• Published 10th Apr 2012
  • 2,055 Views, 39 Comments

Fallout: Equestria - Our Finest Hour - MintCakeWrites

Nopony wanted this war

  • ...

Chapter Seven: Bringing the Fight to Them

"We will fight, or we will fall"

The room throbbed with the sound of a hundred assorted ponies whispering, each trying to avoid raising their voice to keep the conversations private. Pegasi rubbed shoulders with earth ponies, unicorns chuckled with well dressed stallions and mares. Several waiters weaved between them, each supplying a steady stream of champagne to the herd. A mare dressed in a shirt, waistcoat and bowtie trotted over to me, offering a glass. I glanced at the drink, turning my nose at the odd scent.

A green glow surrounded the glass as it lifted over to me, forcing itself onto my metal hoof. I frowned and looked at the bubbling liquid, still unsure.

“Buck up ye filly, any booze's good booze,” Gadget slurred slightly, floating his tenth glass of the evening over to him and draining it in a single gulp, “Didn't yer pa ever give ye a pint?”

I sipped at the drink, pulling a wry face at the unusual taste, “When it comes to booze, cider's the way to go. Why do the rich punish themselves on such drivel? There's irony in the more expensive drink being the worst.”

Gadget laughed a little too loud at my observation, ignorant to the disgusted faces pulled by a group of nearby unicorns, “When did ye become such a wit Riv?!”

'When you finished your fifth glass... after the ten shots before we sat down and after the two pre-drinks at the bar I found you in,' I replied mentally, hoping my mouth didn't betray my thoughts.

Our squad, along with every first squad across the entire combined war effort, had been invited to a gathering in Canterlot to discuss the war. Being in Canterlot thanks to doctor's orders, I had no reason not to attend. Much to my annoyance.

Slate and Hefty were introducing themselves to the other Officers across the armed forces, leaving me with a fairly drunk Gadget and a steadily increasing tab at the bar. I sighed to myself, and made my way to the bar, taking a seat to a worse for wear Airpony. The pegasus sobbed into his drink, taking large gulps and asking everypony that passed the meaning of life. I gave him a comforting pat, and was repaid with the buck speeding to the nearest bathroom, a hoof clamped to his muzzle.

The bar pony peered over the bar, shook his head, and turned to me, “Yes sir, how can I help?”

“Sweet Apple Cider, please” I replied, pulling out the bits from my wallet and spilling them on the counter.

“I'm sorry sir, we only stock Flim Flam,” the stallion offered, smiling a little as I deflated.

I let out another sigh, slid my bits across and nodded, “Cider is cider I suppose.”

The amber liquid frothed in the tankard as I picked the drink up carefully with my metal hoof, and walked back to where I left Gadget, “Goddesses tonight, it has not been my day.”

“Goddesses? Who t'fuck are t'goddesses?!” Gadget roared, popping up in front of me and coating me with the smell of whiskey and numerous drinks. Several civilian mares and stallions glanced over at him, tutting in disgust as I led him away from the group, “Ye keep talking about these fucking goddesses!”

I sat him down at a deserted table, and convinced him the water he was drinking was a new form of alcohol, sipping at my own drink as he swallowed several pints in a few minutes. The murmurs continued as he did, the odd bout of laughter spawning from several points in the room. I finished off my cider, grimacing at the poor after taste, 'No matter how good that jingle is, this is swill. Good swill, but swill.'

I glanced over at Gadget, who had taken it upon himself to discover how the seats vibrated, a feature I wasn't aware of until he had overloaded it and covered himself and the table in water. A unicorn waitress sighed at the sight, and took out a rag to mop up the liquid as nuts and bolts floated around the green unicorn.

“Ye gonna answer me question then?” asked the muffled voice of Gadget, “Who are t'goddesses yer always on about?”

“Does it matter who they are? Really?” I replied, hoping to avoid the topic.

“Yes it does,” came a deathly serious answer, made slightly comical as it came from a green tail.

“Well, the Goddesses are... er... well, they...” I was stumped. I had always used the idea of higher beings as an escape, something to look to in times of need. But even then, they were just an idea that my father passed on to me. He had called on them numerous times, rather than the Princesses as many other ponies did, often at one of Ratchet's or my mishaps at home.

Gadget turned around, frowning at a series of wires he had pulled out before throwing them to one side, “Ye don't know, do ye?”

