• Published 4th Sep 2014
  • 13,957 Views, 777 Comments

The Freeport Venture - Chengar Qordath

Sunset Shimmer must evade spies and face off against pirates and bounty hunters as tries to establish a new life for herself after leaving Celestia and Canterlot.

  • ...

Epilogue: Three Months Later

As soon as I saw the story in the newspaper, I knew it was only a matter of time before she showed up. A part of me wondered if the trade negotiations were just an excuse to make a royal visit to Freeport. Maybe I just liked the idea that she was mainly here to see me.

I’d put all my hard-earned bits to good use making a home for myself. I had a proper mage’s tower built in one of Freeport’s nicer neighborhoods—on top of a tower just being traditional, it meant I needed to buy less land. I’d picked obsidian for my tower, partly because that was the same material the Council used for its headquarters and I wanted to make a statement, and partly just because it looks cool.

The inside of the tower itself was still a work in progress. With all the time it took to find a good plot of land at a reasonable price and get the materials for the tower itself, I’d only just started on furnishing the whole place. I had enough done to make it livable, but there were still a lot of little touches left to do. I’d barely even gotten started on filling out my library, and it would probably take months to get all the specialized equipment I would need for all my magical workshops. At least I still had bits left over from everything involved in hunting down Metal Mome, plus I’d taken a few smaller jobs to maintain a steady cashflow and keep in practice.

The Council was still working out the terms of my magus status in Freeport. There were a lot of details to argue over, especially since I was being rather stubborn about sticking to at least some of my principles. Taking care of monsters was fine, but I wasn’t going to let them use me to advance their political agenda again. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice...

I was still working on a plan to make Freeport a better place. It wasn’t like I could just march into the Council’s headquarters, throw them out, name myself Princess of Freeport, and then everything would magically fix itself. I was still debating whether or not to ask Puzzle for help with that project. On one hoof, he was very smart and had a lot of experience with Freeport politics. On the other, he seemed pretty happy working for the Council and maintaining the current status quo.

Whether I got his help or not, it would be a huge long-term project. Reforming the entire government would probably take years, maybe decades. For now, I figured my best bet was to just work on securing my position as a magus. That would give me some degree of official authority within the government, including the right to regularly address the Council on magus affairs. It was a starting point for gaining influence and getting my voice heard, at least. Not to mention that dealing with monsters and warlocks would help make Freeport a better place all by itself.

But for the moment, I was mostly busy getting my home taken care of. With how long it would take to get results I wasn’t too worried about delaying for a bit while I sorted out my personal life. Master plans to reshape an entire nation are all well and good, but I also needed to equip my kitchen. Improvising with my fire and ice spells was fine as a temporary measure, but a proper stove and icebox would save me a lot of trouble. So when somepony knocked on my front door, I assumed it was just another round of deliveries.

Instead, I opened the door and found myself face-to-face with Her Royal Highness, Princess Celestia, The Unconquerable Sun, Pony of the Three Tribes, Sovereign Monarch of Ponykind, Protector of the Western March, Coryphaeus of Harmony, and a bunch of other grandiose titles she hates hearing. Celestia smiled as soon as I opened the door, but the company of Solar Guard mustered up behind her looked a lot less welcoming. For a moment I was afraid she had decided that Strumming had overstepped in offering me that deal and she was here to drag me back to Equestria by force. There wasn’t any doubt in my mind that she could make me leave, if she really wanted to.

But instead of blasting me herself or sending in her guardponies to do the dirty work for her, she very politely asked, “May I come in? There are a number of things I think we should discuss.” She concentrated for a moment, and a nicely wrapped package appeared out of thin air. “Also, I brought you a housewarming gift.”

“Er, thanks.” I took the present from her, setting it aside for the moment. My eyes nervously flicked to the small army of guards sitting outside my door. “I don’t exactly have room for all them, though.”

“That’s fine.” Celestia turned back to her guards. “Remain outside and secure the area, I will not need you for a while.” She turned back to me. “I will be perfectly safe so long as I am with Sunset.”

