Blackjack, an incompetent security mare from the dystopian Stable 99, suddenly has her monotonous life turned upside down when the stable is invaded by vicious raiders. Blackjack flees the stable with EC-1101, with the wasteland in hot pursuit.
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Wheeeeeeeeeeeeew man, what a chapter! Out of the massive amount of the ones I've read so far, this one has to be my favorite, I'm liking this Batpony character, he seems really cool and I ship it! Haha!
Nice going man, nice going!
I hope you get better soon, man. I really liked these little geology buts and pieces! The K-T boundary is one of the most fascinating things about geology, I think.
Ok, I get that Luna could have talked in Chirpese but bat ponies had to have been able to communicate with other ponies. The chirping and squeaking doesn't make a whole lot of sense.
Somepony thinks with their penis too much. Maybe Blackjack is in heat? I know the horse my family have got a little funny during that time of the year.
I thought Glory wasn't sure what she liked.
Hmmmm, so the screaming star that crashed into the ground brought magic to the world. Then later it was slammed into by another star which wiped out the zebra city. If the dream is more than just a dream. If it isn't, then why add it?
Either this is missing a "her" or has an added "for".
Does she just not think zebra's would weaponize things? This little talk seems to hurt the idea that Fluttershy gave zebras megaspells.
minor nitpick: E.F.S.
minor nitpick: E.F.S.
thought ?
A-huh, sure. Empty words? Happened in my experience.
Hmm so this is who the Stygius fellow is. Ohhh man dunno how Glory will feel about this. That symbolism in the house though.. I have conflicted dispositions to Goldenblood but mostly hate still.
Aw hell, Steel Rangers are back and not the friendly blue-bar kind..
Steel Rain is a Harbinger... I never would've thought it.
Goldenblood's house... I never would've thought she'd find it.
Got railed by Stygius... Oh Glory won't be happy.
Damn it, I was not called upon to see this updated! Aw well might as well read this for now... I needed a break from my revisions with my Fo:E sidefic...
So this is the moment where the thestral/batpony Stygius comes forth eh?
Oh please Blackjack, there's always time for some kinky moments!
I'd say yes, you are game mate... but I can tell how things will go right now
Bloody called it!
So we got someone else who is all silent like Ditzy... interesting...
'Kay good thing I decided to read up this, going to need to edit the chapter where my OC meets Blackjack during the dinner party with Littlepip... They did not go through it, but I'd rather stick to canon and not ruin it elsewhere...
Well, looks like Blackjack's mind is slowly recovering... let's see how well this goes from here on out
Well looks like her mind resisted the temptation and is truly slowly recovering... by intercourse... why do I find that hilarious?
I knew she was going for that...
As much as I love you Flutters, you are being dense here! This will not help them in the long run or help to negotiations, it will only escalate the war to new levels like what Goldenblood said!
Okay, I think this is a coincidence with my protagonist... I've never even read PH until now and he's goes through this as well albeit later chapters when he ponders upon intimacy... just wow with the coincidences...
Oh my...
She has gone off the sugar rush on the sex category isn't she?
I have to agree with Blackjack here and again... What?
Had he known that his and Flutters' daughter was still alive, I can see him acting differently but still, poor Goldie
Well we are fucked!
Okay with this one out of the way, I can get to the other chapter... goodness though this is something else...
Never leave Stygius never leave us.
Damn right!
*Deep gravely voice* He is batpony!
Dammit, Somber, you told me this was a turning point for most readers and got me all scared for nothing. D: Granted, I would have been perfectly happy reading a million-plus words without any goddamn batponies, but this was, if not as amazing as 43 or even 42, definitely in the same league as them. That said...
She fucked the batpony. >:B And this really bothered me because the whole time, I was thinking, "What would Glory think?" It wasn't until after her final inner monologue about life at her Stable that I realized, BJ really doesn't know better. This is not the first time she's cheated on Glory, but quite frankly, it's because thanks to her upbringing, she has no inclination to think that anyone's feelings would be hurt, let alone know that she needs to talk to Glory about stuff like this first. I sincerely hope this comes back to bite her in the ass later, but also that it doesn't cause her too much grief. I would point to this sequence as a good example of how not to do polyamory (a topic I have precisely zero understanding of), but at least it's in character for her.