I shook my head sheepishly, feeling a little embarrassed at how easily he picked up on my mannerisms, “Heh, no. Not really.”

“Ah, don't fret. I know where yer comin' from,” Gadget drunkenly patted my head, pushing the beret over my eye, “All I need is a bottle of something and something t'take apart t'take the worries away. We all have our methods of feeling better, yers is just a bit more make believe than others'”

He buried himself back into the seat and was soon repairing the damage done. I sat back and let out a long breath, feeling all the energy being sucked out of me. Two special operations ponies trotted by, nodding to me as they did. I nodded back, remembering their faces from Xander's funeral two days ago.

It was a strange notion. Barely forty-eight hours ago I had been in mourning, clutching at the crying form of my friend's spouse and their unborn child. Now, I was sat in a highbrow club in the middle of Canterlot sipping away at pointlessly expensive drinks and engaging in idle chatter with the elite of Equestria. It stirred bile in my stomach, the thought of these pampered stallions and mares all patting themselves on the back for a job well done. A job they didn't even have the grace to appear at.

“Easy there Private, don't take your anger out on these ponies. They're not worth it,” Slate appeared behind me, Hefty just behind him. The Officer was worse for wear, the after effects of the healing megaspell still haunting him. Gadget told me how he lost a leg and most of his gut before being healed by the Ministry of Peace's new invention, only for him to nearly loose his head after being regenerated.

“Sorry Sir, I’m not used to this whole 'Well done for sitting on your flank' thing they have going on,” I replied, feeling something press against my back.

“Don't you worry about it my buck, you'll get to kill off some zebra scum soon enough. Then you can pretend they're these bastards instead,” Thunder had landed alongside the senior officer, and offered his hoof. I shook him off me, moving away from the Airpony to his surprise, “Hey, what's bothering you? Something I said?”

“Piss off Thunder, I’m not in the mood for this,” I replied, standing up and leaving the squad to themselves. Slate took a step forward, only for Hefty to bar his way.

“Come on Rivet! What did I do wrong?!” he called out, flying over and landing in front of me.

“What did you do wrong? You don't remember? It took me a while to, but hey I had a fucking hole in the head,” I pushed passed him, only to be stopped by his wing.

“Remember I’m your superior Private Bolt, and I will be addressed as such,” he hissed, the malice in his voice echoing his actions during my first combat mission.

I buried my rising anger, and glared at the pegasus, “Sorry Sir, but I’ll recognise you as my superior when I recognise you as a comrade. You abandoned us. The moment the zebra noticed we were flying overhead, you pissed off as fast as you could leaving me, Starshine and Shadow in a falling chariot. Feel good to abandon us, hero?”

“Who the fuck do you think you are? You have no idea what I had to go through in that fight,” Thunder hissed again.

“Well forgive me for being so selfish in wanting my comrades to survive,” I shoved past the pegasus, and weaved into the crowd before he had the chance to stop me.

Over the last few days my memories had slowly returned. I had begun to remember and more of the events of the battle, some regretfully. The worst of it wasn't the images, it was the emotions that came with them. The feeling of joy that came with taking the head off a zebra mare, the exhilaration of helping pegasi carpet bomb a medical tent, the unequivocal high of standing soaked in the gore and blood of the enemy. I had no context to these emotions, only a repressed addiction to them.

Dancing around mares and bucks, I found a secluded corner and half collapsed against the wall, holding my head in my hooves. I let out another sigh and began collecting myself, 'It doesn't matter what I am on the battlefield, here I’m just an average pony. I won't become him.'

The image of Thunder's gore soaked coat and wide mad eyes came into mind, forcing me to shake the memory out of my skull. I grumbled to myself, standing back up before anypony realised who I was and how I looked. I trotted through the chattering groups, nodding to any military personal I passed. It felt that we were all in same boat, everypony in Equestria's colour wore a bitter look, despising the rich ponies.

'Maybe they'll change their tune once they see what I’ve seen,' I smirked a little, the sight of death changes every pony. No amount of money was going to sway that. I glanced over a grand staircase, seeing a mare step up to a podium at the top. She tapped at a microphone, cleared her throat and began to address the crowd.

“Fillies and gentlecolts, please make your way to the main hall. Princess Luna and the Ministry Mares have arrived and would like tonight's discussions to take place quickly. Thank you.”

