Blackjack, an incompetent security mare from the dystopian Stable 99, suddenly has her monotonous life turned upside down when the stable is invaded by vicious raiders. Blackjack flees the stable with EC-1101, with the wasteland in hot pursuit.
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Amadi needs to die. HARD.
I'm actually tearing up a little. Damn.
Whooooa... oh man... Glory... jeez man... this was one fight... goddamn.
Again, like I've always said, I have no words to describe my feelings for this man.
Home stretch it seems like... whew, so long ago I started reading this, and here we are now...
Nicely done Somber, and the team.,
Glory gave the burned mare a shooty look, and I wondered if this was going to be it:
I turned and stepped into the hallway and told Cerynitis over my shoulder to show
A ring of talismans gleamed around each of the pads.
They need to be ready to pull back quickly as they can.
His face reformed enough to make a leer.
I knew it was coming, I saw my eyes wander over the future once, and I knew it was coming. And it still hit, hard. I've got tears in my eyes definitely. Just waiting for them to drop.. Tomorrow never came for Glory. The angel of death, of sacrifice. I had a normal hatred for all the big bad guys, but the Legate/Adami he just took the cake. Took it and gets my seething contempt. Okay, now I can finally look up media to explain what the fucking hell happened exactly. I think I just learned the lesson of clinging to a character so much. Like how GoT fans feel. And just when Blackjack, P-21, and Glory can make up. Here it is, death of a main supporting character. Of our so to speak Mane # of the whole group. Blackjack's old body has two babies?! Two?! No wonder now how Homelands could be born as a sequel. Rest in peace Glory, however your final resting place is.. if it was bleeding out in the control room, or the entire space center being annihilated in balefire glow. Rest in well deserved peace from suffering .
Seriously what the hell just happened. I have an overwhelming urge to read on to next chapter how this will be summarized and discussed but holy shit, this calls for a rewind.
7406280 Yeah, the end of this chapter is really something. One of the emotional peaks of the arc.
FYI, "not a one [of them]" is an idiomatic phrase.
Something tells me that Blackjack would not get along with Kiritsugu Emiya.
What is keeping him alive? is it a talisman like Rampage's?
See ya tomorrow, Glory.
Welp... my heart just cracked and broken into splinters... Fuck...
Holy fuck. Not tiptoeing around that feeling. Holy. Fuck. I've been physically shaking while reading this chapter, feeling like I was going to collapse with a heart attack at any damned point. I knew this was going to happen because a friend told me after me pestering him forever, but even still, the way it happened and after actually getting to know her over the course of a million and a half words... it hurts. That was my biggest wonder. How was it going to happen? The way you pulled that off, Somber, was epic. Now that I'm through to this point though... I need to let my pulse slow down a bit. Holy shit, man.
I'm seriously crying.
I don't mean to sound like a dick, but after everything that has happened I honestly hope that Glory is dead. She kind of deserves it after all the bullshit they have gone through. Eventually someone has to die and I am cool with that being Glory. I would have been cool with Scotch or P-21, but Somber chose Glory at this point if she is in fact dead and that is just the way it goes with fiction.
7402184 I hope he died from thermal shock, he doesn't deserve a death by balefire.
Should have completed her loyalty mission...
Rape the world
and fuck it dead
To Cease the whispers
in your head.
They tear away
At hearts's flesh
And rend it deep
With wounds so fresh
This chapter...words cannot do it justice. You will just have to ask the stars for my opinion, because I just do not have the words.
I...I can't believe Glory died.
Out of every possible character, P-21, Scotch, even Rampage, the last character I expected to die was the best of them all.
I knew Glory would sacrifice everything...but I did not imagine it like this.
This chapter packed it all.
Mourning and loss.
Joy and elation.
Glory should get a special Elegy just for her.
Fuck Velvet Remedy
This song needs to be sung by Queen Faust herself.(as in God Faust)
Such profound anguish Blackjack must be feeling right now.
She never even got to patch things up.
But I'm getting the feeling that they never broke up.
No, Glory's feelings ascended, and she did this to protect and save Blackjack.
I'm officially calling her #BestFalloutPony
Blackjack may be awesome, and LittlePip is okay in comparison, but nothing can beat Morning Glory.
