• Member Since 16th Jul, 2014
  • offline last seen May 5th, 2015

Dancing Ballerina

Just another pegasister in the neighborhood having fun out there.


One day, Pinkie goes to Twilight's house to hang out.

Then, she spoke.

Pinkie Pie speaks in Spanish.

Used Google Translate to help with Pinkie's Spanish speaking abilities.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 34 )

"Tengo un día emocionante planeado con anticipación para nosotros!"

I have an excited day planned ahead for us!

"Me dijo: Tengo un día emocionante planeado con anticipación para nosotros!"

I said: ...

Caray, ¿cuántas veces tengo que decir que nos vamos a tener diversión hoy?

Geez, how many times I have to say we're going to have fun today?

¿Por qué hablas de ti mismo?

Why are you talking to yourself?

"Espera, por lo que es ciego? Yo no sabía que llevabas contactos!"

Wait, you're blind? I didn't know you wore contacts!

"Yo estoy bien, veo?"

I'm fine, see?

"Hola chicas, ¿Quieres saber cuánto tiempo puedo aguantar la respiración bajo el agua?!"

Hey girls, you wanna know how long I can hold my breath underwater?!

"45 minutos!"

45 minutes

Spike, ¿sabes lo que es el sexo?

Spike, do you know what sex is?

There were other Spanish words and terms, but they are the basics that at least most of you should know. :pinkiehappy:

2fab4u #2 · Aug 9th, 2014 · · 1 ·

Eh, Pinkie is talking too formal in spanish and "Me dijo" means "S/he told me" not "I said."

Oh, sorry. I don't really speak Spanish, I used Google Translate. Clearly, it made a mistake. :ajbemused: I will fix it.
I can't really do anything about Pinkie's Spanish formality...that's how everything came out. :ajsleepy:

You, madam, have made something great. :eeyup:

4821347 so if you want a little help with the spanish expresion i can help

Caray, ¿cuántas veces tengo que decir que nos vamos a tener diversión hoy?

can be ¿Cuantas veces debo decir que hoy día nos vamos a divertir?
or ¿Cuantas veces debo decirte que hoy nos vamos a divertir?

¿Por qué hablas de ti mismo?

this mmm... ¿Por qué hablas contigo misma?

"Espera, por lo que es ciego? Yo no sabía que llevabas contactos!"

Espera, eres ciega? No sabia que usaras contactos!

"Yo estoy bien, veo?"

Yo estoy bien,¿vez?

"Hola chicas, ¿Quieres saber cuánto tiempo puedo aguantar la respiración bajo el agua?!"

here just the "n" at the start ¿Quieren...

i hope that is could be useful, some of them are not literally put in

... and that's it well if someone put somethink like this before me this could be very awkward :twilightblush:

good story BTW :rainbowdetermined2: :pinkiehappy:

Dude, this story is funny but the google spanish is way too distracting for hispanic readers. I can help with more in date spanish if you want.

I loved it! :pinkiesmile: There were some mistakes with the Spanish translation, but even I, as a native speaker, have problems with grammar and all that hard stuff.

She was in an orphanage, and she dug 1,000 holes to get here."

Friendship is Witchcraft

Iba a ofrecerte mi ayuda pero parece que ya tienes voluntarios para eso. Nice try anyway :ajsmug:

I know this is probably my fault, but I don't get it. Equestrian isn't English, either. I read this and think of those YouTube splices of foreign dubs of MLP, and the premise crumbles for me.

On the other hand, other people seem to have enjoyed it, so I'm not going to downrate it just because I don't get why it's funny.

Never trust Google Translate. The gender and number are hardly ever correct, and sometimes a negation "no" is added for no reason.

There are plenty of Spanish speakers here, you should have asked for our help. :twilightsmile:

4821699 You sound like my Mom whenever I mess up speaking Spanish... Except there's much more yelling.

"Yes, it's Pinkie's native language. She's from Marezil! How exotic!"

So why is she speaking Spanish? Because if she's from Marezil, her native language would be Portugese...


spanish, portugese same diff :trollestia:

I got a lot of laughs out of this, well done. :rainbowlaugh: :pinkiehappy:

You should see my face right now

Oh my goodness!!!!! You did SOOO well for your first time!!!
I am still a newbie so hear is my congrat face :scootangel:
Keep writing!!!

"Caray, ¿cuántas veces tengo que decir que nos vamos a tener diversión hoy?"

Vamos a divertirnos, you mean.

"Espera, por lo que es ciego? Yo no sabía que llevabas contactos!" Pinkie said.

You mean, "estas ciega"

"Yo estoy bien, veo?"

bien, ves?

singing in Spanish on a giant pinata

Now that's something you don't hear every day.

Estuvo muy bien el capitulo, me diverti mucho.
The chapter was great, I had fun.:raritywink:

hey DB,

don't worry. I don't speak Spanish either. I tend to use BABELFISH for help.
anyhoo, very well done and it's nice to hear our little Equestrians exercise
their foreign language skills. wonderful change of pace and interesting twist
on Pinkie being adopted.

You, madam, deserve the tier 2 favorites bookshelf. In you go.

pppft... loved the ending!!!

Pinkie speaking Spanish has always been funny to me. This was a bit random, but not too much so.

Era interesante.No era lo que estaba buscando pero era un buen forma de pasar el tiempo.


Applejack is a farmer, which means she probably has gardens too...

Is AJ a Mare-xican?:moustache:

But... But... If Marezil is Brazil for us... she should be talking in Pontuguese.. really from all the countries in South America/ South Equestria, you had to pick the one that doesn't speak spanish? xD

If she's from Marezil, which I assume is the Equestrian equivalent to Brazil, she should be speaking Portuguese. Not Spanish. Nevertheless, funny story.

OMNI:While that is true,that is only because there is no such thing.
(If you get that reference I love you.)

Você ta seguro de isso
Por que para mi son idiomas diferentes.

jajajjaja nice! i really liked it, the Spanish was OK but some sentences are wrong (my first language is Spanish btw)
besides that, very funny!

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