• Published 16th Sep 2014
  • 1,023 Views, 49 Comments

Super Dangan RonPonya: Set Sail for Despair Isles - Serenade-Stereo

Techno Blast and 15 others are forced to play a sadistic game that they've all heard of before from an incident a few years back. A game of life or death.

  • ...

Chapter 1: Abnormal Days

Most of the other students flooded out of the cottages towards Swift, Techno and Memory, caught off guard by the sight of Smile's corpse.

"S-so...it wasn't a hoax?" Bud stepped back, covering her mouth in shock. "S-Smile is really...dead...?"

"Dammit!" Bright clenched her fist. "I said that I didn't want any murders occurring! And now..." She murmured something at the end of her sentence, as if purposely making sure nobody else heard it.

"So does that mean...we have to investigate to find out how he died...?" Swift asked.

"And find out who killed him." Paint adds, not shaken by the sight and for once without her sketch. "If we don't...we all die aside from the killer..."

"But, this is wrong!" Bud yelled. "I don't want to doubt any of my friends! This is just too cruel!"

"Get a hold of your emotions." Paint looked at the weeping Pegasus. "We can't show weakness at a time like this, Smile was murdered and it's our job to avenge his death...if you don't help us, then we'll all die..."

"But...but...!" Bud tried to argue but couldn't find her words. "V-very well...but, could I just look over the crime scene...? In case the culprit tries to tamper with anything...? Ah! I hate saying that! I don't want to think that anyone...no!"

"I'll watch over the crime scene alongside her." Toxic volunteers. "She might not notice everything that happens, two heads are better than one after all..."

"Alright, Bud and Toxic will watch over the crime scene and if any more murders occur, they will keep that responsibility..." Bright instructed. "Now...we should all look for evidence immediately."

"Whoa there, slow down, tiger!" Monokuma said, appearing from inside Smile's cottage. "You guys shouldn't start any investigation without this..." He passed out some tablets. "It's...the Monokuma File!" He said cheerily. "This'll just give you the basic information of any murder, so happy investigating!" With one last laugh he vanished.

I still can't believe all of this is happening...Smile died and someone here...someone here killed him...? Is that even possible...? I don't really have the evidence to say so just yet but...I can't deny that possibility! I need to find Smile's killer! No matter what the cost!

Investigation Start!

I guess I should start with the Monokuma File... Techno slid the screen up, displaying Smile with a line crossed through him and DEAD stamped across him, his basic information was on a small text box on the side but it wasn't exactly relevant. Techno slid up again, his picture now had red spots, showing where he had been attacked, his stomach and his head. On the text box in the corner, it gave the information of what had happened to him. Time of death was...9:45pm. He was stabbed with a sharp instrument and suffered a blow to the head by a flat object...wait...what about the cause of death...?

New Ammo: Monokuma File 1 was loaded into Techno's ElectroID

Techno hesitantly walked inside the cottage, almost ready to throw-up from the sight of Smile's body. The smell of blood intoxicated the room, strong enough to make anyone light-headed. Get a hold of yourself, Techno...you can do this... He shakily walked over and bent down by Smile's body. This TV had fallen right onto him, that's probably what cause the head injury...so why did he have a stab wound as well? I wonder if the killer attacked him and then the TV fell onto him...

New Ammo: Television was loaded into Techno's ElectroID

"Hey, Techno..." Toxic tapped the Pegasus's shoulder. "Don't you think something's missing from Smile's body...?"

"Missing...?" Techno raised an eyebrow, examining closely he noticed that the black box with the microphone attached to it had vanished from Smile's side. "Huh...? Did the culprit take it with them...?"

"Question is: why?" Toxic wondered. "If I remember, Smile used that to hear what his jokes sounded like, he'd record his routine and play-back what he said...not sure if that's useful or not but it couldn't hurt knowing, right...?"

"I suppose not..." Techno shrugged.