Even after everything we’d been through, hearing that sent a warm little thrill through my heart. Despite everything that had happened, she still trusted me. However, that warmth vanished a second later when I remembered what had happened the one time I’d blindly lashed out at her in the midst of my rage. Celestia had very calmly and efficiently shut my magic down without any particular effort. It certainly put a new light on her remark that she wasn’t in any danger. I doubted she’d meant it that way, though.

I stepped aside, clearing the doorway and inviting her into my home. She strode in, regally surveying the entire place and making me keenly aware of every single speck of dust or misplaced item. I really should’ve cleaned up—I had been all but certain she was going to visit, but I hadn’t thought of doing anything to make the place look nice for her. It seemed a bit ridiculous, but despite everything that had happened a part of me was still very afraid that she wouldn’t approve of my living situation.

Her lips pursed when she spotted the large block of hollowed out ice I was using to keep my food cold. She frowned and tapped a hoof on my mostly empty bookshelves. All I had done as far as my workshop went was a few dozen cheap glass jars containing various potion ingredients, all haphazardly stacked in a single room. When we reached the top levels, she discovered there was quite a bit of dust left over from all the construction work; I hadn’t gotten around to properly cleaning everything up in the areas I wasn’t using yet.

Finally, she presented her conclusion. “This won’t do.” One of her wings flicked out, spreading gently over my back. “Don’t worry, I put a few bits from my discretionary funds aside just in case you needed help.” She conjured up a piece of paper and a quill, jotting down some notes. “Now then, let’s start with giving you some proper kitchen equipment—the last thing you need is to get sick because your food spoiled or wasn’t properly cooked. Your magic is fine as a stopgap solution, but—”

“I already took care of that,” I cut in before she could build up too much momentum yet. “The rest of my kitchen equipment is supposed to be delivered next Tuesday.”

Celestia frowned and met my eyes. She was probably trying to figure out if I was being honest with her or just lying to save face. The idea that she was even considering that offended me. For that matter, the whole inspection did. It’s not like she had any right to come in here and tell me how I could or couldn’t live my life. It was my life, not hers. “I’m fine,” I growled out, anger lacing my words. “I don’t need your help.”

Celestia pulled back, blinking in surprise. I saw pain in her eyes and instantly felt guilty for snapping at her. She sighed, then took a deep breath. “Yes, I suppose you are. I did not mean to question your ability to take care of yourself, I just...” She paused, struggling to find the right words. “I only wanted to help.”

“I know.” Guilt stabbed me in the stomach, but I tried not to let it show. The last thing this visit needed was for both of us to start down a death spiral of hurt feelings and mutual guilt over our mistakes. We both had plenty of things to regret, but that wasn’t why she’d come here. It wasn’t why I’d wanted to see her either.

There was an awkward silence hanging in the air between us for some time before she spoke again. “I do hope you’ve at least made a few friends.”

I thought about pointing out that, unless I’d completely missed my guess, she’d been keeping up with the EIS reports about me. Puzzle would’ve been letting them know that I hadn’t gone off the deep end, and Strumming was probably still keeping tabs on me too. I suppose I considered Puzzle a friend, or at least a business associate I got along pretty well with. Though the fact that he’d dated Strumming did indicate that his taste in mares was abysmal. While he hadn’t spilled any details about how the date had gone, he seemed disgustingly pleased with the results. Sure, Strumming was a bit more tolerable when she wasn’t trying to lock me up, but I wasn’t going to join her fan club anytime soon.

Thankfully, Kukri was a lot less complicated. “Yeah, I made a few friends.”

That made her smile. “Good. That’s good.” She walked over to the obsidian wall and slowly ran one hoof down it. “It looks like you will have a lovely home once it’s finished. Though to be quite honest, I’ve never liked black. It makes me look too pale. I do hope you’ll at least do something to brighten up the room a little.” A faint smile quirked at her lips. “You need a little light and color in your life.”