The herd began to make their way to the staircase and into several large doors, drinks forgotten. I went with the tide, straightening my beret and military dress, checking my eyepatch hid the unworldly green glow. I fondly glanced at the new medal on my chest, feeling a little ill at who requested it at the same time. It felt heavier than anything I had worn before, as if it were filled with the blood of the creatures I had slaughtered . A permanent reminder of what I was capable of and that I will be rewarded for it.

The main hall soon became packed, each pony trying to situate themselves with those they felt they should associate with. The stained glass bounced the light of bulbs in a mockery of a rainbow across the audience, the windows themselves containing Equestria's history throughout all time. Not a single window featured a scene from the war, as if the whole thing would be ignored and forgotten over time.

'I only pray that is the case,' I thought, sitting next to a well dressed mare and her escort. I gave both the ponies a comforting smile as I sat down, only to be repaid with looks of disgust and fear at the scarring around my left hoof. I turned away from the pair, feeling isolated but not too bothered by the looks. Having spent the entirety of my recovery period in a city where the wounded dare not to tread, I was accustomed to looks of horror and fear from the numerous ponies of Canterlot.

The herd fell into a repressed silence as Princess Luna entered the room, a creak of wood as every pony leaned forward in an awkward bow to the alicorn. After she had taken her seat, the six Ministry Mares entered the room and took their places next to her. I felt my heart skip a beat as Fluttershy entered, the sudden realisation that this was the first time I had seen the pegasus in the flesh pushing all dark thoughts from my mind as I drank up the euphoria of seeing her.

“My loving subjects, thank you all for coming. I bring bad tidings, and I know we do not need any more than we already have. It is with regret that I inform you that we are on the brink of war,” Luna began, her voice quiet and troubled. Several members of the audience looked nervously at one another, until an all too familiar voice rang out.

“Where the fuck have ye been?! We're in the middle of a fucking war right now!” Gadget belted, followed by a loud cry as Hefty knocked him out and carried him to the door, placing him outside the hall.

While the audience glanced shamefully at the drunken stallion, I brought a hoof to my head and let out a sigh. I glanced up, smiling a little at the Princess' response. Luna had brought a hoof up to her muzzle, trying to disguise a smile at my squad mate's outburst. She composed herself and continued.

“True, we are already at war. But now, a new threat had appeared. In the past week, the police of Equestria have reported an increase in arson attacks throughout the land. No culprit has been found, but two things have been linked to each attack. First, the victims of the attacks had relatives in service or were serving, and secondly; the fire and scorch marks were green.”

The last statement caused a ripple of murmurs through the elder members of the herd, as if they collectively shuddered at the mention of green flames. I looked up with interest, it was the first time I had heard of such a phenomenon. Several older ponies murmered to one another, I was able to catch the hushed ending of one such conversation.

“It would be chaos if the public found out they were back.”

“I can't tell you. National security,” The voice of Snowfall echoed through my head and I felt a little satisfied, I was about to get answers.

I sat attentively, waiting the buzz to die down and for Luna to continue. The princess held until silence had fallen, the Minstry Mares also holding their tongues and looking more on edge than before.

“Some of you may recall the events nearly twenty years ago, at the marriage of Princess Cadence and Shining Armour. I fear that what you may suspect is true. The Changelings have returned and they are undoubtedly hostile towards us.”

An older mare let out a shriek at the announcement, her husband leading her from the room. The hall burst into discussion, the most common question sounding off every few seconds.

“What are Changelings?” Twilight Sparkle spoke into the microphone, bringing quiet and uneasy silence to the hall. The purple mare cleared her throat and lit up her horn, the lights darkening and a wall bathed in the light of a projector, “For those of us who were not alive during the attack, Changelings are a race of miniature alicorn-like beings, capable of full body mimicry of any living pony they have seen. Each tribe is run by a male hive leader, and the entire race is governed by their Queen. Like Princess Luna stated, they are capable of creating a unique green fire that appears when they change and when they die.”

An image of one of the creatures came up on the wall. The Changeling was black, save for its soulless eyes and unworldly white teeth. A single crooked horn rose from the insect like head, and two insectoid wings decorated its back. The creature's face was pulled into an evil smile, as it were pleased with something we weren't allowed to know.