Bravo Somber, you have successfully made me somber.
"Ante Up"
"You try, because You know that, no matter what, you will never make up for all the mistakes, but you try to be better anyway"
"Broaden your horizons"
..."Tomorrow" Morning will come tommorw.
Anyone else have may quotes for her epitaph?
Please, somepony make an offering of quotes.
Boo's stats:
S: 1
P: 1
E: 1
C: 1
I: 1
A: 1
L : 10,000
What the fuck, you decide to kill Glory. Motherfucking Glory, and they just broke up! Fuck Steelhooves and his death, this is much more painful to watch.
Wow. I was not expecting that. :O Moved and somewhat shellshocked, though at least "She's too boring to go out like that" in the A/N gives me some solace.
Commenting on the rest of the chapter hardly seems important now. It wasn't until this chapter that I discovered they're called the Brood and not the Brute. The hazards of narration by Germans. :B
What kind of a gun is sexy? I mean, IF-88 Ironpony, yes, but what is it? Shotgun? I sense some kind of shotgun.
The Starkatari witch fight was lots of fun, mostly because Scotch got to smack a filly again. :D (My headcanon is she only hits fillies she likes.) Finding out there were only five of them left was a surprise.
The whole exchange around "Say my name!" was amazing. XD P-21 is right, the Legate talks too much, but he's a great villain (to think, I thought he was an okay guy after their first fight!) and made this entire exchange enjoyable, even if it went on for rather a while.
Oh yeah, and Blackjack's dreams are turning into a major pain in my rear. D: I mean, she was right about the one where she had twins; that helped lessen the shock. But she dreamed about Boo being her sister, and I'm pretty sure she just called BJ "momma". Like, there's zero weight given to that, Blackjack doesn't even bat an eye let alone unpack it, but it feels like a major thing to me? Did I miss this happening before? :B
A sexy one, obviously. :V
12-gauge, full-auto shotgun. Can be fed with magazine, drum, or belt.
That's a workable headcanon, mostly. But she only tried to hit Pythia. :p
I think I need to cop to there being some places in the story where I felt a bit dragged out of things by them reminding me too much of Dr. Who. That was, I believe, one of them, though IIRC it wasn't the result of pulling from it so much as convergent evolution.
Can't argue too much there, though it's in a place where I'm inclined to give some slack due to how much other stuff is going on (granted, that doesn't stop other cases). I don't know that there's anything directly comparable before, but you do have things like Blackjack thinking that if Boo likes something it can't be bad, or Boo recognizing and reacting to real-Blackjack in a way different from impostors, or by comparison to "Uncle Discord." It did feel like a fairly natural response to what Blackjack was saying, or rather, what Blackjack said there fit for a mother figure.
But very true, even if not immediately, that should have got a fairly direct response, especially given the relevance to the Cognitum/twins and what it means for Blackjack's role and identity as a/their mother--how the Boo relationship informs it, how that contrasts with the motherhood model(s) she'd experienced or seen in 99 and the Wasteland.
Same difference. :V
Man, I can't for the life of me think of what she's talking about. Actually, I wonder if she's just plain bluffing.
Who knew alicorns could be so... normal? It's adorable to see. Question though, who is 'Mother'? Are they referring to The Godess? Luceana?...
Yay bonding!
Oh sweet Celestia, no more sugar please, my poor heart can't take it!
I really... REALLY want to weep for Glory. About half of me is. The other half is remembering both DBZ, and past experience with this story, and saying she isn't dead till we see the body... maybe it's denial, maybe it's being genra savvy. Either way, this internal conflict is eating me.
... Also can't stop thinking of Star Trek TWOK and the radiation chamber. BJ as Kirk. "KHAAAAAAAAN!"
Pretty sure it's Velvet Remedy.
I knew it was coming thanks to a different story but still right in the feels
Ok, now I'm getting really scared that Glory is going to die.
I really Really Really hooe she somehow survived!
This story has a habit of having peoole we believed to habe died come back. Rainbow Dash, Lacunae, Deuz, Blackjack. Glory even did it once herself, I really hope this is the case this time!... Please.