I don’t think she was just talking about the room. I’m sure somebody with too much time on their hooves would make a big deal out of the symbolism of me moving from my white marble tower in Canterlot to a black one in Freeport. Celestia was probably thinking about how my life had taken a much darker turn than she’d planned. I was supposed to be back in Canterlot with her, earning the right to rule by her side. Instead I’d used dark magic. Twice. I’d killed. And I’d nearly done a lot worse.

I thought I’d dealt with all of that, but now that I was standing in front of Celestia once more, all the old shame came back. Celestia was supposed to be the paragon of everything that was good and pure and righteous in the world, and I’d pretty much gone against all of those things. It felt like I didn’t deserve to be in the same room as her, let alone everything she wanted to do to help me. The Council wanted me to help hunt down dangerous warlocks, but how could I do that when I was a warlock too?

I looked up at her, trying to find some way to put all the things I was worrying about into words. Part of me just wanted to spill everything out, and maybe even beg her to take me back to Equestria with her. Despite all the trouble I’d gone through to get away from the EIS, a part of me missed my home. I would probably always miss it, even though I knew it was for the best that I’d moved on. I might be making a new place for myself in Freeport, but for most of my life, Canterlot had been home.

No, maybe it was better to say that home was wherever Celestia was. That’s why leaving her had hurt so much.

I couldn’t go back to Equestria anymore, not unless something big changed. But that didn’t mean I had to leave everything behind, and it certainly didn’t mean that the most important parts of home couldn’t have a place in my heart.

I licked my lips and hesitantly stepped towards her. “I’ve got the bits to pay for it all, but ... I wouldn’t mind a little bit of advice about how to decorate it all. If you’ve got time.”

She turned to face me with a gentle, understanding smile. “Yes, I think I’d like that.”

I leaned against her, resting my head on her massive shoulder. “Thanks, Mom.”

She sighed, but the smile never left her lips. “You know, I really should remind you that I’m not your mother.” One of her wings slowly curled around me. “But let’s not spoil our day by bringing up old arguments.”

“Plus you secretly like it when I call you mom,” I gently teased.

“I admit nothing.” She held me a bit closer despite that. “I’m just glad to know you’re alright. I know things have been difficult for you lately. I have had my own share of tribulations. We both made mistakes, and things very nearly went terribly wrong because of that.”

“Yeah.” I shifted to the side a bit so I could hug her properly. “But I think I’m gonna be okay.”

“Yes. I think you will.”

I spent the rest of the day shopping with Mom.

Author's Note:

And that wraps up Freeport Venture, but it's far from the end for Sunset's adventures. I've already got another one-shot about her time in Freeport in-progress, and I have plans for a sequel.

To drop a few hints for sequel ... expect dragons and snow.

As always, thanks to my awesome editing and pre-reading crew for fixing all the mistakes in the rough draft.

Comments ( 104 )

Will be more Strumming? Because I love to hate that bitch :pinkiehappy:

Good ending.

That was amazing :pinkiesmile: I'm sure glad that you are not going with canon, yet. :twilightsmile: I like her doing well in Freeport and I hope she remains there until she meets her goal :twilightblush: Also I hope she doesn't go through the mirror I think it would be interesting see if Twilight every meets her as a pony :twilightblush: I also like how she reconciled with Celestia so I don't think the escape to the human Equestria will be needed but I don't see the AU title so I fear eventually she will be there :fluttershysad: Still it was a great story and I look forward to your next ones :twilightsmile:

For some reason it ended a bit too quickly for me - maybe I just expected too much already.
But I have to admit, this was a pretty nice wrap up of the story. At least Sunset and Celestia aren't on bad or strange terms anymore.
Definitely can't wait to see more! :pinkiehappy:

I love this story! I can't wait for the next story you make!

Dragons and snow...is winter coming?

Wonderful ending! Eagerly awaiting the next instalment!

