• Member Since 30th Mar, 2013
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Dawn Flower

Have you ever heard about the theory about how subatomic particles can pop into existence at random? Well, replace subatomic particles with updates and you have my writing style in a nutshell.


While on their journey across different worlds, to defeat the Unversed, Terra, Aqua and Ventus all end up in Equestria. While they are here, they will fight against the Unversed, and help the inhabitants of this world with their problems. However, they will also all learn important lessons about themselves that will make them stronger as a team and strengthen their friendship with one another.

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is copyright of Hasbro
Kingdom Hearts is copyright of Disney, Square Enix, and Tetsuya Nomura

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 26 )

Holy crap! a BBS crossover! -instafave-

*sigh* Gullible Terra...

Yay! New D-Link + Keyblade! :D


This story turns the mystery box keys into keyblades (though one wonders where they're supposed to be gripped, and where the keychains are), something I've wanted to see since Twilight's Kingdom. Also, the scenes where Terra fights Celestia and where Terra and Luna team up to battle Nightmare Moon in Luna's heart are good call-forwards to the fight between Terra and Master Eraqus and the scene were Terra and Aqua team up to battle Xehanort's Guardian in Terra's heart at the end of Birth By Sleep, respectively.So yes, it gets a favorite.

On the other hand, it's not without its problems. I'm writing this post having only read Terra's story and five paragraphs of Aqua's, but already the copy-pasting is incredibly obvious. The action scenes read like filler, and are incredibly dry. The adverb "simply" appears much more often than it needs to. Fluttershy's flanderized almost beyond belief. True, she prefers to talk her opponents down, but she encountered the dragon, the cockatrice, and Discord by themselves, so they would be open to a personal approach. She never suggested reasoning with the invading changeling army, what makes the invading unversed army different? Well, the obvious difference is that Terra needs to learn a lesson, and she needs to set it up. The plot dictates her actions.

Overall, I'd say this story has some good ideas, but is clearly an amateur work (what an outstanding find on a fanfiction site!) and could benefit from a rewrite.


heh, ameteur work? I've got two fics of my own, and they both are rushed. Mostly because I'm more or less a "Blind writer". I don't exactly plan out what I'm doing.

Sure, there'll be mistakes, but you know. if it's good, I don't really care about the mistakes, which are easily fixed anyway.

Aaand I sounded a little mean. mybad. :twilightblush:

Guh... I want to like this..

But I cant.

I'm sorry, Its well written with good grammar, But I cant like something this un-inspired and bad.

I'm sincerely sorry, But original idea, You'll be a star.

Great thus far. You captured the atmosphere of the game very well, as well as the characters.

Now on to Aqua! :pinkiehappy:

4963206 Aye, I'm a bit disappointed with it because of that.

Still, it was entertaining to a certain degree. Especially Ventus's chapter (granted I'm a big Lightning Dust fan, so I'm sort of biased there :twilightblush:). And it's one of the only three good KH/MLP fics on the site, so that's a plus.

this seems like a massive time gap. Terra and Aqua visited during Nightmare Moon, yet Ven visited during season 3? Explain!

4990520 Terra and Aqua didn't visit during season 1. Luna became Nightmare Moon a second time time because of the unversed.

I think it would make more sense if they were in the events before the Mane Six came to be

Did anyone else see that the keyblades were the ones from season 4? :ajbemused:

Favorited. Nice to see a BBS crossover. It flowed nicely, though the battles were, like in my Ponies and Keyblade, very much filler and simple. However, the rest was good, it felt like playing through a My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic world in BBS, with the detauls very well done. Furthermore, D-Link ideas were good, and the fact of making Terra, Ven, and Aqua the three different ponies was great, similar to my Ponies and Keyblades Drive Forms. The area differences felt just like BBS.

Good read.


it felt like playing through a My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic world in BBS

Thanks, that's what I was going for.

You wrote this very much like the game, but it lost the feel of it being a story. like these;
1: the characters do not know they have a health bar.
2:the characters do not recognize that spells have to recharge.
Don't get me wrong, it was a good story. But you wrote it seemingly from the perspective of the player.

Twilight looked back at Aqua and could see that she was really worried. After a moment of hesitation, she then pointed away towards the centre of town. “Uhhmm, it’s just to the south of Ponyville, just past Fluttershy’s cottage.” She then turned back to face her.
Aqua looked at where Twilight had pointed and then nodded back at her. “Thank you.” She said, still with the angry look on her face. She then quickly galloped away, through the middle alleyway. Twilight and Rarity both simply watched her in silence as she left.

nopony told her where to go...How did she know to go that way?

he should of gotten this keyblade

I wish there would be more stories like this. Great job! By the way I'm currently playing the game as Ventus and I will be reading the other chapters when I start playing as the other characters. You know just to get the feel of the story.

Comment posted by Regis-Th3-Lesser deleted Jul 16th, 2015

Hello, Dawn Flower,

I'm, Kye Rosario, sorry for the name. :ajsleepy:

I love how you made the story :rainbowkiss:, you made it exactly how Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep would write it! :pinkiegasp:

Please respond back. :pinkiesad2:

Thank you. I actually wrote the story as if you were playing it.

Is their a chance your going to do another Kingdom Hearts crossover? :duck:

I think this might be the best KH story I've seen on this sight.

Aqua will be under the darkness in KH3

Wing of Loyalty
Increase Strength and Magic expanentaily

Horn of Friendship
Increase strength slightly while increase Magic extremely.

Shade of Kindness

Increase Strength extremely while magic increase slightly.

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