Meanwhile, the combination of "I need to not let the rape control me", "I want to feel like not a robot" and "am I actually bisexual?" is a good way to justify having even non-explicit sex in a story like this, so well done.
Other thoughts. "Goldenblood the pony" was interesting. Not entirely sympathetic, but at least the look into his past was enlightening. (Also I note he used to be an artist, just like Hitler. :V) The high school AU was the best thing, especially the filly Rampage. :D Your version of Littlehorn is considerably better than the one story I read on the topic not too long ago. I'm having a hard time understanding the importance of the Cake twins. We know Psychoshy's "real" name! (I hope Blackjack teases her about finding her diapers.) And for all that I really wanted to argue with Goldenblood in that final scene of his (because I'm a die-hard sunlover), he's absolutely right about Celestia, and we know where that blame lies. :V
So, I'm excited for chapter 45. It is, I believe, where this story had published to when I started reading it. But more importantly, I voice the villain! :D And I just cannot wait to see what VisualPony did with what I sent him.
Amen to that! I actually quite liked this chapter and Stygius. Poor dude's way out of his depth. But yeah, this is going to have some ramifications later on...
Hmm, haven't commented in a few chapters...
I feel oddly vindicated that Goldenblood's Gary Stu-ness continues unabated, confirming my initial, scathing opinion... slowly but surely the entire cast comes to love, fear, or respect him in some combination. Fear not, Blackjack... I'll always deride him for being what he is; it's okay if you pity him. I know you can't help it; you're too close to the problem to see it properly. Seriously.... planning to kill Celestia... that got a good eye roll out of me. What was worse was the utter scorn he showed her in that exchange. Sorry, but how many centuries of peace did she give your world? That counts for something, but I guess those Blueblood genes are really showing through.
Hey, I'm fine with the afterlife being a happy, harmonious place of singing stars. There's nothing you can do in a finite lifespan to justify infinite torment, really. But for even thinking about killing Celestia... yep, I'm fine and dandy with his daughter being a psychotic bitch that he never got to meet, Fluttershy's scorn, and anything else bad that happens to him. I don't think he's going to live long enough to suffer properly, but ya can't have everything.
On to better topics (i.e. pretty much anything else). I actually really like Horse as a character. My kinda villain... unapologetically crass, fearlessly corrupt, and most importantly entertaining. That Sweetie Bot is a bit disturbing... but it's exactly the kind of thing that characterizes his sort of sleaziness. He doesn't seem to have that 'oh, shit, start the car!' cowardice that Flim and Flam display. Maybe I just like him because he doesn't seem as wowed by the Golden Boy. ...
Nah, it's the lingerie Sweetie Bot... I got issues.Stygius is... well how do you not like the goof, really? I can see this being drama fuel later but it won't be any real fault of his. I could do with his grammar being a bit better. Sometimes it's cute, but it also puts me in the mind of reading kids writing on the internet... poorly. Ah well.
Let's see... lot of ground in these last few chapters.... thanks ever so much for dragging us through the rape scene again, though I suppose it was inevitable. That whole chapter was an interesting trip, but I wonder how long it'll hold before she breaks down again. It's such a pattern with her that even she recognizes it. Hopefully getting back to the others will continue to help her come to terms with things... before she has more things to come to terms with. It'd certainly help me... I miss those crazy kids!
Where Stygius is concerned, hoo boy. The reaction there was basically Flash Sentry, only Flash didn't exist yet. Felt like the same thing, based on the same or similar perceived issues (if I remember right, I'd judge the reaction as being higher Stu but lower lack-of-characterization than Flash), but in just this one little corner of Pony rather than front and center, and during a hiatus at that. Never had that much of an issue with him myself, despite not liking Flash or his introduction.
I sense more
emotionalfallout for Blackjack in the coming chaptersWell i am proud of her to overcome that many problems in such a short time and not kill the poor stallion.. but i sense more immanent doom in the near future :(
This was a super fun chapter. Awkward batpony shenanigans and self-doubt and tons of other crazy stuff... then the banging. Nice to see that BJ could get passed that experience to continue experiencing good things. Stygius is a seriously lucky and devoted bat. Following a mare for who knows how long into who knows what, all for the chance of getting some of that ass. Devotion. Hell, I think I'd do it too.
congrats to Stygius for getting banged and to Blackjack for being able to control herself the whole time.