I felt my stomach drop at the sight of the wings, remembering the strange unicorn I encountered before. It then dawned on me how close I had came to dying, having fought the larger one in hoof to hoof combat and now knowing that if I had killed him he would have erupted into flame, and I would just be charcoal by now.

“We attempted to find a peaceful solution to any animosity towards us, but it was met with failure,” Twilight continued, not missing a beat as the shock of the image struck the audience, “And so the Ministry of Awesome has proposed a new idea.”

Rainbow took the microphone before her, standing smart in her ranked Air Force uniform. The blue pegasus cleared her throat and silence fell once more, “The Changelings will be expecting counter attacks, that much is obvious. However, they won't expect what I have planned. The reason we gathered you all here tonight is part of it. In one week's time, I will launch Operation BugSpray and lead a combined effort of both Air and Ground Forces into Changeling territory. We will squash every single one of those bugs for good.”

The crowd reeled in shock at the Bearer's ferocity, even some of her friends looked panicked by her brashness. Rarity glanced nervously at her friend, while Fluttershy was nearly in tears. I felt a pang of pity induced nausea and anger, wanting to comfort the yellow pegasus in her time of need.

Rainbow seemed unfazed by the reaction, and continued her plan, “Here tonight are the best of the best. These are the ponies that will be flying alongside me. The campaign can't be noticed by the public, and so we are disguising this as an appeal to the other races in the press. In addition to this, we cannot take any money from the government without raising questions, so I ask you to donate some money to the cause. I also ask that you cooperate and tell nopony what is being discussed tonight.

“The operation is simple, we will strike at their major hives hard and fast. Pegasi squadrons will take out the structures, ground forces on clean up. The tactic is basic shock and awe. If...” the pegasus glanced nervously at Luna as she continued, “if Little Horn has taught us anything, it's that striking at the heart will kill morale. I’d rather we take the fight out of them than take them out of the picture.”

The audience broke into whispers at the pegasus' words, the mare next to me looking in disgust at the mention of the disaster. I tuned out the noise and sat in silence, trying to collect my thoughts.

'This means they're planning to send me to fight the Changelings. Can I do it though? I don't even know if I can kill them like I can zebra,' I danced with the thoughts inside my head, trying to keep my calm, 'I have no animosity towards them, they've personally done me no wrong... but isn't this campaign no different to the zebra terror attacks?'

A bump brought me out of my thoughts, the audience were standing and leaving the room. I glanced around, noticing the Ministry Mares were stood and discussing with several high ranking officers. The younger pony within me shouted with glee as Fluttershy was stood alone, save for a rabbit who was impatiently waiting on the mare.

Summoning up what little courage I had, I pushed my way through the tide of ponies toward the gentle pegasus. Ducking and weaving through the waves of fancy hats and overdone dresses, I broke through on the other side. I straightened out my uniform, checked my eye patch and made my approach. My heart skipped beats as I drew nearer and I felt my cheeks blush like a awkward colt, meeting the gaze of his filly-crush across the classroom.

“Um, good evening, ma'am,” I said nervously, my blush growing furiously as she took notice and smiled shyly.

“Oh, good evening sir,” she replied, her eyes shining as her rabbit companion stepped between us, arms folded sternly “Oh Angel, don't worry about a thing. He's just a nice colt who came to say hello.”

My heart soared at her voice; her legendary shyness seemed to lessen among friends. This would have been a moment plucked straight from my dreams if it weren't for her angry fluffy bunny guard watching my every move.

“Er, hey there Angel,” I said to the glaring bunny, his piercing little eyes accusing me of crimes undone and making me feel uncomfortable, “You can't read minds can you?”

Fluttershy giggled at the question, “Oh no, Angel Bunny just wants to keep me safe, I’m sorry if his protectiveness offended you.”

“Not at all ma'am!” I laughed back nervously, feeling my whole body burn up as I extended my metal hoof towards the rabbit. Angel studied the artificial body part carefully, before shaking it cautiously.

“Oh my, did you loose your hoof in a battle? I’m so sorry for your loss if that's the case,” Fluttershy mumbled as the steel hoof glistened in the light, “How did you loose it, if.. if you don't mind me asking, that is?”

“In a recent skirmish ma'am, but don't worry about it. I’m still standing,” I beamed proudly, “But I do miss my eye more.”

I removed my patch and opened my cyber eye, smiling as Angel was bathed in the green light. My smile was cut short as Fluttershy let out a squeak of fear, shrinking from the sight. I stepped forward, eager to comfort the timid mare, only for her to let out another squeak, the terror in her eyes clear.