It's over? What are you kidding me?! :pinkiegasp:
... ...
Oh, there'll be a sequel. Well... ok then. :trixieshiftright:

And what about Sunset's biological mother, the archmagus? Did she give up? And what about the runecaster?

Whoa. Epilogue outta nowhere! I thought the last chapter had an ending vibe to it but this still came as a small surprise.
Anyway, I loved this. Any interactions between Sunset and Celestia are bound to bring the feels and dawws, and this promptly delivered. I'm excited to see where you take Sunset and how she diverges further from the mare (who went) in the mirror. Sorry, just couldn't resist that song reference. :trollestia:


I love this story and how you do Sunset's personality, so I was a little shocked and upset when I saw the word epilogue in this chapter. So if those other stories do come to fruition you can count on me being all too happy to read them! If they end up in writer's hell though, I'll still count myself lucky that YOU actually wrote a Sunset Shimmer adventure story. One that wasn't romantic either, which there are a million of on this site. Don't get me wrong, I myself enjoy a ton of those shipping stories, but there just aren't enough Sunset adventures by themselves.

I got off on a tangent there... anyway! Thanks for the great story. That's all I was attempting to say! :twilightsheepish:

Woah, can't say I expected the epilogue this soon. I suppose it makes sense, especially if Sunset's story is going to continue on as a series, should prevent it from becoming another giant story of doom (in terms of word count) like the main Winningverse story was by the end. Not that giant stories of doom are bad, they're just harder to get into if you aren't following along from the start.

Nice reunion between Sunset and Celestia. It wasn't completely non-awkward (my god that phrasing), but it's a good start at reestablishing their relationship.

Based on how this ended, I guess EQG is off the table at this point. I'm a little disappointed since I've always been a fan of how the 'verse as a whole played true to canon (plus I want Twilight to be straight in the 'verse, or at least bi, and incorporating EQG would require addressing that), but if the alternative is fun adventure stories with Sunset then that's a pretty acceptable tradeoff.

Lovely ending. The way you handled Sunset's character was well done; with those who already have defined personalities in the show, you matched hers superbly. Strumming is hilarious, Puzzle is brilliant, and Kukri is absolutely adorable. Honestly, I liked the story a wee bit more than Winning Pony. Can't wait to see what else you have in store for Sunbutt Jr.

Dragons? Snow? I'm calling it, Sunset's going to the frozen north to uncover the secrets of the fabled Crystal Empire. *bets placed*

Still wondering if her birth parents will try anything more to capture her? That plot thread kinda poofed out after she started working for the council.

A good epilogue but I too wonder about Sunsets parents. The mention of snow though does remind me that the Caribou are from the north and they owe Sunsets parents a favor.

That surpised me, I wasn't expecting an epilogue this early, although it does work, especially with Celestia being in it.

I literally slapped myself when I saw epilogue in the title.

Anyway GJ. WANT Sequel!

Dragons and snow? Perhaps a jaunt to Tarandroland eh? Coulds be messy.

5848602 You know nothing Sunset Shimmer!

5849868 True, yes. But does it have any connection with a possible plot? And no, when I mention Caribou and Plot I don't mean that!

Comment posted by Combine deleted Apr 11th, 2015

I'm sad to see it end, but it was a good ending to a good story. And I'm very pleased to hear about the sequels in the works. :)


I get the idea that they can't really do anything at this point, since Sunset's essentially a foreign dignitary at this point with a relatively high ranking government position. Maybe in the sequel she and her mom meet up during an expedition to study caribou magic, her mother's profession, in the sequel that includes snow . Maybe it was just sloppy writing and Chengar just didn't think that plot line all the way through.

Eh I think the first one's correct; between EIS and the Council, hiring bounty hunters to snatch her would prove futile. But now that Sunset has potential warlock marks against her, one or both her parents might feel compelled to deal with her personally, if only to avoid the scandal of having the daughter of high ranking mages going warlock, in addition to already rejecting Celestia.

well.... that was anticlimactic. And the ending seems rushed. Still better than most Sunset stories, but it could be more, IMHO.