New Ammo: Smile's Black Box was loaded into Techno's ElectroID

"Hmm..." Bright tapped her chin with her book as she looked around the cottage. "Strange...the TV fell onto Smile...and there's a stab wound in his stomach according to the Monokuma File...if so...why are there no other signs of a struggle...?"

"Did you say something, Bright?" Techno asked the mare.

"This place...it's far to tidy, don't you think so?" Techno looked around a little bit.

"I...I think I see what you mean..." The TV is what she means...I think...

New Ammo: Cottage Condition was loaded into Techno's ElectroID

"Techno, help me move the TV off of Smile's corpse..." Bright walked over, gripping one side of the TV.

"Huh? What for...?" Techno asked but didn't object as he grabbed the other side.

"There may be some other clues on Smile's person or on the actual TV..." She answers as the two move the TV back onto the shelf and sit Smile's corpse upright. he had a pained expression meaning that he unfortunately didn't die instantly, the wound in his stomach must have been where most of the blood had came from because his entire shirt had been stained by his blood.

"S-sweet Celestia..." Techno said shakily with a blue tint of uneasiness on his face. "I can't believe t-this really happened...."

"Unfortunately, even with my leadership...this was inevitable. Now all we can do if find his killer..." Bright folded her arms.

"Do you really think someone among us is a killer...?" Toxic asked, turning from where he was looking. "I mean...think about how old we all are, this was more likely to be Monokuma..."

"It's not that unlikely..." Bright contradicted. "There has always been stories of kids killing others...whether it was by accident or on purpose...that is the sad truth..."

The truth... Techno rubbed his arm as he turned to Smile's body. "W-well...it looks like his stomach was where most of his blood loss came from..."

"Yes...which makes the cottage even more curious..." Bright said.

"Hmm?" Bud tilted her head. "What do you mean?"

"Well...if he lost so much blood...why is there none on the floor? And another thing, think of how the body was positioned and where the wounds are...how did the blood splatter onto the wall, the stab wound didn't go right through after all..." Bright folded her arms and closed her eyes.

"That's...that's true...plus the head wound wasn't strong enough to cause a huge splatter unless it was forcefully thrown onto him...but the stab wound had to have happened first, right?" Toxic asked.

"The TV must have fallen after he died." Bud theorised.

"It couldn't have just fallen the way it did though..." Bright argued. "The shelf has a space closer to the back that has no dust unlike the rest of the shelf."

"Dust?" Toxic raised an eyebrow. "But we've only been here two days..."

"I know...but dust can still build up quickly..."

New Ammo: Blood Splatter was loaded into Techno's ElectroID
New Ammo: Dust was loaded into Techno's ElectroID
Updated Ammo: Cottage Condition was updated.

"Let's examine the body closer..." Bright kneeled down beside the turquoise earth pony's corpse. "Well...it's as the Monokuma File states...time of death was absolutely less than two hours ago. Though I'm wondering why the cause of death wasn't stated...maybe because it was obviously the stab wound? I'm not too sure...plus something I'm wondering...if it's just the basic information, why doesn't it mention this...?" She held up Smile's right wrist, bruises had been made all around it. "Maybe it's not connected to the case...?"

"Don't ask me. I don't have any idea on how to do a murder investigation." Techno frowned in confusion.

New Ammo: Smile's Bruises was loaded into Techno's ElectroID
Updated Ammo: Monokuma File 1 was updated.

"Hmm...I think that's all we could find inside the cottage...but I still am unsure about what caused the stomach wound...Techno, I want you help me uncover that..." Bright said.

"Huh? Me...?" Techno gave a surprised look. "B-but I'd be useless in something like this..."

"My theory says otherwise..." Bright fixed her glasses. "You actually were able to prove me wrong...that is enough for you to be seen as someone of worth..."

"Geez, so all we have to do is disprove a theory from you to be seen as someone 'worthwhile' to you?" Toxic folded his arms.

