• Published 14th Apr 2012
  • 1,212 Views, 13 Comments

Shadow Over Equestria - Cmdr Brohoof

An acient evil returns to Equestria that threatens every living thing.

  • ...

Battle Plans

“That’s just terrible” Fluttershy said bringing her hooves to her mouth

The current owners of the Elements were gathered in a train car headed to Canterlot. Twilight had just caught her friends up to date on the events that the Spirit and she saw two days earlier at the castle.

“So we’ll beat this Shadow thing up in no time now that we’re here” Rainbow Dash said proudly

“I hope your right” Twilight added

“So where is Spirit?” Applejack asked changing the subject

“He stayed at the palace the Princess said she had some more she wanted to discuss with him.”

“I have to admit, it makes me nervous to know we are going to be going up against something that powerful.” Rarity said thinking back to all the other foes they faced.

“I know what you mean” Twilight said “The princess said that this Shadow made Discord seem nice.”

“Discord wasn’t that bad” Pinkie Pie chirped “He did make it rain chocolate after all”

“Girl sometimes I think all those sweets go straight to your head” Apple Jack said as she looked at the pink pony

The ponies reminded silent all thinking about what lay on the path ahead.

“We’re here” Twilight announced

The ponies departed the train and trotted through the streets of Canterlot until they reached the main gate to the Castle.
The group approached the two royal guards standing watch.

“Excuse me sirs” Twilight said “I’m Twilight Sparkle and these are my friends..”

“Ah Ms. Sparkle” one guard said “Come right through we’ve been expecting you and your friends. The Princess informed us
to direct you to the war room.”

“War room?” Fluttershy squeaked “That doesn’t sound very nice”

“Sir Spirit named it” the other guard said “He is there too”

“Well I guess that’s our first stop then come on girls” Twilight said to her waiting friends.

The guards gave directions to the group to where Spirit had set up his war room. The group approached a door that was slightly ajar. The closer they got they could hear a loud commotion within.

“Get me everything you can on the gryphons.” A voice commanded

Twilight pushed open the door and the group gathered in the door way to get a view at what was causing all the commotion. The room was busy with ponies running back and forth with large books, maps and various papers. Groups of unicorns were on one side discussing and casting various spells as they consulted old looking tomes. In the center of the room was a scale three dimensional model of Equestria. Surrounding the model was chalk boards with notes and figures drawn all over them.

“Artie!!” a voiced yelled from the behind one of the central chalk boards

“Coming sir!” the sand colored pony yelled squeezing through the group of ponies in the door way. He made his way to
where the voice came from then dashed back toward the door.

“Artie” Twilight said catching the frantic Artie Fact before he disappeared

“Oh hello Twilight sorry I don’t have time to chat work to do” The colt began to run away.

“Wait we were told to come here” Twilight called out to the already preoccupied colt.

“I wondered when you guys would show up” the voice that was causing all the commotion said

The group turned to see the Spirit smiling at them.

“Spirit!” the group exclaimed

The Spirit was now wearing armor similar to Sir Lance’s. He had also taken Sir Lance’s sword and was wearing the element
of Hope.

“Looking sharp” Rainbow said as she fluttered around the Spirit

“The armor and sword was Princess Celestias idea” he admitted.

“Well you centrally look like a knight in shining armor now” Rarity said

“Thanks” an embarrassed Spirit said “I prefer my uniform you made honestly”

“What’s with all the papers?” Pinkie Pie asked as she tried picking up a paper under a stack of books knocking them over
onto a focused unicorn. “Sorry” she said with a giggle

“This is the war room” the Spirit said as he turned and walked to the center of the room the ponies followed behind
him “from here we are going to plan the defense of Equestria.”

“So what’s the plan?” Apple Jack asked

The group all circled around the model of Equestria. On closer inspection the map was a magical real time model of
Equestria clouds moved, grass and tress waved in the wind, and water flowed.

“OHHHH” Pinkie Pie said as she looked closer at the map “I CAN SEE MY HOUSE FROM HERE!” she yelled

The Spirit laughed at the energetic pony. “Now for the plan. As of now we don’t know when or where Shadow will appear. Till
then all we can do is prepare for the worst.”

“How do we prepare?” Twilight asked

“After looking over some old plans that managed to survive. I realized that the greatest mistake that happened last time is
that none of the attacks against Shadow was focused.”

“What’d mean focused?” Apple Jack said looking at the map

“Each time a group attacked they were alone.” The Spirit said as he placed his hand on old stack of papers “The dragons
refused to aid the ponies, the Diamond Dogs hid in their underground homes not allowing anyone the safety that their caves offered, the gryphons although they helped in the end were only a small amount. Even the ponies and humans themselves where scattered during the crises. It wasn’t until Sir Lance gathered the majority of them together was he able to come up with his last ditch plan.”

“So what are we going to do now” Twilight asked glancing at the books stacked around her.

“We are going to gather all the groups in Equestria it is my hope that with all of our combined strength, wisdom, and sheer
power that we will defeat this evil once and for all.”

“I knew you were the right choice” Princess Celestia said as she approached the group

“Good Morning Princess” the Spirit said as he nodded his head

“What is your first move?” she asked

“The gryphons” the Spirit said as he pointed to a mountain in the eastern edge of Equestria “They allied with you before
and I believe they will be the easiest to recruit to the cause.

“What can we do?” Twilight asked the Spirit

“I would like to take Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash with me since they have dealt with gryphons the most.”

“What about the rest of us we want to help too” Apple Jack said steeping forward

“Don’t worry I have plans all of your skills .Once we return we will head out get the next group of allies. For now I want the
rest of you to stay here and organize our efforts. Twilight I would like you to aid the mages and organize all our information.”

“Got it” Twilight said as she trotted toward the other unicorns.

“Rarity we are going to need armor for each of the groups I was thinking of something that can defend against magic. If you
could design it that would be great”

“Hmmm that’s not something I’m used too but I’m sure I could come up with something.” Rarity said her mind racing with ideas

“Nothing frilly” Rainbow yelled to the pony as she trotted out of the room

“Apple Jack, Pinkie I would like you two to organize the movement of everybody that will not be directly fighting Shadow.
Elders, young ponies and the families of those who will be in the line of danger”

“You can count on us” Applejack said as she dragged Pinke Pie away from the map.

“Well then” the Princess added seems as if you plans are coming together

“I hope so princess” the Spirit responded as the turned back to his table filled with papers.