Blackjack, an incompetent security mare from the dystopian Stable 99, suddenly has her monotonous life turned upside down when the stable is invaded by vicious raiders. Blackjack flees the stable with EC-1101, with the wasteland in hot pursuit.
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Welcome to Fimfiction, PH.
Hey just as I start reading your fic after digging for it, you pop up with it here. Hello... Took you long enough (j/k)
Dammit, get out of my clopfic tag somber
See you in the feature box, PH.
Ah... Blackjack. I will be the first to admit I am not overly fond of Project Horizons; it feels to me like it's trying to be too much like Fallout: Equestria rather than its own things. Still I can't help but admire the fanbase, scope, and longevity of PH. Here's to dominating the feature box for a good long while on the eve of Fallout 4. What PH wanted to do aside, I must admit it did it rather well. being good and being fresh aren't necessarily the same thing, and I expressly like Blackjack and her development over the course of the series. Silver still tops my list, but it's good to see the stable dweller here.
Look sharp, Security.
Hang ten? This reboot? This cross post?
Translation please!
Woot! Awesome.
Wow, I kept putting off reading PH simply because I was lazy, I found out today that it concluded, and now I see it here on fimfiction. This is going to be a good week, I can tell.
Hot damn...didn't think the upload would be starting so soon.
Guess I'll be rereading PH now a lot sooner than I thought. Welcome to FIMfic, Project Horizons. Been waiting for you here for a while.
Welcome to Fimfiction, PH!
Is there any particular reason why you didn't name the story "Fallout: Equestria - Project Horizons" like all of the other FO:E side stories here?
Inb4 shitstorm and flame storm!
Its finally here and I can finally put it in my favorites! Huzzah!
Also was the 21st like so blackjack on Blackjacks story!
Yes! It's finally here!
I'll bet money that this story will be on the featured page for a long time.
Hot damn, it's nice seeing this story here. This might even give me an excuse to re-read it at some point... once I've gotten past all the other huge stories on my read-later list.
Also, I don't remember the first chapter being that long. But then, it's been, like, three years since I read it. I'm curious to see what the final wordcount is when everything is said and done.
I have a theory. If Somber uploads at least 1 chapter every 1-2 days, I bet PH will top the feature box for a month if not 2 weeks.
(I would be willing to bet money, but I am broke, so I will just settle for my dignity)
Hm, I thought we'd be waiting until we had the definitive version. I doubt many people here will be complaining, though. :)
Oh shit, here we go again. This will take a while.
Great to finally see this make it here
And the mothership has arrived.
Suggestion: Mark this story as 'incomplete' until you've uploaded all the chapters.
6383475 It's a bet then.
It's here...
Such a weird feeling to be "standing" at the beginning again..
Insta-fave, insta-like, I don't care what diehard FO:E fans say, I love this fic
I can't wait to see the final word count... FoE:Project Horizons is possibly the biggest piece of fan fiction in the MLP:FIM. If not the biggest, it definitely ranks up there.
And so it arrives!
At long last, it is here.
Hot damn boy, I am so damn glad to finally be able to read this!
Mother of all shits, this was amazing start, and I am already in love with Blackjack, hehehe, she's so fucking cool I love it!
Annnnd wow... males are used as breeding tools, I call shite on that xD hehehe, but its an interesting thing.
Freaking, ugh there's too much for me to say and such a small comment box.
I can only say fucking awesome work on this man, awesome work and amazing job so far!
my hand is asleep D'x
Pretty enjoyable. I never liked FO:E because of all the time skips between chapters, and something about the writing, so I hope this story flows more.
I feel as though this would be Blackjack's theme song.
I wonder if this will be on the front page of longest stories by the time it's fully uploaded?
It's about bloody time. After exhausting the story proper, I begun to read Project Horizons afterwards. Suffice to say, I'm tickled impressed by it, currently I'm on chapter 30, and I've already begun to think of several videos to help promote Fallout Equestria in-general, if you're interested in helping to expand your viewing audience (and if you have friends among talented animators), just give me a shout-out at the yo.
Finally here... Time to comment and nitpick! I know you said you wanted to edit and modify some of the stuff before posting it here... but can you be quick about it? I want to download the completed .epub format so it's easier to read and find individual chapters on my e-reader.
Must have been a real shock for him to hear his real name.
How did she instantly know it was Daisy?
Ever since I first started this story (reading it off downloaded google docs on my pc), I always anticipated the day it would come to FimFiction.
Awww yes. Time to re-read an awesome story
Damn, now that this is posted here I will have to read it. I liked FO:E and I hear this is darker.
Heck, that would work for Little Pip as well. Both try and do "good" but have to do a lot of bad as well.
Achievement unlocked: Stable Dweller.
..... Somber... Really? I mean, reading your authors notes it's obvious that you intend to change a few more things while you upload to FimFiction and... *sigh*
While I salute your effort, I almost fell out of my chair when I read that. I will give it a second read, but quite honestly, while I love your story and preferr it over the original, I'll stick with the gdoc version for my own project.
Leave all your hopes and dreams at the front door, and hold on for the nightmare of your life.
I see the lesbian protagonist tradition is being upheld lol.
star trek?
Just finished the original last week, time to start this beast!
Well, not gonna lie... that was an EPIC first chapter. So far my favorite moment of the story is Blackjack running down the hall after Midnight and getting screwed over by those hoofcuffs XD
Inception, eh?
A long first chapter, ok I already got used to that by now up to Ch. 26+
Might as well post my first thoughts when I started reading this finally some weeks ago, and intending to read it start to finish no matter the amount of time it takes.
So this is Fallout: Equestria - Project Horizons, I like Blackjack already. She isn't perfect, she has her flaws but she's alright. She's a fitting protagonist and a likeable one at that. She has 99 problems alright..
.. and here's a fitting song for people who are same-minded crazy to start reading this giant sidestory fanfic
I really like this so far. It was a really long chapter, but it got started nicely, so... nice job. It's gonna take some long hours to finish this sucker X3
6480324 I actually listen to the original version of that song sometimes ^.^ The track in general fits BJ a lot. I'm gonna look up the instrumental at some point.
And my train of thought is basic right now, but I've been up for a while >.<
Woah, that first chapter was certainly..... AWESOME!!! This is immediately getting a fav and a thumbs up!
Wtf is up with all the lesbian shit
Hmm, I hope not too much has been changed, since the reading I'm listening to is old enough (it just started this January!) that it's linking to the GDoc.
It's funny, I got really excited about this story being finished despite vowing never to read it. VisualPony pushed my hand, though, so here I am. :B My plan is to read book one and then take a break and decide if I want to keep going. With that said, this first chapter is already loads better than the original. I've been told I'll hate this story, so I'm gonna keep a weather eye out, but you're off to a good start.
Yeah, either way, i don't think her elevator goes to the top floor.
6391518 Wrong fandom, man. Remember: this is Fallout, not Mad Max.