• Member Since 25th Jan, 2014
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago

Discorded SheepcityUSA

Sub-Par author with a somewhat light-hearted and silly writing style.


Hiyas! I'm Screwball!

My daddy's kinda unavailable at the moment, on account of him being turned to stone (AGAIN) so it looks like it's up to me to spread enough Chaos to break him out. Might as well start with the jerks that put me on the "Pay No Mind" list by leaving me without my daddy. Ponies always say that revenge is a dish best served cold. If that's the case, I wonder what it tastes like? Ice cream? Popsicles maybe? Guess it's time I found out.

So...ya wanna play?

This is an Ask Fic! Ask questions to Screwball to affect the course that the story will take.

Most of the credit for this story goes to my friend Fluttercord45, for basically starting a majority of it and setting up the main plot, but handed the project over to me.

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 55 )

I see no reason why this didn't pass the mods. After all, your other ask fics passed.

4743187 Neither do I. I'll definitely be complaining to a mod about this. :ajbemused:

If this is going to continue, I hope I can do a little ask...

Screwball, Have you think about get allies? I think three little fillies in Ponyville could help you to do a little chaos until your daddy is back, and there could be other beings out there that hate Princess Celestia, Your daddy was six versus one after all and that is unfair

If it canot be done, then I edit

Screwball, try making portals to different dimensions! That will unleash PLENTY of Chaos!

if any of the bearers were harmed in any way it would only attract the attention of the regal sisters. who would proceed to either kick her ass of kill her depending on what she did. cause thre is no conceivable way this pony would be on par to the regal sisters. even discord found them as a threat.

Pulls out a crossbow.

Explain, how a crossbow materlized out of then air, with a flaming arrow attached?

4841989 It's Screwball...daughter of Discord...God of Chaos...she hates making sense. :derpytongue2:

ask fic, then i ask.

wouldn't spreading chaos be a moot point? it only relese discord because the spell luna and celestia had on him weakened because of the elemetns changing hooves. not only that but the spell on him now is far more powerful than the one before, cause it even reversed his chaos at the same time, which even the regal sisters could not do.

speaking of them, wouldn't doing anyhting at all to the mane six simply draw theri attention? they would come and beat you up.. or kill you if you actually hurt somepony.


to screwy yes i am going to call you that, but that's beside the point we are magical all powerful beings that control your fate. since we can't directly interact with your world you well do our dirty work. I suggest you take out the element of magic first she is the most powerful of them. now go free discord he is so funny and i want him back.

4743258 fluttercord i am really glad you gave this to sheep. no offense but when i edited the first draft it was actually really hard to read.

To Screwballs: Hello Screwball, allow me to present ourself, we are bipedal monkey aliens that don't have anything to do but to talk to random ponies about stupid things and annoy their lifes as a result, and we are happy to announced that you has been chosen as our next vic.. pony friend, we will be accompany you averywhere at anytime until we get bore, or the author does, what can you expect from us? mmmm... not much really, we may tell you some secrets or predictions from time to time, there a lot of things about Ponyville and Equestria that we can tell you, anything that can help you really, or not, anyway, please take care of us, and we might take care of you.
P.S. Everypony can see us too, you are just our principal pony, be carefull what you say to us and where you are, we will appear out of nowhere regadless who may be with you and accidentally blow your cover, but I think we can works something out.

Hello there, Screwball.
Oh, who am I? Just one of the many voices in your head. I, and the rest of your fellow voices, are here to help you free your equally crazy dad. Or try to, at least, as long as Sunbutt doesn't catch on to us. But, we're getting off-topic.

The Elements will be a constant threat, along with little miss Dimlight's friendship lessons.

How do you plan to deal with that while also spreading sweet and lovely chaos?

If I may make one suggestion, perhaps you could convince the ponies of Cloudsdale that their weather factory has a dark little secret involving the creation of rainbows...
That would surely create some madness.

Good luck, you insane little filly, we're here in the back of your wonderfully twisted brain, ready to offer guidance when needed.
Until then,
"Alright other voices, who wants to play poker while we wait?"

(All of them.) "Me!"

Hello Screwball... I was wondering if I gave you this Medusa whip how would you use it?

(Note it can turn things struck to stone temporarily)

Might as well start with the jerks that put me on the "Pay No Mind" list by leaving me without my daddy.

i will substitute whoever that is with the jerk that didnt let this pass

To Screwball: Why don't you try to do something chaotic against your own nature? If you act through subtlety and deception wouldn't you be being chaotic against your own nature, which is to do things in the most loudly chaotic way possible? What I mean is that if you subtly plan your way to the top wouldn't that be chaotic?

To Screwball: how do you feel about traversing the multiverse? is that within your power?


If you can, you could try to find a way to weaken the Elements of Harmony. When your back in Canterlot give Lulu and Sunbutt what they desreve. I hope you can your Daddy out!