A round of applause for a nice finish to a fantastic story! I eagerly await the next installment in this series!

Overall it is a good story, at least the parts of it I read were well done.

I don't know though. I was hoping by the end Sunset would have changed a little... differently? I was hoping that, by the end, she would have either been mad at (or separated from) sunbutt long enough to not consider/call her mom anymore, or have grown up enough to realize that the princess doesn't like being called that and would stop doing it on her own accord. Maybe having her stop would spark some interesting feeling in celestia.

I don't know, I just feel when someone leaves their home/parents, he/she changes. Even if they still love their parents, their world becomes bigger. But Shimmer declared for her that home was 'where celestia was.' I mean, that feels a bit over the top even for a mom/mentor figure. -shouldn't this change for a significant other?

Oh well, I'll look for these changes in the sequel. Hopefully she'll lose the obsession with celestia she's had since the prequel. But that is the authors decision to make, I think the sequel will be worth a read either way.


I myself enjoy a ton of those shipping stories, but there just aren't enough Sunset adventures by themselves.

No I mean, for serious?
I need to get off my ass sitting on my wip story, then.

When you grow up, with adult eyes you recognize your mother as the imperfect mortal woman that she is. The relationship changes from parent to loved one. Sure she's still your mother, but she's no longer your Mother.

This doesn't apply to Celestia. No matter how adult you become, she would always remain shining and immaculate. The Ur-mother.


For realzies dude. I love all kinds of Sunset Shimmer stuff, so if you can add to it then I'll be a very happy bro. There are only a couple of really good Sunset adventure fics I can think of that don't involve her being romantically involved. Again, not that there's anything wrong with it, it's just a breath of fresh air to have Sunset only focused on her goals.

I have to disagree, what you said still applies to Celestia. Compare how Twilight views her next to how sunset views her in this story. What you said should doubly apply since Celestia doesn't want to be called mother. (Sunset doesn't get rejection?)

Do NOT mistake my comments as an attack on the story, it is a good story, I am just hoping Shimmer will become driven enough to be more than just what her mentor approves of in the sequel. I think she would have a better chance of 'ascending' to an alicorn if she had pure motives, rather than to satisfy the desire to be Celestia's daughter or be closer to the princess. (can be considered a selfish motive.) She seems more determined to reform freeport because she has something to prove, rather than do it because it is a noble cause.

Twilight is now an alicorn herself, so ofc she's now closer to Celestia's level.

Celestia is "Mom" to all the ponies. She doesn't want her 2 students to fixate on her, but it's impossible to avoid. Plus it's a half-hearted attempt anyways; Celestia does love her students. She's the Mentor, Goddess, and Father rolled into one on the Hero's Journey. Even Twilight, who has a stable family of her own, always looked to Celestia as a continuing Mother role.

Canonically, Twi is starting to grow out of it. Watching S05E01-02, it's pretty clear that she has completed her Hero's Journey. Shimmy is still travelling hers.

I'm wondering if any of the future stories in this setting will involve a full on warlock, preferably one with a fitting amount of grey area in their motives and methods. After all, the moral depth tied to magic was the best part of this story.

Comment posted by Moonlit Novel deleted May 11th, 2015

OK I decided out of the blue to just read this story, and let me just say I am pleasantly surprised at how well it is written. Congrats! like and fav

A great story! Honestly, I stopped reading just before the last chapter of the battle with Metal Mome came out, because I felt like between finding him, battling him, running from him etc. it dragged on too much for me. The day before yesterday I noticed that this story was complete and had a one shot sequel and I decided to give this fic another shot. I'm so glad I did. The ending to the MM battle was satisfying, and the other parts of the story, which were good when I left, only got better as the fic progressed! Puzzle Piece is awesome, Kuriki (sorry if that's misspelt badly, her name isn't in the last chapter so I have no reference on this page) is a cute little spitfire, and Sunset Shimmer learned a lot and is badass. Well done! You get an A for Awesome.:raritywink:

I'm glad I finally read this. I love the idea of Sunset not immediately jumping from Canterlot to the human dimension. It also makes the timeline neater, which is always nice. You capture Sunset well, poised on the knife's edge between cackling villainy and shining virtue, with plenty of self-assured arrogance that's going to stick around until it gets rainbowed out of her. Now for the sequel.