"Yes." Bright simply stated. "Now, make haste, we don't have all day..." Bright turned and left with a still slightly confused Techno behind her. They walked along the cottages before she stopped abruptly. "Hold on..." She turned to the small stream that was under the planks of wood that the cottages were built on top of. "It looks like something is down there..." She jumped down into the shallow water and picked up something, passing it to Techno.

"Huh...?" Techno examined it. It was a black shard that had a small picture near the tip but it looked incomplete, the rest of the shard had small lines over it. "What is it...?" He asked as Bright climbed back up.

"I'm not sure...but I think it might have something to do with the murder..."

"Why do you say that?"

"Because, there was only on of this and it's clearly from something that had to be broken..." She went silent for a few seconds. "Techno, do you remember what Laser had done to Smile's door?"

"Umm...she broke the lock, right...? What about it though...?"

"Nothing...just keep it in mind..." She said before continuing onwards.

New Ammo: Black Shard was loaded into Techno's ElectroID
New Ammo: Smile's Cottage Lock was loaded into Techno's ElectroID

And this thing was in front of Toxic's cottage...I wonder... Techno gave the mailbox a look before quickly catching up with Bright. The two walked along to the hotel and up into the restaurant. "Wait...is there something in here that's related to the case...?"

"There very well could be..." Bright fixed her glasses. As she said that, the kitchen door swung open, Boom and Paint coming from the room. "Why are you two here?" Bright asked them instantly.

"We came here to investigate, naturally..." Paint replied plainly.

"Yeah, Paints here thought that there might be some clues up here, I don't see what she was so obsessed with though..." Boom told her, arms folded behind his head.

"There was a reason to come here...my suspicions were confirmed...." Paint smiled.

"Suspicions? Was there actually something here?" Boom gave a clueless look.

"Yes...you see, earlier when you and I were cleaning the dishes...there were exactly twenty plates...now there are nineteen, meaning someone must have took it..."

"Y-yo...how'd you notice somethin' so tiny...?"

"Anyone could have noticed...I just have a habit of registering every detail of the day into my head in case something changes..."

"But why does this mean that someone took it...?" Techno asked her.

"Because, simply put, we didn't find it anywhere in the restaurant and we even had Monomi complaining that she couldn't find it..."

"I see..." Bright tapped her foot. "That does make some amount of sense...and something like this is expected of our Super Middle School Level Artist..."

New Ammo: Paint's Account was loaded into Techno's ElectroID

"Yo', by the way, anybody seen AB during the investigation...?" Boom asked.

"Was she not in her cottage...?" Bright raised an eyebrow.

"No...she wasn't, Rip, Memory and Clover went out to look for her but they haven't come back yet..." Paint informs them.

"It's kinda worrin', y'know? And also...aren't Paint and Aqua the only ones without alibs?"

"You mean...alibis?" Bright corrected. "For a second there I thought we were talking to Quick..."

"Whatevs...the point is that though, right?"

"Save your accusations for the trial...and try to come up with a solid theory..." Paint said before walking away, unfazed by the idea of her being the culprit.

"She's a rather composed character..." Bright comments. "I think an investigation of the kitchen is in order now..."

"Why do you think that?" Techno asked.

"With what Paint said, we should take a look at those plates for ourselves..."

"If you guys need me, I'll be here, I dropped somethin' earlier..." Boom told them.

"Alright then..." Techno nodded as he and Bright entered the kitchen. The place was what you'd expect of a kitchen. It had the plates stacked by the sink, the cutlery seemed to be put away and all the cups were away in the cupboards. "Do you really think that there would be evidence in here?" Techno asked Bright as she walked up to the cutlery drawer.

"Possibly..." She shrugged, opening the drawer. "Hmm...butter knifes...spoons...forks...wooden spoons...strange..." She stood upright. "Monokuma! Come forward!" As if on command, Monokuma sprouted from nowhere, sitting between Techno and Bright.