I feel like, with the exception of Book 1 and a bit of Book 2, this story makes all its important characters immediately likeable, even before there is anything to know about them. I liked Stygius a lot right from the getgo, as did I like Fluttershy, Crunchy Carrots, Boo, etc.
7186362 Someone stole the words out of my mouth, 35-ish weeks before I had them. :'(
Oh well... :\ VisualPony? Would that be something on YouTube? If not, where would I find it? >.<
Yeah, just search for VisualPony on Youtube, you'll find his channel. :)
Ha, finally a batpony! A good bat at that. Please don't kill him too horribly, don't kill him at all in fact, let him be happy plz plz plzplzplzplz...
I have a feeling goldenblood's magic power is never really fully expanded on....makes me wonder just how strong he is when The thing in the darkness place happens and The golden pony is released by the executioner thing and becomes a good pony again (sorta)
Maybe he really could kill ol' sunbutt
Its stunning just how much power and influence Goldenblood actually had.
Terrifying, even.
The power to make virtually anything happen, to achieve any outcome...
...and the will to use it.
That's what really makes him dangerous, is hai will to use his power separate from his feelings.
Now what I what to know: how could he see Blackjack when he's in the past?
And did Twilight ever make 32 hour days?
Dear Faust. 24 hours is already too much!
Ok so I'm only a little bit into the chapter but I just wanted to say something, I do not like cheating, the fact that she's even considering cheating on Glory is pretty upsetting to me
Wait till you see how Glory feels about it.
I like Stygius. I DON'T like his one track mind, but he is endearing all the same.
Goldenblood... what am I supposed to think of you? Honest, caring, intelligent. After the attack, mysterious, mercyless, driven. Does everything he can to give Fluttershy the world, but is not above contemplating the murder of his once beloved ruler. Do I despise you, or respect you? Pity or disdain? Hmmm...
Blackjack's going to be pregnant...ain't she?
That'll bring a whole new level of complication, and mindbuckery.
i've read several fan-stories about where Batponies came from...i think the silliest one was one where they were created by accident because of a defective magic potion that was simply supposed to help ponies see in the dark!
i think that was called "Bat and Bug". that story involves a batpony and a Changeling becoming friends.
Oh. My. God. I almost fell off my bed laughing at this that's a first for a stallion to flirt with blackjack and think shes sexy, even with cyber legs lol
As someone who has been cheated on, I find Blackjack's actions in this chapter a bit difficult to forgive.
Stable 99 life is simply different. They didn't comprehend monogamy. Everything was shared - even males.
The sex slavery is a little harder to forgive really.
Going further, the cases Blackjack knew that were closer to/looking for monogamy (the Overmare and Duct Tape with P-21, in different ways of course) were fairly messed up in ways distinct from the general reality of 99.
Wow. Good on Blackjack for being able to overcome her trauma and not let her rapists win in her mind.
I'll admit, I teared up when she started sobbing after they had finished. I can't even begin to imagine the relief and catharsis she feels at being able to enjoy herself and not let those fuckers control her anymore. I felt proud of her. Wonderfully written, that scene was.
Besides that, I love Stygius, he's very goofy and exactly what Blackjack needed at that moment in time. I don't feel like she necessarily cheated on Glory here because Blackjack has no concept of monogamy, as others have pointed out. And even though I despise Cheaters, I'm not gonna fault her for that, because that's just how Stable 99 was. But I shall see Glory's reaction soon enough I suppose.
The bits with Goldenblood were quite interesting, he's a very intriguing character. And giving him a bit more equinity in this chapter was definitely welcome. Can't wait to see what else I'll learn about him.
And holy fuck, it's Steel Rain. Why here? Why now?
*looks at the chapter*
*takes a deep breath*
I apologize in advance, because this is going to be another very harsh critic. Probably just should’ve skipped writing a comment and move on to the next chapter. But I had to get his off my chest.
How do I put this? Well, in my very personal opinion this chapter is far worse than the last one. It’s probably the worst one of the entire story so far. I liked Lucidity for the most part until the Boing stuff. This chapter was off to a bad start and got constantly worse.
Small positive note: Blackjack actually being able to mercy kill the injured Seeker was a nice surprise. Her learning that sometimes a quick death is the best she can do is good character development. Also, I’ve a strong feeling that this random Zebras is going to show up again and be a very important character.