While vaguely consistent with the story thus far, this seems like a flop of an ending. It just doesn't have that much to it and feels a bit contrived/expository. I can't imagine Celestia showing up unannounced in this context much less with openly and with a guard contingent and for such an apparently trivial reason. I realize that she was technically there for something else, but that in and of itself feels out of place here A one liner really doesn't do enough to set up the situation and a little bit of detail about what's going on Celestia's end wouldn't hurt. I guess maybe you're trying to avoid telling us anything about Ceelstia, but we're not Sunset, we're the readers.

P.S. too short. :(

It's worth noting that Sunset never really interacted much with her biological parents compared to Sunset, especially not post being accepted as a student. Compared to Twilight, Celestia is Sunset's defacto mother. Celestia was Twilight's beloved teacher (in some sense) and perhaps like a second mother or aunt, but she was Sunset's surrogate mother in all but literal fact.

A great trilogy so far. I really hope we get to see more of Freeport Shimmer-mare. I believe you just nailed her character perfectly for the time period you've written about.

Finally finished this story.

Alright, finally done. I read an entire story just to prepare me for this one.

I have to say it really didn't turn out all that well.

I liked how Sunset's own internal back and forth banter evolved as she grew as a character. That was one of the exceptionally good parts. And it wasn't one of the cliched little bits where she addressed one character flaw in order to be better either. She stilll has that headstrong streak of hers that makes me like this Sunset more than the movie Sunset.

Kukri and Puzzle were pretty good supporting characters as well. I kinda smiled at Puzzle because he follows one of the Evil Overlord commands: hire merc that follow the code of money, not the thrill of the job.

But jesus christ Strumming was intolerable. I hated reading every little bit about her and ending up skipping entire paragraphs where she'd speak just so I didn't have to listen to her pout and prattle. She's done nothing but antagonize Sunset which put her mission in danger far more than it helped her mission. From a meta standpoint, there was nothing pleasant to read about her because I always knew whatever she would do, it would be the exact opposite of what Sunset wanted to do. It was predictable and excruciatingly annoying to her her in any scene, and this is coming form someone who's read up everything on the Wheel of Time's Aes Sedai. She was a huge detriment to the story.

The ending didn't do any favors either. It felt very limp and like there was part of a missing scene. In fact, a lot of Celestia's involvement wasn't that well executed. The dream did have several promising points, but in the context of Sunset's relationship with Celestia, it seemed to be going around in circles. no plot point, emotion, milestone, or relationship issue was really addressed in the last chapter. They just meet. Nothing else happened. The argument could be made to affirm Sunset will walk her own path, but that's been done in the story several times, done better, and been addressed in the prequel. Thus why there feels to be a missing scene somewhere where the two of them actually sit down and talk.

I also have to say I'm not all that impressed with the state of Freeport. The city doesn't breathe as a corrupt hellhole the likes of Sanctuary or Roanapur. Or any at all. People keep saying it's a dangerous place filled with scum and villainy, but it's been talk. no scenery porn, no addressing the people, no extensive reading on the city or anything. It feels like the framework is there, sure, but missing the follow through.

I don't hate it, but I am finished and feel disappointed.

It's not about need, Caroline. I want food that don't make me sick. I want walls that hold back the wind. I want a decent life..."

"I can see me now Caroline... Me, a man of Quality..."