Hey, screwball!! I have a great idea to corrupt the mane six!! Have twilight read the twilight series, have applejack drink fermented cider, give pinkie pie an color makeover, have rainbow dash become rainbow crash, give rarity green hair, and have Fluttershy look at shippings of her and any of the mane six! If it doesn't corrupt them, then at least you'll have a great start on creating chaos.

Screwball I have an idea what if you created a doppelgängers of yourself so you could spread chaos in not just ponyville but canterlot at the same time?

Hello CMC and Screwball pony. This message is brought to you by the blazing tactician currently known as the Hood.
But, to the point, Applebloom, Sweetie, Chicken- I mean Scootaloo, how about you make friends with this nice odd looking pony.

Hello from the voices in your head again,

Allies are always a good thing, Screwball; and these three fillies seem perfect.
They appear to be willing to do almost anything to get their cutie marks.
Perhaps you can use this to your advantage...?

*A blinking cursor appears in the air. It blinks for a few secnds before a line starts tracing a shape. It finishes in a very cartoonish door. The door opens and out steps a green scaled thing that looks pony-like. It stands up on its hooves/claws? and bows.*

"Greetings, Mistress of Chaos. I'm from the other side of the 4th wall."

*A white flash and there is a quill floating in the air as if held with a unicorn's magic.*

"I appologize for the door, I am not quite an artist, more of a writer. That is why I bring you the "Writer's Pen" or quill I guess here in Equestria. Why don't you just interact directly with the 4th wall?"

*The creature proceeded to scribble the word mustache on what looks like an invisible wall. He writes the words "on Screwball" and a large mustache appears on the daughter of chaos. He crosses the words out with a single line and the words disappear along with the mustache.

"Just use your imagination--" he smile wryly, "--and you have quite a talent with that."

He gestures rather boringly at the door. "Well I must be off, I can't stay here for long. You know that whole 4th wall paradox thing. One last suggestion: One of the Element Bearers can also tap into the 4th with similar chaotic ability. You might be able to use this connection to corrupt that pink bubbly pony to the side of full chaos. Fare thee we--" The cartoon door has transformed into a giant mouth, "I see you have already got the hang of the quill..."

*It licks its lips then gobbles up the 4th wall invader back to wence he came.*

Well, if you're going to get the CMC the question is, how? Are you going for the "I'm also a filly without a cutie mark and I think that this chaotic thing is a good idea" or the "I have the perfect way to get your cutie-mark". I personally think you should go the first option because you would have a thing you wouldn't have with the second. Their trust. If you go with my suggested option, than you should probably take a lot of time to build up their trust. I have seen too many similar plans ruined to know that that the infiltrator usually starts the plan too early, and gets found out because the didn't trust him/her enough.

I wonder..... there is a dragon in that town that gets treated like a punching bag. Little guy, purple and green, the only way sparklebutt has to talk to celestia.... I wonder how he would act discorded. *Wink wink*

(To the CMC) Watch out, somepony's about to drop in on you! She's nice, though!

Have Screwball make Scootsloo have Soul dominance as her ability

Don't hurt them screwy, they did cause enough chaos by your fathers statue to cause the spell to crack, also can't you just throw the elements into a volcano or something?

Dance, dance like no pony is trying to seal you in stone!

Congratulations for finding the Crusaders, if you win their friendship you could have a "free pass to get out of jail/stone" after all, they are the sisters of a couple of Element bearers and they could not like if "their friend" is transformed in a statue.

Also... Is true that your eyes are hypnotic or is that false?

Hey, screwy, why don't you try to have them fight in front of discord's statue again, that worked the first time...:pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

Dear Little Miss Screwball, I am a random voice/text-box-from-nowhere who sometimes has good ideas. I was thinking that you could use a special coupon for one 'Get Out of Petrification Free' card. As a note, you can only use it on yourself, and only when you are currently trapped in stone. Alternatively, you could take this 'Splash Potion of Nausea', which, when you throw it at others, makes them feel nauseous. Warning, it is quite potent and will effect you if you accidentally hit yourself with it. I am only able to give you one of these items, so choose wisely. Sincerely, Random Entity #741902

P.S. Those three fillies are the ones who gave that last little burst of chaos your father needed to break free, so I recommend that you make certain that they remain your allies.

Comment posted by Voltaje deleted Oct 14th, 2014

To ScrewBall: Ok, now that you have tricked them into joining their little shit of a club by making them believe that you don't have a cutie mark when in fact you are Discord's Daughter, you have acces to ponyville, acces to their families who are the bearers that you hate so much, and as a result, their houses, you can then spy on them, put some dark evel magical artifact to know their everymove, and mind control rape them (I strongly suggest you do that to spike, Twilight's dragon slave pet that AppleBloom love so much, you know, the one that writes and sends letters to Sunbutt, its a good idea to control and manipulate the information that your enemies have), and then.......... the crusaders I reading this aren't they?, or well, my bad, just erase their minds and it will be good, no problem, and put some secret magical abilitis in them while you are at it, the chaos will be doubled.