And that was the last positive think I’m going to say for a while. If you don’t want to see me ranting and rambling this is the last chance to stop reading. You've been warned.
So, Blackjack is suddenly very thirsty for stallion dicks, which is a problem because she’s in the middle of nowhere. But lo and behold, a wild stallion appears. Said stallion is immediately smitten by Blackjack and wants to fuck her right here and there. He’s also a bat pony, a new species of ponies we haven’t seen before. But that doesn’t really matter because he’s here to fuck Blackjack, giving us more lore about bat ponies is only secondary.
And the reason it had to be a bat pony and not just any other random Wastelander is because… shut up!
So, the bat pony acts totally not creepy by sniffing Blackjack and trying to kiss her. Which is supposed to be cute. I, however, don’t see much difference between him and Candlewick two chapters earlier. Except that Candlewick was an actual character, of course.
Blackjack, understandably, throws him into a pool but now he really wants to come along. You see,
he’s really hornyhe thinks she’s cute and that's all the reason he needs. Top notch character motivation. Then his sister shows up, trying to convince him not follow his strange mare he just met and knows nothing about. Of course, our horny bat has no common sense and still insists on following Blackjack. Because there’s no way that a stranger in the Wasteland could be dangerous or anything. At which point his sister just gives up. I mean she tried really hard to change his mind for about a half-a-minute or so. What more can you expect? *(*I really hope the next chapter reveals that she secretly followed them and not just letting her brother wander off with a stranger.)
Luckily for our Horny Bat Pony Blackjack isn’t a slaver who is going to sell him to a brothel as exotic attraction and eventually they discover strange building in pristine pre-war condition that was once owned by Goldenblood. But oh no, they get attacked by evil muderbots and have to hide inside the building. Now they're stuck and can't get out. I don’t blame your for thinking “Wow this sounds awfully lot like the plot of your average Clopfic.” because that was my thought exactly. To the story’s credit: They didn’t start fucking immediately. To the story’s discredit: They did fuck eventually and did so on Goldenblood’s bed.
At this point the whole chapter felt more like a Clopfic based on PH than an actual chapter of the story: Blackjack meets new character, they immediately have the hots for each other and then they fuck. It doesn’t help that the sex scene between Blackjack and Stygius was describe in far greater details that almost every other sex scene except the rape on the Seahorse. The bondage sex between Blackjack and Glory? Mostly glossed over and done after a few sentences. The hawt lesbian foursome in Tenpony? Happened off-screen. But this the story goes to great lengths to describe how they're doing it and how great it feels.
And Stygius is not even a character, he’s just a plot device. Blackjack wants to fuck a stallion and here’s a stallion for her the fuck with the barest amount of personality. Blackjack tells him she killed a foal by accident? He just shrugs, like it's no big deal. Blackjack says that she’s a deeply traumatized mare who may snap during the sex and kill him? That’s okay, because she’s cute. Guess at least he won't die as a virgin.
But hey there’s more than just sex in this chapter, right? Well, yes. The good news is that we also get a few more flashbacks about Goldenblood. The bad news is that we also get a few more flashbacks about Goldenblood.
In one flashback Goldenblood laments about whether he should try to save Equestria or just let it die before his friend/assistant convinces him that he should save Equestria. Because he’s the most important character in the world and without him Luna would be utterly lost. All the other nobles? Utterly corrupt and incompetent! Luna actually finding competent non-noble advisors? Impossible! Only Goldenblood has the wisdom to save the country.
In the next flashback we learn that Goldenblood was completely aware of Fluttershy trying to give the knowledge of the mega spells to the Zebras and sabotaged several of her attempts to do so. Because he’s the most competent character in the world and the only one smart enough to know that the Zebras would turn them into weapons. He’s Goldenblood and he’s always right and always predicts accurately what will happen. And to really show what a great character he is, he comes up with a far better plan than Fluttershy to make sure the right Zebras will get the mega spells and not turn them into weapons. Because, fuck you Fluttershy! How dare you to be competent when Goldenblood is around?
