow alicorn Luna might have missed the slight blush that appeared on Twilight's cheeks, and she wondered at what had caused it. "I guess I'm just not used to so much sleeping. I usually run short and just sleep in late once or twice a week to make up for it. I woke an hour or two ago, but you looked so comfortable-" and Luna felt her own cheeks heat "-that I didn't want to disturb you. So I just decided I'd read a bit here. How are you feeling?"

"I... You are right that I was comfortable. I do feel better now." She briefly wrapped her own wing around Twilight and nuzzled her cheek. "This morning helped. Thank you."

Twilight's blush deepened and she opened her mouth to speak, but was interrupted by the meal announcement - which also reminded Luna it was time to take care of the moon. That broke the moment and they slipped into what had begun to feel like their regular routine of getting started for the night.

Saved by breakfast.

Twilight couldn't believe she'd almost spilled the beans on her crush there. All this alone time was really eroding her control. Luckily the arrival of breakfast had snapped her out of the trance Luna had put her in with that nuzzle and she used the morning routine to get her guards back up. Which was a good thing: she was certain to need her wits about her to talk Luna into going along with her plan.

She wasn't mistaken. As soon as she mentioned her desire to study live Ursa she was met with an exclamation that put the Royal Canterlot Voice to shame - or maybe it was just because they were indoors instead of outside it sounded so loud. Either way, Twilight's ears were ringing and she fully expected all the guards on duty in Canterlot to be swarming the suite at any time.

There was, in fact, a sharp knock from the outer door and a muffled, "Princess?"

To Twilight's relief, Luna maintained enough presence of mind to keep the guard out with a quick call back of "We're fine. Hold your post."

Hoping to keep things from getting out of hand, Twilight remained quiet as Luna calmed herself. She was startled to see a smirk form shortly after. Directing the knowing smirk directly at her Luna commented, "Ah, I see now. It was a joke. Very amusing, I quite fell for it for a moment."

Twilight felt her jaw drop. "Wha-? Bu-..." Deep breaths Twilight, deep breaths.

As Luna looked on in curiosity, and a bit of amusement, Twilight carefully went through the breathing exercise Cadence had shown her. Three times.

"It wasn't a joke. I need to study a live Ursa. No one has ever studied what I need to know, so I have to find it for myself."

The amusement died in a flash. "You can't do that Twilight! There's a reason such things haven't been studied. It is far too dangerous!"

The argument lasted for some time, Twilight fully expecting the guards to interfere again at several of the louder points. Finally, she simply got tired of trying to argue the reasons why it was necessary to study an Ursa herself and blurted out, "Why does it matter if I risk my life to study them!?"

Luna looked like she'd just been struck in the face. "What do you mean? You're a princess, my sister and I's friend, and an Element of Harmony. You cannot risk your life pointlessly."

"It's not pointlessly." Twilight stared hard into Luna's eyes, willing her to understand. "I'm dead if I don't try - you must see that! We can't live like this forever. At some point you will have to take back up all your duties and without your support I will die. Unless we can find another solution, and to do that I need to study an Ursa. So what if I might be risking my life by doing so, when I’d be forfeiting my life if I don’t?"

She continued to hold eye contact as Luna opened and closed her mouth several times as though about to speak. It was Luna who finally looked away with a quiet, "You win, Twilight Sparkle. It's just... I dread the thought of something happening to you and facing my sister with that news."

Twilight sighed, a bit in relief and a bit sadly.

"Luna..." She waited for those beautiful eyes to meet hers again, "I have no plans to die. Between the two of us I'm sure everything will be fine. Teleportation magic is useful for running away." She tried a shaky smile and received an equally shaky one in return.

"Very well. I suppose the next step will be finding out where an Ursa lives then."

Twilight chuckled involuntarily. "That's the easy part - one lives not far from Ponyville."

Author's Note:

Well, longer wait, and you get a short chapter... sorry. :P

Honestly, this was meant to be the first half of a longer chapter, but that made a sensible break point. Additionally, I think the field trip segment will actually end up longer now that I'll be focusing only on it as separate from this - so there is that. I do still want the two parts uploaded closely together though, and I'm hoping to get you all the next chapter by sometime this weekend.

On a side note: I know I shouldn't be using the dashes since I'm not familiar with their rules and I'm not having editors/proofreaders look over my stuff before posting. (Not looking for any either.) I may go back at some point and try to fix things like that, but my focus is currently on learning to tell a story itself. For now, try to bear with me and I'll try to limit how frequently I use things I don't know.