To screwball: Since you have these filies on your side now, It would seem pretty stupid to go after their idols/sisters. Applebloom's sister is applejack, bearer of honesty, Sweetie's is Rarity, Bearer of generosity, And scootaloo's Idol/sister is Rainbow Dash, Bearer of loyalty. I don't know if you knew that but If you went after then I bet they would start questioning their trust to you. Pinkie is too random, so I'd think that Fluttershy or Twilight would be good first targets. But Fluttershy has the stare and twilight is super fucking smart. So... Good luck and may the chaos be with you~

P.S I've got a question, What's your favorite flavor of Pineapple? Or ice cream. That works too.


thats a great idea flutterfan2501!

Just in case you haven't heard us yet were aliens that plan to bug you in your brains till were get bored .....anyhow what do you think of Screwball she does seem kind of "chaotic".

To Screwball
What's your plan for the CMC

4887683 be silent mortal . cmc: he's joking

screwy the cmc are in fact related to the elements of - blegh- harmony.
sweetie belle is the sister of rarity the element of generosity. applebloom is the sis of applejack the elements of honesty( be carful around her she can detect lies) and scootaloo is known very well by rainbow dash the element of loyalty.

Screwball: Now that you have the CMC as your allies, you should totally use them against their idols! How, you ask? By telling the truth, of course! Especially to Apple Bloom and Scootaloo! Why, you are probably wondering by this point, is that a good idea? Because Apple Bloom has lost her parents, and with the many fanfictions out there that have Scootaloo being an orphan, it's a pretty safe bet that she is one! :pinkiecrazy::pinkiehappy: So, you'll gain their sympathy, as well as their trust, a lot faster than if you continued to lie to them! :pinkiehappy:

If you want a hug, I'm sure the crusaders could give you any hugs you want if you ask them (Maybe Scootaloo could resist a little but with time she also could give you hugs)

Your problem with the Elements is easy, you just need to do better that your daddy, you have the Cutie Mark Crusaders that could give you some info and help you if they 'think' it's nothing bad and could give them Cutie Marks. Your Daddy idea was good but you only need to focus in one of the element bearers instead of all and take her out of the game. Maybe stop being friends with the other bearers, maybe betray their element, who knows. THE IMPORTANT is that they never discover for now that you are Discord daughter, if they discover that, they are going to try the elements in you, so you need to act like a normal filly in front of them.

Even so... This is the land of magic so... Maybe strange things could happen around and it's not your fault if you are near sometimes, right?

Yes, guide the Crusaders to the side of Chaos. Considering their track record, it shouldn't be hard. But be subtle about it! You wouldn't want them ratting you out to the Paragons of Order that are referred to as the Bearers of the Elements of Harmony, even by accident, would you?


And how are you doing today?

first off *hugs*


also may I speak to the CMC? ok thanks!


oh hold on one moment I'm getting a phone call BRB!!!!!!!

Screwy: So... Who ya gonna tackle first?

With love,

~New Dawn~

Hey, which element are you going to go after first? If my portal to your world wasn't smashed, I would come, but I can't. Oh well, maybe I can fix it or make a new one. Maybe. But if I did I would be able to help as a spy.(I'm a changeling queen in that world, if you couldn't tell.)

:trixieshiftleft::trixieshiftright: Oh I feel SOOOO evil, and a lot of ponies are going to hate me for this but, *Clears throat* My liege Screwball have you ever heard of the particular plant called..... poison joke? I tell you, you're going to love it, it will be a perfect, subtle way to cause chaos without it being tied back to you. Word of advise, don't use it on the Elements, Applebloom or any pony close to them in particular, as they(Elements) would recognize it immediately. Give it to the lesser known ponies so it'll take more time before they find out. It'll be especially effective to the non-ponyville citizens, or done during the absence of Zecora.
Also~ Zecora has a lotta unique ingredients for potions~ Now whatever can we do with it I wonder?? Hmm..... Opportunities, opportunities. *Cackle* Good luck and free that awesome father of yours. You have LOTS of supporters rooting for you and your daddy. :yay: Kick sunbut's flank for Discord.:pinkiehappy:

Why don't you try to make reverse-Elements of Harmony (Discord actually tried to do that I'm pretty sure), the Elements of Chaos?

Screwball, now you have the most chaotic fillies by your side what about the most chaotic mare? Pinkie Pie! And she is an element barer so once she is on your side the elements won't work and you gane another Allie!!!! :pinkiecrazy:

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