“Oh no... it's you!”

I felt my stomach drop, my thoughts raced as I tried to think of what I did that offended the mare I loved, “I'm sorry ma'am, did I do something wrong?”

“I'm sorry, I’m so so sorry!” she began to sob, “I'm so sorry for what we've done to you, what we need you to do!”

I smiled nervously, “What do you mean? You saved my life, I’m eternally grateful for that ma'am.”

“We haven't saved it, you're a doomed pony! I even couldn't bring myself to learn your name, I’m so sorry, I’m so so sorry!” the pegasus wept before running out of the room, Angel giving me a dirty glare before hopping after her. I stood stunned at the scene, unsure of what to make of it. I felt my mind cave in on itself, my younger self curled up and crying to himself.

'I really ballsed this one up... I don't think I’ll ever get a chance like this again,' I thought glumly to myself, trying to accept a nagging reality from the moment I first laid eyes on the mare, 'It's not like I’d ever have the chance to say it anyway.'

I took a breath, and looked at the direction my unobtainable love had ran off to, “I guess I’d better say it anyway... Miss Fluttershy, I love you. I always have. And I think I always will...”

Satisfied, I turned around only to meet the eyes of another pony. My stomach backflipped and my inner colt wailed inside my head, 'Oh come on!'

“Starshine! I didn't know you were there...” I began, only to feel the horrendous monster called guilt creep up inside me. I took a step forward, only for her to take one backwards, “I guess you heard me, right?”

“If... if you felt that way you should have said something! You jerk!” Starshine replied loudly, turning and fleeing from me. Several stallions and mares turned towards the scene, commenting on my dumbfounded expression.

“It really hasn't been my evening,” I whined, smacking my head on the ground in frustration. My head throbbed for a moment, my heart pounding at my eardrums. I stood still for a while, trying to gather myself before being interrupted by an overzealous Pinkie Pie.

“OH! It's the glowy eye pony! I needed to talk to you about something super duper important!” she babbled, dragging me from my place on the floor. I woke up from my stupor as my metal hoof began to shriek along the marble. Clumsily standing up, I walked alongside the bouncing pink pony, not wishing to offend her. We reached her place at the head of the hall, and she buried her head deep inside a saddlebag. After a little wriggling, along with numerous party supplies being thrown casually around, she returned with a small card not unlike the EFS.

“Here we are! This is something I got made just for you! It's a late 'Well done for not dying' present!” she inserted the card into my temple, and stood as I winced. My eye span around for a brief moment, adjusting to the new feature as the all too familiar feeling of my stomach churning came.

“So, what does this do?” I asked weakly, trying my best to keep my stomach at bay.

“It's a radio! I think it also lets you use nearby Spritebots too if you know the code for them. Oh! And this is also for you,” Pinkie passed me a card with her name, face and Ministry proudly printed in decorative writing on the front, “Everypony gets to attend a party I’m throwing! You can choose which one you want to go to, it's just part of the fun!”

I smiled gratefully, tucking the invitation away and giving the mare a salute before leaving as quickly as I could while staying polite. Passing a still inebriated Gadget, I bolted through the gathering hall and outside to the streets. A comment from a passing couple reminded me of my lack of an eye patch, which I hurriedly placed back on.

The night air was cold against my coat, the clouds threatening rain on the city. A tense electricity filled the air, and the deep boom and rumble of thunder rolled across the sky, 'The pegasi had chosen a perfect night for a storm,' I mused as I raced through the streets, seeing the flying ponies direct passers by to shelter.

Some clouds retained the fluffy white image I was used to, remaining as pegasi overwatch stations to keep Canterlot safe over night. It was on one of these clouds I found my mint green companion, sat sobbing into the fluffy substance. I cleared my throat, looking up at her. She turned, glanced, and went back to sobbing.

I let out a sigh and sat against a wall, gazing up at her. My heart beat out painfully as I stared, heat motion a heavy toll on my conscience, 'I didn't lead her on, she put herself in this position... then why do I feel so bad for her?'

I soon dozed off, being awoken by a downpour of freezing concentrated rain. I looked up to the bottom of a cloud, the face of Starshine peeking over. She jumped off, gracefully gliding her way down to my side.

