• Member Since 10th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Nov 30th, 2013



This story is basically an apocalypse tale. It tells the story of a small group of survivors after the majority of Equestria is infected by a strange disease that increases speed, strength, and agility and reduces its victims to mindless cannibals. Will they escape Ponyville before they are devoured by those they once held dear? Based on a drawing I did a while back.

Chapters (11)
Comments ( 93 )

So far so good keep up the amazing work.

444338 I'm glad you think so. This is my first time writing a fan fic, so I've been pretty nervous about the whole thing.:twilightblush:

you win all of the internets


I was gonna give you your Internet as a prize, but a wendigo ate it.


I read 'Wendigo' and thought you meant the werewolf tribe. It made me sad, but that is okay. Native American folklore is cool too.

Hell I wish I had enough the guts to publish my fic that I wrote but darn english is not my first language as you may see and I am afraid of posting something that is not enjoyable due to lack of grammar and spelling etc.

Also the concept as I have seen might not find a lot of liking in the fan base.

444908 Well depending on the content, I'd gladly look over the grammar for you.

444697 :facehoof: I love this comment so much.

It was great, but it seemed a little rushed to me, not in quality but in storyline.

445295 Did it? Hmm. Okay. I'll try and add some filler into the next chapter, slow things down a bit. Sound good?

:rainbowhuh: Rainbow Dash dies? In the second chapter? WHAT

448982 Well, her face was bitten off in chapter one... And normally I wouldn't kill her off that easily, but it is based off of a picture, so I didn't have much of a choice. The people have spoken, and they demand blood.


449118 What? What is it? Are we under attack?! Run for your lives! :raritycry:

dude , make more.

ps. no pony really dies, their invincible,

449918 Heh, I'll take that as a sign you're enjoying it so far... Don't worry, there will be more to it. I'll have a little less free time to work on it with Spring Break ending, but it'll get done, I promise.

Good description on rainbows death
"She swallowed her first bite without chewing and drank deeply from the crimson fountain before her as Rainbow toppled lifelessly to the ground" lovely

looking forward to more

also you better not kill Derpy or i will probably cry and then hunt you down and kill you :derpytongue2:


Yeesh. That was... gory.


455166 I get that a lot... :unsuresweetie:

455827 I like you. :pinkiecrazy:


456459 then... maybe... we can be.... FRIENDS?:pinkiecrazy:

456474 :trixieshiftleft: ..........................................................Friendship accepted. :trixieshiftright:


I express my gratitude with a Fluttershy. :yay:

Attention, everypony! I'm holding a poll on my Facebook page to see which character you want in the next chapter. Poll closes in 15 minutes, so if you're seeing this, get moving if you want your voice to be heard!


Very, very enjoyable, I love horror stories and there aren't enough MLP horror fics that don't try and emulate Cupcakes or that are any good, this is one of the few that are, looking very much forward to reading the next installment

Oh god is Gothic going to die already?

457883 Thanks! I got kind of nervous around chapter four, but I'm glad you're enjoying it so far. Can't have my readers getting bored, after all.

457898 I don't know. Am I? I'm flying by the seat of my pants, sir. I have no idea how anything will turn out until I get there. Well... maybe one or two things. :trixieshiftright:

457916 Trixie face? IS Trixie going to be in their?

457928 Aw, c'mon! It'd be no fun if I just revealed everything ahead of time! :twilightsheepish:

>> 457947 Yes it is really Trixie


Yes finally:derpytongue2: a self-insert! Shit just got real!

462664 I do hope that's not sarcasm... Because I had been hoping to avoid adding Gothic into the story, actually. :applejackunsure:

I think I laughed a bit too hard when Derpy crushed that wendigo by sitting on it. >.>

A writer who (seemingly) kills off their own OC early on? Excellent :pinkiecrazy:

463971 What fun would it be if I left him in? I didn't want him there in the first place, but I put it up for a vote and he was selected.




463746 if derpy can break floors by sitting on them, then a blood-crazed monster is no problem.:derpytongue2:


The Shit has just gotten real.

:pinkiecrazy: Perfect cliffhanger. Can't wait for the rest.

467379 I'm happy to be getting so much positive feedback. I felt like the past few chapters were a little lacking somehow.


Not at all! A bit short, but phenomenally frightening at the same time. Two hooves up! :twilightsmile:

Thats fucked up! But anyways great story! I kinda like the short chapters

Jesus Christ :pinkiesick:


468934, 467847, Why, whatever do you mean? :scootangel:




Still, they say a pictures worth a thousand words, yet you squeezed about 6000 out of one picture. Good.

I have an announcement to make, everypony. Thanks to a sudden flash of inspiration and a pleasant chat with a successful author, I will be expanding MLW into several arcs, retelling the events of the week of destruction from multiple viewpoints. The two main arcs will have both a good and a bad ending, as will one of the side arcs. The rest will have one. I am currently planning: The Canterlot Arc (Trixie and Stormy Skies), the Novel Arc, the Twilight Arc, and the Crown Arc (Princess Celestia). I hope you continue to read and enjoy the story, and I wish you all pleasant nightmares. :twilightsmile: ...But yeah, the Ponyville Arc is still ending soon. Sorry. :applejackunsure:

Needs more Trixie

Well actually, that was pretty crazy. Dumb AJ, getting herself into this mess :ajsleepy:

472966 >Pour soul into something
>Get told it needs more Trixie

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