Blackjack, an incompetent security mare from the dystopian Stable 99, suddenly has her monotonous life turned upside down when the stable is invaded by vicious raiders. Blackjack flees the stable with EC-1101, with the wasteland in hot pursuit.
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An update? 'Bout time!
I guess there was a bit of editing with getting the chapter over here.
ALL MY YES! My day just got awesome!
new chapter.... me
It is time to march forward, comrades!
Well this by a long span of time... Aw wel, I shall read this chapter with gusto!
6945850 And a modern tank uses 125mm
Holy brahmin, a new chapter to read. Woot. The one good thing about being busy for me.
I have power armor like that in fallout 4.
and bloody great chapter
Beautiful chapter. This story is definitely getting a reread once it'f finished.
“Nothing can stop... the smooze...”
I mean this in the nicest way possible....but I hate you for putting that stupid song back into my head XD
6948628 When you can, you might want to continue. You might find Goldenblood's ultimate actions a little understandable when you meet him.
Also, it was never my intention for Goldenblood to be the ultimate reason everything blew up. Ultimately, Goldenblood fails. He fails to save Equestria, fails to give Luna her thousand year rule, fails to prevent disaster, and fails to manipulate the MM. Had things continued, he would have probably turned on Luna, and then accepted whatever punishment was fitting. Given what he puts Blackjack through to execute him, it's a bit much. he's so damned arrogant...
6952551 Both.
Ok...Why are the google doc page for Chapter 56 of this story said that it has been put into trash can or something similar and will soon be lost and i have to create a copy to read?
6955131 no idea.
6958591 My editors united in opposition to having any other FMA characters...
Holy shit, the Fallout wiki has a Fallout: Equestria - Project Horizons easter egg listed on Fallout 4 cultural references page.
"In the Institute there is terminal talking about how all synths for no apparent reason love the Fancy Lad Snack Cakes. This is a reference to Blackjacks Companion Blank (basically a synth) 'Boo' in Fallout Equestria: Project Horizons and her favourite food being Fancy Buck Cakes which is the Project Horizons universe equivalent of Fancy Lad Snack Cakes."
Note: this has been removed from the wiki, where it was originally added by a named user, by an anonymous user because "it needs a source". I am going to find this terminal.. I swear.
Only really got into the actual fallout games a little while ago so i have a bit of a question. Being a crossover the story has a lot of parallels, so here is the question: Are the artificial alicorns the Equestrian equivalent of super mutants?
Yes the alicorns are the equivalent to super mutants. Which is really damn hilarious in retrospect because of the whole alicorn OC thing that gets people rustled.
Hehehehe, my birthday is one the third of July that's neat!
NIce chapter man, nice chapter!
WHew, HIghtower... this next chapter, whenver it comes up, will be outragiously awesome... and horrifying, in terms of what's going on in the story :P
NIce job again, keep it up!
Awesome, now i just need to find the Equestrian equivalent of a deathclaw!
31 more chapters to go before I read through this bad boy again!
Fair enough, thanks.
Hmm, good point. I think i remember the orbs not recording thoughts, so a noise in his mind wouldn't get recorded. Momentary forgetful moment.
I will continue reading once chapter 49 is uploaded. :B
So, Somber, I seriously love your story. I personally even preferr it over the original. I got one question though: Why? Why are the chapters so long? Especially towards the end?
I'm almost done recording this monster, and my voice will never be the same. (Just started 67 today).
And as much as I like the idea of a sequel to this epic adventure, I don't think I'll ever do what I did to PH with it...
That said: I look forward to, one day, read Homelands just for my personal enjoyment, and to finally get to read the Epilogue of Horizons (since I've put off doing that so far)
Please continue posting scene interpretation art, this is pleasing.
6978576 Mr Mech is so awesome to have drawn that. I think he got tired of PH tho and moved on to better things.
And yes, that is what Blackjack would have become if she hadn't had EC-1101 and her friends to pull her out. She would have become a killing machine of 'justice', where 'just' is 'whatever I want' and 'ice' is what you'll be on when you cross her.
6973751 Because I felt lazy way back when, and that I was cheating my readers if I wrote something short. I want to show every step of her journey, and that's poor writing. Also when I run into a problem, I tend to write more to get out of it, not take stuff out and rewrite it.
... My God... Stable 99 the wet dream of the current cultural elite.
Let me guess how it began, shall I? Stallions just want sex. All the time, even when asleep... Tommorow inform the sons and husbands they're being moved to trhe lower rooms for the purposes of their mares and fillies safety. No matter on text books, curriculum ... Just keep them presentable as needed. Yes, the foals too... tell the older fathers and younger that more
And now doubt their madam lectures being... fulling your task as stallions and then leave. Whisper some stupid sappy limeric for those inclined, and stop acting though you know suffering. How could some little mare assault you? Oh... don't bother with that now huh? Stop the croc tears colt, she didn't rape you, unless they're creative, a mare can't rape stalions, and its not like stallions would be ashamed if it could happen. She's a mare, and you colts pretend as though your duties are such a strain. Just get to room 342 on the double, And so help me I find out you burst into tears again..."
