• Published 11th Oct 2014
  • 553 Views, 16 Comments

Blank Canvas - Canvas Stories

Blank Canvas is a unicorn with an extraordinary gift for magic and slowly leans day by day how to control this power.

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Blank Canvas


Once upon a time in a land named πρώτη γης, there lived a group of ponies. These ponies roamed freely across the land, without rhyme nor reason as to where they were going. This land had no lasting settlements of sentient creatures, as they had yet to develop any method of communication.

Fifty-thousand years before Equestria was even settled, these ponies roamed the land without any concept of their existence, until one day, when it all changed. The ponies awoke to find that some had grown horns, and others grew wings, while the rest had developed an impressive muscular build. After a while, some went missing, disappearing overnight. Only to be seen again some time later, by the tribe that they had abandoned.

Those who were ‘missing’ from many different tribes of ponies awoke to find themselves far, far away from where they had laid their heads the night before, to find themselves with both a horn and wings. They were also taller, with a more slender build to their bodies. This intrigued some, but scared others.

Before panic could set in, a bright light enveloped the area, momentarily blinding the crowd. When their vision came back, they were met by the presence of a giant of a pony that emanated light from his very being. This made the ponies panic more, to the point of getting to their hooves, intent on running. But once they stood up, they froze as knowledge flooded through their minds. They now knew what they were, how to control their powers, and how to speak in a common language. The being then greeted the ponies, and introduced himself as “το ον”.

He had told the ponies that he had chosen them, as the distinct in their tribes, to do a task that he could no longer perform. To watch over the land as the celestial avatars of all elements of nature. He gave them all names pertaining to what they each represent, and a new name for their race, Alicorns.

ήλιος (Sun), Σελήνη (Moon), γη (Earth), ουρανός (Sky), αγαθός (Good), κακός (Evil), ζων (Live), θανατικός (Death), σύμπνοια (Harmony), and διαφωνία (Discord). Each created to counter their opposite, they were given eternal life until they relinquish their duties.

After he gave them their duties, he said his farewells, and disappeared forever. After he disappeared, the various alicorns found that their hair and coat had changed to represent what they were tasked to control. They were stunned by the events that just followed, but quickly found themselves drawn to their opposites, and later became more closely connected to each other. Harmony and Discord were the only two that didn’t feel the same bond thus forth, relinquished their duties and found that they became different beings. Harmony became a crystal tree that stood strong and embraced the land, while Discord became a creature now known as a Draconequus.Earth and Sky, as being together meant being apart. Earth agreed to be the cushion, should Sky need a safe landing.While Sky made sure to take care of Earth, in case illness took root.

The others created heirs that inherited their duties, Sun and Moon had two daughters, Good and Evil had two sons. While Live and Death’s offspring were lost throughout time.

Written by: Canvas Stories

Edited by: Potato Pride