Blackjack just united ponies and zebra, even Fluttershy couldn't do that.
And then, that... Welp, to the moon!
. The Fool terrifies because not even the Fool knows what they can do! They gamble against odds no others would dare. They dance on the edge of the precipice because they can. They overcome where all other sensibility would fail. Tyrants have always feared the Fool, for they bring disaster and suffering for their plans. They are heroes without parallel and monsters without equal, because they do what they will, and damn the plans of others.” We started moving towards the closest rocket.
This reminds me of Discord
You weren't kidding about the downhill, this really hit hard. The very beginning of the chapter was like the part on the rollercoaster when it subtly comes to a stop, right before heading down. The chapter was written masterfully, I really enjoyed the enormous fight with Amadi, and all that fire -- really gave it a... heated scenery -- reluctantly, I was hoping he would... die, like, die-die... for good.
Perhaps Amadi can be reformed, I do not know. I wonder how one is supposed to defeat someone like him -- immortal. Maybe removing the talisman? Hitting him hard enough? Driving him to insanity? Hmm...
...P-poor... poor... Glory. I can't help but feel bad for Blackjack, I understand where Glory was coming from, too. My 'warning senses' shot off as soon as Glory volunteered to stay behind, yet, it just couldn't stop the wave from, inevitably, crashing...
All that talk about rockets was quite interesting, if I remember about it, I may very well look into it further.
I don't remember if I've said it, but I really enjoyed this chapter -- and I'm sure I'll enjoy the next. Even if they hit hard, one just has to keep moving, do better, and ante up. Heheh~
Soooo not only ya kill the Blackjack X Glory out right nuke it cause...hahaha she's the punching bag today. -rubs face- Ugh I had a feeling this was coming, dark Authors love killing off the exes once a break up is done. Cause 'Nah be too bright to have the risk of them making up and such.'
And the whole `Inexplicable Anti-Teleportation` field too, I mean not even a hint of such a thing being at the place. Nor any detail on what is the cause, is it a pony device, or some Zerba voodoo nor attempts or ideas to get rid of it.
Which would be a smart move even without the whole Blackjack bit, the resistant group has tons of Alicorns for teleporting troops around. Breaking such a device would be a key target...Blah next chapter here I come.
It is one thing to know something is going to happen. I happened to read a few comments in one of the early chapters (one of the first 20 I think), and there was a comment stating this was going to happen.
It is quite another thing to read how it happens. Damn, I teared up a bit. I know no death is truly confirmed until we see the body, but then again, I don't think Balefire Megaspells tend to leave bodies (y'know, in the place they hit)...
Tomorrow, Morning Glory.
For Glory, Celestia bless her soul.
*loud sobs and incoherent talking*
On my 4th reading of this over the years,
Thinking I may have to aquire a plush of Glory to hug on if I attempt a 5th reading.
This piece of literature is SOO darn lengthy I ALWAYS forget a lot of what's happened early on in the story.
Then the story reminds you of those things and I end up creating a tissue box massacre... ;3;
Many parts of this story bring me to tears everytime, and I even know they're coming.
Well done everyone who contributed to this journey,
Well done! ^^
That's certainly a wake up call
Oh cool she did get the jacket
Hahaha!! Your one to talk bitch
Oh god... my heart... that's just so precious 😭
I dont think I can finish reading this anymore
The story started off great but by the time I got to 65 it just began to feel bad and wrong. It just got worse and worse till I just didnt care when I got to 71, and I dont wanna read the bad writing anymore
My heart!
To think that before i never wanted to finish this. I had gotten to the part where chlorine gas was filling Scotch's lungs i think? If that? This has so far been a wild and crazy ride and gosh damn has it had so many twists and turns. I'm very much reading this to the end. But like... R.I.P. Glory. May she find her peace ;-;
Glory's death scene felt like it was straight from a movie. I know I said in the previous chapter that someone had to die, I didn't expect Glory. It was nice to see them three work together again and absolutely heartbreaking seeing Glory die like that. Just assumed maybe it was going to be like Keeper or some side character.
Part of me hopes that somehow she will be resurrected. Some Dues ex machina happening but it just feels like it's going to be permanent. What an amazing ending for Glory.