• Member Since 18th Dec, 2013
  • offline last seen Yesterday


Just a fan who likes to share his ideas through stories that people seem to like.


I've known this man for years, listening to his fantastical tales of wonder and love. I was the first to believe that they were true. And it all started with a simple question: "Have you ever made a promise to someone, a promise so special that no matter what, you had to fulfill it?" As I sit here for his final moments, I look back on all that he told me, all of it for a promise kept, yet never was it forgotten.

Created for GeodesicDragon, for all of his great works.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 16 )

That my friend is beautifully written and is so saddening at times and yet so... All I can say is good job to you I haven't cried in a long time but you good sir have stolen the tears from my eyes. :applecry:

I read this after watching the debut of Peter Capaldi as The Doctor. What a way to end a day... with feels abound. :pinkiesad2:

Oh my Celestia DJ! This story made me cry!(And the good Fic's only do that) The feels! :applecry:

The feels! :fluttercry:
Geo's stories were some of the first I read on this site and, while I am terribly ashamed to admit it, his works have moved to the back of my mind over time :ajsleepy:. Thank you, thank you kind sir of reminding me of such a brilliant writer and the fond memories his stories hold for me!:pinkiehappy:

Comment posted by kotor511 deleted Oct 28th, 2014


This... Just this no other words, just raise your glasses.:applecry::fluttercry::raritydespair::pinkiesad2::ajsleepy:

Geo is a fantastic writer, but this also remebered me of a hard lesson I've learned in my life: You need to listen to a persons story while he/she still can tell it. Thanks for everything that this stpry gace me, thank you! :pinkiesad2:


Geo is a fantastic writer

Oh, stop it... :twilightblush:

You are! I :heart: you and you're writing! :raritywink:

Re-reading it and I was thought "I know I'll listen to Jeannie's afraid of the dark while reading" It doesn't fit the story but still DON'T [and the song is depressing on it's own anyway as well as the story on it's own]

5197495 agree! Geo is AWESOME,considering his scottish nationality (which is epic) and me being english!

In case you need a quote for the description:

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