• Member Since 6th Sep, 2012
  • offline last seen 10 hours ago

The 24th Pegasus

Author of the Commander Hurricane series (A Song of Storms), co-founder of the Price of Loyalty universe, and overall world building fanatic. Join my discord!


Family is everything. Right?

One rainy night in Low Town Canterlot, Final Hour tries to find his runaway brother and bring him home.

The only problem is, his brother doesn't want to be found.

And even Hour himself hopes that he won't find him.

Cover Art by Ruirik. Editing by LoyalLiar, Dusk Watch, and Ruirik.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 8 )

Huh, neat.


Feels like it could be standalone, though the "price of loyalty" comment does make me wonder if it's a part of the 'verse.

That was a beautifully written short story. Thanks for writing it, 24. :twilightsmile:

This seems based on a true story. Not one I've heard of, but it seems totally possible in real life.
Anyway, I liked it.

Poor stallion. Parents got the name a little too close to right it seems. Nice to be doomed from the start. I take it he killed his brother. Alas, that sort of punishment is really more like vengeance or revenge than justice.

"...Nothing’s worse than losing a sibling.”

I could think of a few things.

Finally got some free time to get around to read some of these stories, and I thoroughly enjoyed this one, poor Cherry. :applecry:

the price of loyalty


Almost three years late and this has been on my favourites shelf for a while. Decided to reread it on a whim today and realized that I never upvoted it. This was delicious. As a small note, I hope you don't take any offence, but it did give me a somewhat related (thematically) plot bunny that I'm going to let run away and see where it goes (if you have a problem with this just say so).

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