-Edward Kenway

And with this in their minds and hearts, people of many places came and made Freeport, a free land for free people. The the Strikers and Doo made the keeps, to live as they saw fit and not be made to bow to a Crown. Its was never about wealth or power, those things were means to an end, not ends unto themselves. It was about being able to not worry of hunger or your life being pulled away, to persue desires, goals, aspirations, tradition, and duty as they saw fit, and allowing others to do the same, and so long as one pursuit forbade another or caused overt harm, you could speak and go and work and leisure as you so choose. It was a place where maybe a person could begin again, where you suceeded or failed on your own. A glorious first to a Republic, a land where the Laws were short, the tax fair, and a persons past was left at the port.

You touch many times chengar of corruption and apathy, but these are mere symptoms. The great lady Freeport is sick, anyone can see that. But who tends to her, who truly cares for the old girl? Perhaps Sunset, who felt herself remiffed to not build another edifice to ego and further eyes in the form of her tower? No, she only sees it as a means of pursuing her life at cost of Freeport and making the place a cold and ordered thing. Perhaps the Counsel in their spiffy robes and pompous titles and deep pockets? No no, ignore the five year old filly under the table. she just earning her keep, now about those new gold shipments... No? Perhaps the condottieri... Strikers and Doo are mercenaries and their always there for Freeport, ready to help out even if the bits are not coming... According to the beaten drunks and consorts dragged screaming for help as the yanked down a dark alley way, certainly not. Certainly the merchant houses care for it! She's been a good mare to them, bringing in new trade and fresh workers, letting them be as nature intended, free of chain and collar to earn their fortunes! Not them either? Why lookie, many of them are invested with the prates and slavers, people who are more then gleeful to deny others there natural state if it put a pint of ale in on hoof and a pretty young thing under the other. What did it, what caused her stumble and crawl across the filth as she has for decades, where did it go wrong?

When people cared more for power and wealth then just having Quality of self. When easy union breaking contracts and bribes of new armor and supplies has the Strikers and Doos stop being soldies and warriors and became mercenaries. When power and wealth are the ends, not means to an end, it becomes simply easier to let them knock down a slum, or ignore the screams of the consort in the alley, to pretend you didn't see the dead look of the filly under the table, and hope the dead glaze of their hopelessness doesn't follow your dreams too long. When the whores, the clans, the privateers and workers saw the easy way to fuck you money...

But... still... In Canterlot, Kickers exist because their are granted the right to by order of the Crown... In Freeport, A Doo and Striker exist because they simply had the right as people with free will to live as they wanted... Thoughts?

Holy cow, i finished already? Kudos for this story dude, i lost track of time reading it.

The only thing that bothered me, is that internal monologues were a teeeeeny tiny bit too long and i found myself skimming over some of them.

Well! This was interesting, for sure. I'm definitely looking forward to seeing the rest of the Freeport series, and can't wait to see some of that sequel! For now, I guess I just gotta make do with the side stories. Plus, I still got a lot of other things to read. And I mean a lot. I'm probably gonna feel good about seeing Sunset Shimmer take down Starlight Glimmer, though! That's for sure! I have to wonder if and when we might get word of Celestia taking in Twilight as another student. After all, the inevitable Sonic Rainboom is going to wreak havoc all over the place, maybe even in Freeport. That's all an if, though...I understand that this is an Alternate Universe...though Nightmare Moon should be returning within a decade or two. Maybe there'll be a different roster for the Elements of Harmony, even entirely different Elements? I mean, the artifacts adapt to the vessels, not the other way around, right? Definitely would make sense if Laughter could be replaced by something like Tolerance, Equality, or even just flat out Happiness instead of how huge Pinkie makes it. Or in another example, Loyalty being replaced by something like Duty, Integrity, or Honor. It's still gotta create some harmony when meshed together, though, and probably wouldn't accept something like Wealth or Etiquette. Yea, I'm going to beat you by using the correct spoon for soup, and not the coffee spoon by my ignorance.

Not to give too much away, but the AU tag is mainly just there because I don't plan on having Sunset run through the mirror to become a generic high school bully.

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