• Member Since 9th Jul, 2014
  • offline last seen Aug 16th, 2024



Rarity reveals a trait of her new fashion line to Fluttershy while having her try on some of her dresses.

Cover art by Silverlinings

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 11 )

I don't think that Angel Bunny will ever look at Fluttershy preparing a salad the same way ever again. What will she do with that KNIFE! :flutterrage:

This was a fun short story and gave me a badly needed laugh tonight. Thank you!

A few misspells there but other than that.. not bad...

Nice! I like it! So wait, Fluttershy's using the dress incident as a threat for Angel? So, That's why Fluttershy forgave Rarity so quickly.:pinkiegasp::pinkiehappy::trixieshiftright::pinkiehappy:

Fluttershy has a 21-inch waist?? :rainbowhuh: I looked it up, and even for skinny women, 21-inches is really, really tiny. So either Fluttershy is only 5-feet tall, or she really doesn't eat. :twilightoops: Good story, I just found that one part a bit odd.

5147771 Until Hasbro does an Equus/EG crossover, there isn't really a canon for size comparison, so I just went with the idea of My "Little" Pony.

That ending tho :pinkiegasp::rainbowkiss::twilightsheepish::pinkiecrazy:

Way better than my stuff lol

I agree it's kinda quick paced. I would've preferred if it turned out they didn't actually kill the rabbits, they just shaved them for some reason.

5271548 i do think doingbthis would have been a little funnier, but meh, whatever. Still made me laugh.


Dear me...Wow. Short, but tells a story...

...a story that is subtle Dark, no less...

I dunno, but I think I like it, though it makes me feel uncomfortable at this moment in time. Makes my eye lid twitch.

It's a good read. I wanted to write a story this short. But it came out 5,000+ words and with a song to boot. A challenge to edit.


Possible corrections to possible errors:
1. "Rarity, you're not fat. You're in great condition," Fluttershy remarked, honestly. "You're in just as good as shape as I'm in.
- "Rarity, you're not fat. You're in great condition," Fluttershy remarked, honestly. "You're in just as good a shape as I'm in.

2. "It didn't feel like she was wearing a dress, more like a blanket than anything. Taking a look at the sleeves, she noticed that the fabric used seemed very different then normal..."
- "It didn't feel like she was wearing a dress, more like a blanket than anything. Taking a look at the sleeves, she noticed that the fabric used seemed very different than normal..."

3."Well... thank you for understanding, and if that's all, i suppose I should return to the Boutique for any customers." Rarity said.

4. "Don't worry Angel, I would never do anything like that. I'll be back in a moment." With that, the Fluttershy entered the kitchen, out of sight of Angel Bunny.

5271548 they could be those rabbits with ridiculous amounts of fur.

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