"You called?" Monokuma asked the grey Pegasus curiously.

D-did she tame Monokuma or something?!

"Monokuma...this cutlery drawer...does this have all of the cutlery on this island inside?" Bright asked.

"Yep, that's right! Every knife, spoon and fork are inside this drawer! Why do you ask?" Monokuma tilted his head.

"Just curious...that's all..."

New Ammo: Cutlery Drawer was loaded into Techno's ElectroID

"Also...just wondering...Paint had told us that one of the plates had gone missing...do you know anything about that?"

"I'm not obliged to answer that..." Monokuma rubbed the back of his head.

"You know..." Techno muttered walking up to the plates. "These are pretty thin..."

"Hmm?" Monokuma looked at him. "Oh, what do you know? They are, aren't they? Rather insignificant, wouldn't you say?"

Is he...trying to hint at something...?

New Ammo: Kitchen Plates was loaded into Techno's ElectroID

"Well, I have business to attend to so I'll leave you guys to the investigation!" Monokuma said before vanishing from sight again. The two stood in a small moment of silence before Bright headed for the door.

"We should finish our co-op investigation now...we can cover more ground separately..." She tells Techno without glancing at him once as she left.

She's right...I need to find Smile's killer! I should check up with Aqua, I need to hear her alibi...and I also need to talk to Boom as well, I want to know what it was he lost and I guess another trip to the crime scene wouldn't hurt...

Techno exited the kitchen and walked up to Boom quickly, he was bent down behind one of the tables. "Hey, Boom?" There was a thud from underneath the table and an 'ouch' as the unicorn got up.

"Dang, don't sneak up on me like that. Not cool..." Boom complained, rubbing his head.

"I was just wondering, what exactly was it that you were looking for?" Techno asked him, getting straight to the point.

"Huh...? Oh, right! Well, I'm...looking for something I left here...that's all..."

"Okay but what is it?"

"...something important to me...I'll say that much, kay?" Boom smiled before returning to his search.

That was oddly cryptic...

New Ammo: Boom's Account was loaded into Techno's ElectroID

"I'll see you later, I suppose..." Techno waved goodbye, heading to the main area of the hotel, looking around the pool area: Clip, Quick and Clover were visible.

"Oh, Techno!" Clover noticed the white Pegasus and rushed over. "I was wanting to tell you something."

"What is it?" Techno asked her without delay. "Did something happen?"

"Nothing bad. I was just thinking about something...you know that Aqua was in her room the entire time...?"

"Um...yeah...? What about it?"

"I was thinking...what if she used that as a cover-up cause she's the killer?! The girls didn't hear anyone leave during our party, the only ones I can think of were...well..." She suddenly seemed slightly pissed off. "You and Memory..."

"Oh, uh...hehe..." Techno gave a sheepish smile.

"And, my cabin is just across from Rip's, and I was there since 9:30. Nobody had come along until after the night-time announcement, I can say that much..."

"Alright, thanks Clover..."

"No problem! Always glad to help out in our investigation!" She gave a proud smile.

New Ammo: Clover's Account was loaded into Techno's ElectroID

"Also, if you're looking for Aqua, she's at the crime scene..."

"Thanks." Good, this way I can kill two birds with one stone. He hastily made his way over to Smile's cottage and just as Clover said, along with Bud and Toxic. Aqua was looking around the cottage for clues.

"Oh, hello, Techno..." Bud greeted cheerily. "How is your investigation...?"

"I'm not really sure how well it's going..."

"Oh...that's unfortunate..."

"Unless you're the killer, of course..." Aqua smirked, turning to the two.

"W-what?" Bud's pupils shrank. "I's never kill anyone!"

"Yeah right! I'll never believe pathetic excuses like that in this sort of situation!"

"Hey, Aqua?" Techno diverted the conversation.

"What is it, Tiny?" She looked at him.