This is followed by another flashback where an angry Celestia shows up in Goldenblood’s house, only for Goldenblood to tell her how much she sucks and screwed up. Because he’s the bestest character in the whole universe and don’t you just love it when the OC is always right and calls out all the beloved show characters on their flaws? The Mary Sue vibes I got from Goldenblood in this chapter were extremely strong. Spike acting like his personal groupie earlier was bad enough, but this is even worse.
Then, finally we see a vulnerable Goldenbold who doesn’t know that his daughter is still alive. A Goldenblood who's manipulated instead of being the manipulator. But at this point it’s too little too late. Don’t you just feel sad for poor Goldenblood. Because he’s the saddest character in the world and really misses his baby daughter?
The chapter then ends with a surprise appearance from Steel Rain, who will hopefully kill Stygius and save me from another chapter full of pointless Cyberpony on Bat Pony action.
I wish this chapter had an actual plot and wasn’t just about Blackjack fucking a random Bat Pony. I wish Stygius was a character with actual depth and a better motivation for joining her and not just a plot device that popped-up because Blackjack needed a stallion to fuck. I wish the story had come up with a better way for Blackjack to overcome her trauma. I wish this chapter had actually done what PH does best and give us a huge ton of bat pony lore instead of being “lol random bat ponies”. I wish the story would stop shilling Goldenblood as this super awesome, smart guy who makes the characters from the show look like idiots.
But sometimes you don’t get what you wish for. So you just continue onwards to the next chapter and hope that it’s more to your liking.
Ok I’m almost done with Chapter 45 and it hasn’t really improved my opinion of Stygius. On the contrary, I not want him to die or just leave and never appear again. He’s such a shallow character with no good motivation.
But since my last comment was harsh, I would like to make a few suggestions how to improve Stygius und Chapter 44 in general. Feel free to disagree.
Now all this is just my personal preferences, but maybe it helps to understand why I feel this chapter was lackluster.
So here's the nuts and bolts behind this chapter. Blackjack has a problem. Lucidity pointed out she has a problem. It's a growing problem that ends with her either becoming a maniac that's put down by her friends or a sucidee. Part of the problem is that several stallions hurt her badly. Sex is important to Blackjack. It's one of her four corners of her identity. Sex is good when its consensual for all parties involved. She is an "ethical slut" if you like TVTropes. Sex is how she resets after trauma hits her hard. It's not the best coping mechanism, but it is a mechanism. Only it was damaged by Black. So she's got to take it back. Now Stygius might have been abrupt, but there's reasons. It has to do with that completely ordinary mountain next to them that has no special significance what so ever. Now I could have fleshed him out over the chapter and then have them bang, but at that point in the story it would have zoomed everything off in that direction. 'What, there's Bat Ponies where doing what?!" And her dealing with controlling her reflexes and reaction from her trauma would have fallen by the wayside. Now I could have had him not tell her. But then THAT becomes the focus. What is he hiding. Why? Again, not dealing with the problem. So literally his penis and blackjack not killing him for wanting to use it is the point. Because Blackjack needs some agency in her life and taking back control over her reflexes to splatter a stallion is a big part of that.
Could I have used a not-batpony? Sure. I guess. but that would have been even more of a throwaway character. At least Stygius has a reason to be there. I was also limited with their hypersonic speech. I wanted the information he could put on the slate so he can say things but not give dissertations.
Now, for the other half with Goldenblood. Can you please tell me how Fluttershy could get megaspell secrets to the zebras without getting caught and executed for wartime treason? Because I can't think of one. This would be the equivalent of Oppenheimer giving the nuke to the Germans. That data is protected. It is a big deal. There are receipts. I accept Fluttershy might get them to the zebras, but I do not accept she could do it without getting caught and punished. Goldenblood knows people that can do the thing that Fluttershy wants to do. And pay close attention: It was the WRONG THING. He enabled her to do a thing that kills millions because he still cared for her. What he should have done was put her under house arrest till the end of the war. But he screwed up. He screws up CONSTANTLY. For all his supposed perfection, he loses it all because he loves the wrong thing and kept the wrong secrets.