“Hey,” I chimed, blowing a strand of drenched hair out of my eyes, “I hope you're into wet manes, I’m soaked.”

The pegasus cocked her head to one side, giggling eventually. I sent a smile in return, glad my friend was back to the way she should be, “You deserved that Rivet, you're a damn stupid pony and a general idiot when it comes to mares, but I know you wouldn't hide this from me out of spite.”

“Listen, Starshine... I know I should have told you, but I never thought I’d ever meet her. And even then, we're not exactly a... thing? Yeah...” I explained, keeping my voice calm and quiet as I stood up. I walked over to the mare, whose gaze fell to the puddles on the floor. I stood in front of her, and lifted her chin with a hoof, “I don't know what's going to happen, but I wouldn't mind spending more time with you. As a friend.”

I hurriedly added the last part of my speech, feeling relief as she flung her hooves around my neck and held me tight. I placed a hoof around her, and embraced her likewise, “Thank you Rivet. I’ll still love you, or at least think I do, and no words can change that. But if just being a friend is what it takes to be with you, it's worth it.”

The mare placed a kiss on my cheek and tightened the hug, as I smiled to myself. It felt at home to be with her. Familiar, welcoming but slightly painful at the memories that came along for the ride. I broke the embrace, and beckoned for her to walk alongside me back to the barracks, letting her move closer than before.

'She's everything I imagined Fluttershy to be, kind, gentle, happy...' I thought cheerfully to myself, the colt within me yelling out in protest. The new me stepped out before him, standing his ground, 'You're just a colt, what do you know about love?'

'And what do you know about it now?'

'She isn't our Fluttershy, but we could never have her. So, we'll do as all ponies are doing in this war. We'll make do.'

“Is this your first time?”

“... Yes.”

“OK, it'll hurt for a little while, but you'll get used to it.”

“... I’m kinda nervous.”

“Don't be, I’ll take perfect care of you.”

“Y-yeah, I’m sure you will.”

“OK, it's going to go in now.

“Luna above! It's a bit big isn't it?! Will it even fit?!”

“Just relax, it'll be over in a little while.”

“Ah... AH! Fuck me, that's... argh!”

“Almost done, keep going.”

“Ah! Sweet Celestia, this... ah!”

“There we are, all done. You feeling OK?”

“Y-yeah, give me a moment... dammit, that was something else.”

“Memory extraction is a strange sensation Mr Bolt, it'll be a while until you'll be completely comfortable with it.”

I lay back into the reclined chair as it rose back up, my metal hoof massaging my head. The memory extraction process was specialised for my eye. It meant that I retained my memories of events, but it also meant that I had to be awake during the process. The feeling was peculiar, as if a bird were scratching at my brain and only touching the memories it deemed most important.

“OK then, shall we hook it up the projector and see how it came out?” an attractive mare dressed in the latest Canterlot fashion had carried out the procedure, appearing nearly giddy at the opportunity to mess with a war stallion like myself. I wasn't one for the bait and switch flirting she was employing, though I had come to realise that I wasn't one for any shape or form of flirting.

Over the week in Canterlot, I had only just realised how often and how forward both mares and stallions had been with me. My obsession with the Ministry Mare had blinkered me from any other advances, save for one other medical pegasus, and now I could see just how much I was oblivious to. From the most subtle of movements, to the most vulgar of dances, I was painfully aware of how sexed up Canterlot was.

She stepped over to a projector, rolling the freshly made memory orb into a hole. The machine whirred, flickering into life as her horn began to turn the mechanisms within. A beam of light flickered, forming into an image of a stallion studying himself in a mirror. It felt strange, I was watching something I did from my own perspective just a few days ago.

'This could end up in one Tartarus sized headache if I keep thinking about it,' I decided, turning to leave the mare to her work. I reached the exit only to be called out.

“Mr Bolt, you may want to look at this,” the mare called out to me, beckoning me over.

'That better not be a poor attempt at flirting...'

“Because your eye is linked to the visual nerves in your brain, I should be able to collect all the information your left eye received throughout your life. The problem is, some rather key moments are missing here.”

I glanced up at the wall, the projector displaying my life in fast forward. Yet I also noticed seconds where nothing appeared at all. Brief flashes where the projector failed, each time during moments I cherished above all. The first time I saw the advertisement for Fluttershy, the day I gained my cutie mark, meeting Xander, hundreds of other moments lost to the machine.

