• Published 13th Jul 2014
  • 2,721 Views, 106 Comments

The Family Mare - OroKinAu

Applejack is a loving mother and wife, but she has no idea how she suddenly became one.

  • ...

A Friend to Be Helped

"Ah had such a great time, never thought ah would." said Applejack as she trotted next to Trenderhoof back to the farm.

"Anything for you, I had a great time as well." smiled the stallion as they reached the front porch of the farm house.

"Never knew a city slicker like ya would be so good at hoeing-down." the orange mare mused.

"Don't let my lifestyle fool you, I know how to hoedown with the best of them." he said. "Anyways, I'll be leaving for Canterlot for thing in the morning, so, if you want, you can always message me and maybe next time I come here we can meet each other again?" he nervously proposed.

"Hmmm..." Applejack tapped her hoof on her chin in thought. "...let me think..." she suddenly gave a smirk and gave a quick peck to the stallion cheek. Trenderhoof blushed in response.

"So...was that a yes?" he asked.

Applejack chuckled. "Of course that's a yes ya silly pony." she began to trot to the front door. "Ah look forward to our second date whenever ya get back." she opened the door. "It was nice meetin' ya sugarcube." the mare winked.

"The same." he grinned, so glad that this date turned out perfectly, and with the mare he had a crush on too.

Applejack chuckled and closed the front door.

"Huh?" I bolted awake. Was that a dream? Or a memory? I had no idea. I quickly looked around the room to see Trenderhoof asleep next to me on the bed, drool came out of his mouth as he gave a cute snore.

I got out of the bed to hopefully get an early start to the chores. I trotted over to the bathroom and turned on the shower, turning the lever so that really hot water came out. I sure love my showers to be hot.

After I removed my hair bands and shook my mane loose, I happily got in the shower and gave a loud relaxed sigh as the hot water hits my body.

"Ah, just like old times." I sighed as I stood under the hot water.

"Applejack? You're awake?" asked the voice of Trenderhoof as he walked into the bathroom. I was kind of embarrassed since I prefer privacy when I am in the bathroom. But I remembered that he's my husband and it would be odd if I kicked him out.

"Uh, yes, ah'm awake." I said.

"That's good, anyways, mind doing the grocery shopping for dinner tonight while I work on the gazebo with Apple Bloom?" he asked me as he started to comb his mane in front of the mirror while he levitated a comb.

"Oh...not at all...hun." still felt weird to say that.

"Good. You'll love it when it is done." he turned to smile at me.

I decided to go ahead and ask him a question. "Uh...do ya really think ah'm beautiful Trenderhoof?" I really wanted to know if he meant it or not.

"Why of course I think you're beautiful." he chuckled, he thought I was joking. "You are the most beautiful mare I have ever met, and I am so honored and lucky to have you."

"Ya think so?" I was kind of touched.

"I know so." he smiled.

"GOOD MORNING APPLE CREW!" yelled a cheerful loud voice from downstairs.

"AUNT PINKIE!" I heard the foals yell back as the sounds of hooves pounding went downstairs.

"Oh, no, she's here." joked Trenderhoof. "I'll keep her busy while you finish up." he said as he trotted out of the bathroom and downstairs.

I managed to finish up my hot shower. I dried my fur and hair, put on my hair bands and prized hat, then trotted downstairs to see the foals with Pinkie.

"What treats did you bring us this time Pinkie?" exclaimed an excited Cortland.

"Why, apple muffins for both of you of course!" giggled Pinkie as she gave the two foals their muffins.

Macoun looked at her muffin with suspicion. "Uh...Pinkie...you know I'm allergic to apples right?" she said.

Macoun is allergic to apples? How? She's a blood born apple, that can't be right!

"Oopsie, sorry, silly me." the pink mare took the apple muffin away and then gave the filly a raisin muffin in its place. "Here you go."

"Thanks Pinkie." the filly smiled as both foals ate their muffins in one bite.

Pinkie suddenly turned to me. "How are you holding up AJ?"

"Oh, uh, ah'm holdin' up just fine, gettin' used to things and all." I answer, but I did not want to get Trenderhoof or the foals suspicious.

Suddenly, Trenderhoof walked in the house levitating some letters. "Oh, Applejack, we have a letter from your brother."

"Big Mac?" I exclaimed surprised. I always wanted to know what Mac was up to in this universe, I quickly nabbed the letter from the stallion's magical grip and opened it.

Dear sister,

I would like to say Happy Anniversary, sorry if it was a bit late, but things have been a bit crazy at the farm. Anyways, I would like to say that me, the wife and Apple Blossom will be coming over for a visit tomorrow, can't wait to see you again.

Also, tell little Macoun and Cortland that Big Uncle Mac is coming and his wife is coming along to spoil them rotten.

With regards,

Uncle MacIntosh

"Big Mac is comin'! My brother is comin' to see us!" I exclaim with excitement.

"Big Mac? You mean the crazy son of a bitch that punched me in the face when he found out I bedded you?" the stallion said jokingly.


"Wow, it sure has been a while since we last saw him. How's the wife and Apple Blossom?"

"They seem to be doin' fine hun."

"Uncle Mac and Cousin Blossom is coming over?" asked an excited Macoun.

"Yes they are." happily confirmed Trenderhoof.

"YAY!" the foals cheer.

Trenderhoof took me off to the side. "Mind getting everything ready for them while me and Apple Bloom get the gazebo done? I want it completed before their arrival."


"SURE WE WILL! I CAN HELP!" interrupted Pinkie as she suddenly showed up between us and wrapped a foreleg around us.

"Uh...thank you so much Pinkie." stated the stunned stallion.

"You are welcome!" grinned the pink mare.

"Mind if Pinkie tags along with you hun?" he asked me.

"Like ah have any other choice." I admitted, slightly annoyed.

"See Applejack?" began the mare. "Isn't this fun? Shopping together and hanging out like old times!"

I was not too overjoyed with spending time with Pinkie, mostly because there is only so much of her craziness I can stand before I go crazy myself. But at least she's my only ally in this new universe, maybe she can guide me. I hope.

As we trotted towards the market, I saw along the way the Carousel Boutique, only this boutique seemed slightly in need of repair and closed. "What happened to the boutique Pinkie?" I asked her.

"It was shut down after Rarity had a mental breakdown...she hardly ever comes out anymore and some say that she now owns money to some Diamond Dogs." explained Pinkie. "Her sister and occasionally her friend with benefits takes care of her."

"All because of me and Trenderhoof?"

"No, although that didn't help matters at all." she clarified.

I decided to do something potentially stupid; go up to the boutique, knock on the door and demand that Rarity talk to me. I did not want to see a friend miserable like that, plus, I felt partially responsible for it.

I determinedly walked up to the boutique door and knock on the front door. "Rarity, ah want to talk to you!"

The door opened to reveal a teen-aged Sweetie Belle. "AJ? What are you doing here?" she nervously looked around.

"Ah want to talk to yer sister."

"Rarity isn't in the mood to see anypony right now, not after she was humiliated and betrayed like that."

"Please...ah want to talk to her and make things right!" Plus I wanted to know how she ended up this way.

"I'm sorry, but my sister is done with dealing with the world." Sweetie slammed the door on my face and locked it. I felt like a failure.

"Applejack?" asked Pinkie with concern.

"Let's just get the shoppin' done and over with." I say, dejected. I must get Rarity to talk to me again. But how?