As for the Celestia scene, it's why the peace attempt was made at Broken Hoof. Because no where in FoE was there an explanation for WHY Luna would permit her sister to have a peace conference in the middle of a war. Something like that would completely undermine her executive authority. Celestia was given a you-suck speech by Goldenblood, and Celestia decides to go and do the peace accord. Something she should have done BEFORE abdicating. Even if it was unconditional surrender, she should have done it before handing the absolute mess she allowed to start to somepony else. It's also an explanation for why Celestia never interacted with Twilight in FoE. She was deliberately cut out. Luna needed her out, and so she was out. That's just how the game is played. Even seeking a peace accord would be an admittance of failure for Luna. Celestia endangered not only her government but five years of her rule. It was big sis Celestia taking over again because she could. Luna's worst nightmare.
Little horn. Glad we got some type of written story about it. Now I'm sitting here wondering how much of it was true. We know that they were refugees but one of them fought back in self defense but that didn't seem like it happened. Could it be that this was right before the assassin decided to get his revenge on his fallen brethren and family or is it an altered version to satiate Blackjack's need for heroism?
Man I love Stygius, he's just a horny dude thatll literally go through hell and back to get some ass. Glad she actually got over her trauma on Seahorse I would hate to see Blackjack lose her composer at an important time just because of her past trauma. I'm also loving more backstory on Goldenblood.
Surely this must be the Legate that Lancer mentioned? There has to be a quota on hyper competent zebra angels of death, right? And between this guy and Lancer I’m pretty sure the quota is met!
So… in the Equestrian Wasteland you can just order cock for delivery via airmail? What is this, DickDash? Uber Meats?
Hooooo boy, we just hit the mystery jackpot.
Mmmmm hmmmm.
This breakdown has been a long time coming…
That. That was moment she took her feelings about her new body and (mostly) shoved them into the closet. And now the closet door has finally busted off its hinges.
… she’s still really needing that Twilight Sparkle statuette.
After all the horrible shit she’s been through, it’s really sweet to see her finally experience a moment of genuine emotional healing.
Sanguine, you magnificent bastard. You kept a secret, a doozy of a secret, from the ultimate Keeper of Secrets. It was a terribly evil thing to do, and you did it for entirely selfish reasons. But still, damn!
Goldenblood, what can I even say about you? In Hippocratic Research you confessed some rather chilling fears to Twilight about how badly Luna could be corrupted by her power and the stress of the war. And now we have learned that you expressed almost identical fears much earlier to Psalm. But the rest of this chapter, and Dealer’s explanation of your views on EC-1101, have made it clear that you had chosen to go all in on Princess Luna despite your fears and the warning signs. You absolutely refused to consider that anypony could do better. You were dead set on protecting Luna from all potential rivals, even if the two of you dragged the entire world down to Tartarus with you. And yet, at the very end, something stopped you short of giving unconditional loyalty to her. You refused to give up Gardens to her. Why suddenly defy her then?
And there is another big question that needs to be answered. Was Goldenblood actually screwing Luna (of course she’s the pony whose name he called out!) behind Fluttershy’s back? We can’t know for sure, but for myself, I have to say YES!!! I don’t buy his excuses one bit. He’s CLEARLY weirdly obsessed with and protective of her. He comes up with strained excuses and justifications for not just giving her the help that she asked for, but also taking EXTREME measures to stamp out any perceived threats to her. It just makes way too much sense that they were banging.
Below, we have a dramatic recreation of a portion of Goldenblood’s MoM interrogation. In the middle of a tense interview, unexpected evidence is uncovered that suggests his relationship with the Princess was more… salacious than anypony suspected. Shocked by this revelation, one of the interrogators goes off script…
Ok, Steel Rain is back. That’s pretty expected. But he’s with the Harbingers now?!? I definitely have some thoughts on that, but I’ll wait for his explanation next chapter before I say anything.
To my understanding, Goldenblood was basically screwing Luna via lucid dreams.
"You were dead set on protecting Luna from all potential rivals, even if the two of you dragged the entire world down to Tartarus with you. And yet, at the very end, something stopped you short of giving unconditional loyalty to her. You refused to give up Gardens to her. Why suddenly defy her then?"
i think he's supposed to have realised that he was never going to convince anyone involved to de-escalate. luna was dead set on victory, he knew mutually assured destruction was coming, to the moment even.
so it was a matter of playing it out, he wouldn't give up gardens because luna would break it. any contingency that accounted for mutually assured destruction, or defeat, she saw as a lack of faith in her rule. in her ability to win. but a contingency needed to be in place, because victory was not possible.