The entire stable is just... a bizarre fun house mirror view into past and present Overmares views relationships and on foal rearing.... and had been that way for awhile.
I'm depressed now
It is really depressing how Stable 99 progresses in the story..
Truly it was a specimen of the stables. Going by its descriptions, it may have originally been a military or para military stable one size alone, and quite likely an armory to match. But only for a few months. How do I guess this? By its degradation.
Most mares aren't really fixing, just throwing down patched over too complex for them , their mind grinding to a snails pace since inbreeding had begun to set in. They also have no real means of feeding themselves, or desire to do so, choosing to make kibble from dearly departed aunt petunia. There strict breeding guidelines also suggests gridlock, the flat out dinial of any wiggle room breaking engineering rule one: a pair and a spare. And of course it appears the Overmare title is hereditary, so the former cute little dress up filly she got all hot and bothered for had grown into a incedibly unstable mare. Consider also the general mental state. Genetically, the ponies had begun to regress to more agressive frames of mind establinshing a clear alpha/beta pony archetype. And that was before Blackjack did what she done. And consider Blackjack. While a bit brighter then most, her horn was probably a further sign of the vault imploding/
Hugh Jelly wishes to refuke that statement. The smooze now has a restraining to back up the claim that their are thing that can stop the scmooze
6978980 Well, I can understand that one xD I've written a FoE story myself, and I know how you're imagination can go and run away with you. But still, I managed to keep mine a little unter 260k words ^^"
Once I get the audiobook of Horizons done, I plan a live stream, you should definitely be on it xD ( I doubt you will, but well, it could be interesting)
Ah, nice to see ponies know their own history and thus applied the diamond dog keep that cunt hors away accords aHnd have thus employed the Rarity defensive offensive strategem number three, Hmm... raiders could be charmed... but damn if he could think straight with the very real possibility the whine could not thwart the humongous stallion who first called dibs. Nope, ear muffs...the nights events prooceed till offensive stratagem zero is employed
6946134 actually the smoothbore used on the M1A2 and Leopard 2 is a 120mm Rheinmetall cannon. And I believe the Merkava and Challenger 2 also use 120's, but I'm less familiar with them.
I think the only nations to routinely use larger calibers on tanks are the Russians and Chinese. But even there there's a lot of 100mm as well.
6983543 If you want. I doubt anyone would want to listen to me though.
6984468 I didn't know that, cool. I was just using that as the biggest number that I saw. The 125 mm was used on the Soviet T-64B as the 2A46 (also called D-81T) cannon. Either way, it's a big ass shell to be fired on a mobile land-based platform
Also what tank is that in your profile? I almost want to say that it's an Abrams, but I don't know tanks well enough.
6984468 This is an example of "Somber has NO CLUE about guns and should never, EVER, use specific numbers." Talking with some people, 30mm would be closer to the size of each gun bore. Unfortunately then we would have to get rid of the joke about mare's birth canals so... yeah...
6984917 problem is I don't think a 30mm would have the sort of power his cannons punch...Probably at least 75-105 range for that.
If we just say they're medium-velocity howitzers it gets a little more reasonable, although the recoil would still probably knock him over. And lower velocity would lower accuracy at range.
Maybe we'll just chalk him being able to stand and fire them without flying backwards up to Earth Pony magic?
ehh.... I think that's what their supposed to be, but to me more there more like cazadores and deathclaws then super mutants
So mister Somber, would you happen to have some idea as to when or how often your editor friends will be updating the Fimfiction version?
PS. I love this story, I dare say it's better then any published works of fiction.
One of the things I most liked about Project Horizons was Black Jacks views on sexuality and relationships. you see ... it reflects my own views right down to the letter. As one might image, it was really shocking to come across in a book. All that being said, it gave me a burning question that I just have to ask. Do you share Black Jack''s views on sexuality? and if so is there a club I can join?
7003451 At the moment, I'm trying to get the next chapter of homelands out.
The problem with uploading then is that it takes time and keep wanting to make tweaks.
Blackjack's sexuality isn't very healthy. It's the result of institutionalized rape and a response to trauma. It's her emotional reset button. So like many things in fiction, it might sound like a fun thing, but it'd have a lot of strings attached. Especially when you start applying things like Glory to it.
thank you for the info.
Does it make it any better that I mean in later chapters. (I've bin reading it on google documents) P-21 also seems to have the same mindset. ( he didn't have a problem with scotch tape looking for a lover) I essentially mean sharing, treating sex as no big deal and being in a polyamorous relationship. sorry if i freaked you out, I should have bin more precise.
I know how complicated things can get with "normal" people like Glory. Hence the joke about there being a club.
a little like this.
and sorry for being a bother.
if there is any one thing I want to say, so far in reading up to chapter 22.
You are very very good in writing emotionally compelling stuff.
p-21 is probably my most favorite after blackjack and I feel he's very realistically portrayed for someone in his situations based off what I've read so far.
7004067 I'm curious. What was your inspiration for Blackjack's twisted view on sexuality?
I get a reasonable feeling of dread with Hightower. Onto the next chapter and into Hell.
That's an apostrophe.
it was at that line i realized Shears is Snips. it took me way to long to notice.
I'm a the only one who imagined him with Handsome Jack's voice.