I shrugged at the mare, “I don't see how that affects me, I can recall them pretty well.”

The mare sent a glare and shooed me away, reprimanding me for my brashness, “You'd better get that eye fixed Mr Bolt, else Miss Rarity will not be best pleased.”

I gave her a smile and showed myself out, glad to be away from the clinic. I made my way past numerous offices, the walls covered in posters. The strangest being one of Pinkie grinning madly, proclaiming her action of watching me forever. It was an unsettling thought, that mare was clearly out of her mind at times. Her intentions were pure enough, and she was a genuine asset to the whole of Equestria, but she seemed as if she were putting on a front.

I made my way out of the Ministry of Image's office block, trotting out to the streets of Canterlot. The city began to feel less like a temporary home and more like my prison. At the first chance I had to leave, Slate had ordered me to stay put, reasoning that the ThunderHead I was departing on was leaving from the Canterlot barracks. I ended up spending the last few days wondering from shop to shop, looking for something to entertain myself with.

It was strange walking down the somewhat familiar streets without my companion. Starshine had left the day after the campaign announcement, with the promise that she'd be back in time to say goodbye. She was only attending the discussion as a representative, her duties to the medical corps taking precedence over the opportunity to die in a different country.

'This whole thing just rubs me the wrong way... the Changelings have been around long before the war, and they've launched attacks on us before then. Why in Celestia's name are we retaliating now?' I pondered the thought almost daily. The entirety of Equestria had gone from a peaceful existence to a war driven demon in less than two decades, 'It's obvious we not only had the ability to produce weapons but were ready to use them, so why didn't we attack the Changelings before this even broke out?'

A passing Spritebot distracted me from my thoughts, the patriotic marching tune reminding me that Pinkie Pie was always watching me. I buried the feelings and continued along my way, trying to avoid contact with the bot. The pink pony didn't posses the ability to read minds to my knowledge, but I didn't want to take the chance with her.

The days drifted slowly by, more and more ponies from across the Armed Forces arriving each morning and night. The stallions and mares spilled out into Canterlot, injecting the city with a needed boost of income. Bars and cafés heaved with a multitude of coats, hats and medals, the patrons offering a discount to every service member. A discount they conveniently neglected to mention during my first week here.

After much coaxing from Snowfall, I agreed to join him for a drink in one of the local bars. The place was filled to the brim with ponies. Pegasi mingled with earth ponies, unicorns gossiped with civilians, a band led by a violet eyed mare on the cello filled the gaps between conversations. We squeezed our way to the bar, standing next to a group of mares.

Snowfall gave them a cheerful smile, and was returned with a wink or two. The stallion beamed as we ordered our drinks, “Isn't this great Rivet? I hardly have to move before another filly is swooning at my feet because of this uniform! I bet you get some looks too.”

“You could say that,” I replied, rolling my eyes a little, “Hey! Two Sweet Apple Acre ciders over here!”

“Awww, treating your pal to a drink?” Snowfall chimed, moving closer to me than I preferred.

“No, I’m really thirsty and too sober for this evening,” I replied, picking both tankards up after sliding the bits over to the bar tender and finishing them before he counted out my change, “Why, you want something to drink? Wallet's getting lighter every minute if so.”

Snow grinned and placed an order for his poison, a specialty drink from his northern winter lands. He told me during training how the pegasi never settled near his home town due to the high winds in the area, meaning that the community was at the mercy of the elements.

Hence the cutie mark, I'm really good at predicting the weather since I loved to cloud gaze all the time. I saw a particularly nasty snow cloud coming, and managed to warn everypony before it arrived. It appeared while we were taking shelter.”

The bartender slid my next cider, which I chose to nurse instead. The sweet taste of the amber liquid filled my mouth as the bubbles danced on my tongue. My mother was partial towards the drink, having queued for hours to get a single drop of the stuff when she was a filly, though she assured me that back then the Apple family only produced a non-alcoholic version.

I sipped away at the drink, turning to Snowfall and giving him a huge grin, “Now this my friend is a drink fit for Celestia herself. A true testament to the greatness of earth ponies.”

My boast caused a few angry glares from nearby pegasi and unicorns, but I paid them no heed, 'You all deserve to be taken down a peg anyway, you smug bastards.'

Snow tapped my tankard with his glass in agreement, “Too true my dear friend, too true.”

