Freddy Fazbear's Pizza was a pizzeria that had been running for a few years now. It was a place of joy for everypony, especially the kids. They get to have pizza, drinks, and the animatronic characters play music for them. Midnight Sight had just gotten a job working the night shift.
At first glance, it seems like an easy one hundred and twenty bits a week. But Midnight soon realizes that his job isn't to keep ponies out. It's to keep things in. Now Midnight is on a quest to figure out what exactly happened here, and attempt to uncover the mystery that is Freddy's.
Very special thanks to Snoman for editing!
Cover art is temporary. Until I can get a better idea of what to use, I'm sticking with this.
Reading this was surprisingly scary but knowing what five night at Freddie is I can picture all the scenes which adds a level of fear
More please
Wow, scary but I betcha you can make it better as! Nice work.
Five nights at Freddie's is FUCKING TERRIFYING. The fact that you can merely watch as the characters come after (especially Pirate Cove) you n can't do shit about it. N I'm rambling. I'll stop here.
Thanks, I'll be sure to work on it as soon as I release the next chapter of my other story.
Wow...what a way to start a story. I've seen all the youtube videos for this game and it does indeed terrify the pants off me (and yet I still love this type of genre why?) Anyways congratulations for making a creepy start to what I know is going to be a great story (no pressure there lol).
Keep up the good work and I look forwards to reading more when you next update this.
Have a like, a favourite and a cupcake...
Ah fack, that cover image gives me the willies, even though it's just two circles on a background with writing above them
>> Zealous Shift Concur'd.
I really like this story and the night guards reaction to everything, and I hope you continue to wright this story as great as you are now
you know it would be interesting if he got some answers from the animatronic themselves ... we know they have the ability to speak ( being programed to sing ) so they could answer in a way if they used said programing ... also does anyone else want to see golden freddy
He probably could... but if you were in his shoes (or hooves I should say) would you want to go up to the same thing that has been tormenting you for two nights now and ask it questions?
5002707 no ... but he looking for the truth ... why not ask the things that are both the source and the tormented ... also please use the golden freddy bit ... from what i found it wont kill you if you open the tablet back up
More insanely! Frig yeah!
I can see your point, but, he is just too scared to get near those things. And don't worry, Golden Freddy will make an appearance.
Either you really have a love for horror titles, especially ones that get horror right (though this one can't live up to repetition sadly), or you have some strange desire to find some reason to fling your pants across the room and then have to retrieve them.
You aught to capitalize that so people don't think you are talking about the time and not the pony.
Thanks for that.
5003231 Also is there going to be an actual confrontation with Celestia and not just the character forgetting to do that?
No, he will talk to Celestia.
5003241 Yay!!! Confrontation about the creepy shit that happens at Freddie's. I think this might be first fic in existence that did something like this regarding the restaurant.
Idea! What if on the last night the get to him, but don't let anything bad happen to him cause I don't read tragedies. Like what if they don't put him in a suit they do like......... something else.......... cause hes......... like the special thing or something......... I dunno it's five in the morning.

I would say something to that... if it didn't spoil so much.
Very great story! There where a few grammatical and spelling errors, but if you ever need or want an editor, let me know.
I would very much appreciate that. So, uh, how does this work? I never had an editor before.
This is the most broken chapter I have read of this story so far. Not cause of the story or writing but cause of the errors. Mostly during the talk with celestia; some wastes were replaced with waist and Freddy is going to stuff Midnight into a custom.
There were a few minor slip-ups every now an again but I have definitely seen worse.
Anyway keep up the good work can't wait to see what this boils into. 
you sexy awesome man you!
you sir are amazing (thanks for the shoutout)
Um, I'm sorry, but I don't know exactly what you are saying. Are you saying the pacing was bad, I mad some grammatical errors, or something else? Again, sorry.
You are welcome fine sir/madam.
You use "waist" for "waste"
Thanks for that.
5030422 I was talking about grammatical errors but I looked back and saw they were fixed so good job. Must have read it before an edit or something.
Oh wow what a sissy.
i am litterally haunted by these fucking robots i look in corner of my eye i see freddys got damn eyes flashing and playing that god damn muse box song im goin crazy
5030422 I think he was just talking about how some words were spelled wrong, like when Midnight was talking to Celestia he said they only saw him as a skeleton without a custom on, Instead of Costume. I didn't see anything besides that when I was reading it though.
Yeah, I looked it over (and with some additional help) I was able to find them, but missed the costume part. Thanks for that. Hopefully, nothing like that will happen again as I'm getting an editor.
5052449 So far I really like this story so keep up the good work
Will do good sir/madam.
5052494 Good sir is fine
What if Midnight brought Celestia to the pizzeria on night four and five? That would be cool
My heart
You mean your hearts?
Yes, my hearts.... Were pounding. I've played the game, and I applaud your accuracy. I cannot wait to see what happens in the later nights!
I sure can.. it's scaring me.
Oh don't be such a sissy Stacy. It isn't that scary.
Well that' sphere you're wrong Jeff. May not be scary for you, but it is for me.
Pardon the voices!! They are part of me, and I let them speak occasionally.. Sorry.
Oops, typo. I meant "that's where you're wrong". Forgive me.
I noticed you put hands instead of hooves. I can see they would be useful to flip people off lol but he's a pony, not a human. Sorry.
5052494 Note: Bonnie's gender is male as well as foxy and Freddy Chica only female
Well, your half right, he is a pony, just an anthromorphic pony.
Well, its model in FNAF 2 just screams out female.
But Scott called it a guy, so I honestly don't know if your right or not. No offense. But as far as my story goes, Bonnie will still be female.
5092379 With that bonnie thing, I'm guessing she would be a female, since her name is Bonnie (hope I spelled the name right.), but that's just my opinion.
That's what I think as well, but we may never know her/his true gender.
5094038 I would quit and report it to the press.
5094038 It's a anthropomorphic robot aimed at children so you know It won't... you know
... and on wikipedia I couldn't find any other way to tell gender like how with cats males can only have at max 2 colors were females can have more so yeah... THE WORLD MAY NEVER KNOW!!!
That feeling when you stare Freddy down hoping for 6 AM to come before he finishes
his song.
Ding Dong Dong Ding
You have unlocked night 6