T-tiny?! "W-well...I was just wondering where you were before the murder took place..."

"Where I was...?" Aqua repeated. "I was in my room the entire time...I left at 9:25 though to grab something to eat and got back around 9:35...there, happy?"

"Yeah, I think that's good."

New Ammo: Aqua's Account was loaded into Techno's ElectroID

"Now if you'll all excuse me...I have business to attend to..." Aqua barged by Techno and walked off somewhere.

"Bitch..." Toxic mumbled. "So what do you think, Bud? About the TV, I mean..."

"Oh, um...it is certainly curious..." Bud commented.

"Wait...am I missing something?" Techno raised an eyebrow.

"This TV...look at the screen..." Techno looked. Nothing seemed out of place about it, aside from the blood all over it. Its screen was in perfect condition.

"I don't get it..." Techno looked at the purple earth pony.

"Just...keep the screen in mind...that's all..."

Is there something off about the screen...?

Updated Ammo: Television was updated.

*Ding dong, Bing bong!*

"Alright you bastards, I'm getting tired of waiting. Let's get this show on the road already. You will all rendezvous at Monokuma Rock on Central Island for the Class Trial to begin!" The monitor shut off.


Techno walked along the path of Central Island, the only place he could think of to check were the rocky outcrops that were near the bridges going to Third Island and Second Island. As he approached, he noticed that the silhouette of the rocks had changed. Getting closer towards it, he noticed the rocks had been shaped into Monokuma's face. Everyone else stood before the rocks in shock.

"T-this wasn't here before...was it...?" Clover asked.

"Not a chance!" Quick said. "This was defiantly a normal rocky outcrop last time I checked!"

"Is this because Monokuma took over the island...?" Paint asked, emotionless. "Also, I've been wondering something...all of this time...where is Monomi...?"

"That's a good point..." Swift said. "She would be freaking out over this...so where the hell is that weird rabbit...?"

"Oh, Monomi is already at the stage!" Monokuma informed them, appearing from nowhere once more.

"GAH!" Pure stumbled back.

"Stage...?" Bright asked the bear. "You mean...like a room the trial will be taking place in...?"

"Naturally..." Monokuma said. "I mean, what if it started to rain? You wouldn't want to get wet or anything, so...I created this!" He produced a small button and pressed it. A rumbling started before one of the Monokuma heads opened it's mouth and produced an escalator heading towards the mouth. "The trial room is inside there!"

"W-wait..." Boom paled. "You want us ta go...in there...?"

"Yep! Don't you worry, it's all safe, just don't spit off of the side..." Monokuma chuckled ominously before disappearing. The fifteen students stood in silence.

"Well..." Paint muttered, putting her sketch under her arm. "Standing around will most likely make Monokuma angry...and we don't want that happening..."

"Yo....she's right...we should just this over with, y'all feel me?" Boom agreed.

"Then...I guess it's now or never." Memory folded his arms as they all stepped onto the escalator. It must have been the longest time they felt, riding on it. They all slowly moved up towards the Monokuma head in silence. They all stepped inside the Monokuma head and that caused the escalator to fold up and create the roof of the room. Metal gates slammed shut as the Monokuma head dove down towards the underground, making a huge rumbling noise pierce everyone's ears.

So this is really it...Smile Gigs...the Super Middle School Level Comedian. He was a genuinely nice person, he comforted me when I felt scared and vulnerable. He acted like a real friend to me and to everyone. He was like a mood lifter, the sun on a dark day...a true friend...but someone here...







Somebody among us did the unthinkable...







Somebody betrayed our trust and killed him in cold blood...





And so...the first ever Class Trial...the clash of those words...Hope and Despair...it finally begins...

Author's Note:

And now it begins. So unlike last time, in this story, if you guess the culprit correctly, you will be mentioned in the Author's Notes at the end of the class trial. SO good luck and I 'hope' you have fun working it out.