We glanced at each other, smiled, and finished the drinks in one swig before asking for the other's choice at the bar. Snow wasted no time in quaffing the cider, irritating me to no end. I chose to savour the tastes of my companion's exotic drink, taking a drink and swirling the mixture around in my mouth.

The alcohol was warm and slightly fruity, though I could not detect which fruits had been blended to form such a taste. I swallowed it gleefully, wincing slightly as the drink burned its way down my throat. Finishing the glass and placing it on the table, I joined in the crowd in applause as the band finished their piece. The cello playing mare gave the bar a bow before taking her place before a microphone.

“May I say a word before we continue? Thank you. Hello there everypony, and a welcome to Canterlot to our mares and bucks who are shipping off to the far reaches of Equestria in search for aid to our cause. I want you to know that we all appreciate what you do for us, and that we will always remember your sacrifice and actions for the good of our nation.

“It's so sad that I must say such things in such a dire context, but at the same time I am glad. Glad to have at least seen you, just once, just so I can say thank you. Thank you, fillies and gentlecolts, thank you,” she then lifted a glass of champagne, raising it in toast to a raucous cheer from the crowd. Snow and I raised out empty glasses in respect, joining in the appreciative noise.

The mare smiled, and sipped at the glass before placing it back down, “I would now like to play a song that I once heard a buck sing on his way to battle. Though it may bring tears to our eyes, may it bring tears of happiness when you hear it again. Thank you once again everypony.”

She took up her bow, and placed it to the cello, drawing out a powerful sound. Everypony fell silent as she stroked along the strings, each singing a different note in perfection, hypnotising us into a stupor. She played a few bars, forming a beautiful melody before I heard a murmur behind me.

I looked over at my friend, who was mouthing words to her song. His eyes burned fiercely, as if his very soul was ablaze with passion at the song. Snow stood tall, and began to gain in volume, matching her notes in perfect harmony.

“The buck's eyes closed
And his last breath spoke
He fought 'til he could fight no more
A life once full
Now his empty gaze
Won't see the flowers on his early grave”

His words stirred some of the crowd, a unicorn mare also standing and joining the other two in their song. The two ponies caught eyes, and looked deep at each other as they sang in duet.

“Walk away my colt
Walk away my colt
One morning we'll be free
Wipe the saddest tear
From sweet Luna dear
Raise what's left of the flag for me”

A group of pegasi and the rest of the band began to go along with the trio, as the bar grew with emotion. One of the mares we passed on the way in had tears streaming from her eyes, her friends nuzzling close as they were on the verge as well.

“We could never see
Zebra treachery
'Til it was right at our door
And now garbed in black
We will pay respect
To the ponies who fell before”

The whole bar stirred, and I stood alongside my friend as the establishment all sung out in unison and harmony, the cello pony stood tall and wrapped in the moment. We were just one group of ponies who had not lost hope. One group who still had faith and were ready to die for Equestria. We were just one group, but one group could be enough to change anything. All it would take is one group of friends.

We sang out loud, we sang out clear. We sang out without a care in the world. We were the mares and stallions of Equestria. We will take the fight to our enemies, be they Zebra or Changeling. And, by Celestia, we will win.

“Walk away my colt
Walk away my colt
One morning we'll be free
Wipe the saddest tear
From sweet Luna dear
Raise what's left of the flag for me!”

I stood tall, looking at the stallion. He stared back, unclothed and with grim determination in his eyes. We stretched our hooves out, clacking against the polished glass. We looked at each other in distress, separated forever by the mirror. The only pony who had been through the same we have and to be there for one another, unable to meet.

We sighed in unison, and turned to out respective belongings. First came the new eye patch, two pieces of interlacing string connecting behind our heads as our metal hoof pressed them together. Our left eye was now hidden from view, just one of the many precautions we were taking before leaving on the campaign.

Next came the body armour. We pulled ourselves into a black undershirt, before attaching leg guards on our fore and hind legs. Next came the torso armour, sliding over our heads and clipping in place, tightening with the pull of a cord. The armour felt heavier than before, a reminder of the death and destruction we had seen and made.

We looked fondly at the beret, lifting it up and placing it on our head. The bronze sun of Equestria shone brightly on the front of the head gear, proud to be on display and staring death in the face. We brought our right hoof up, hooking it in a custom hold and pulled. The knife pocket on the right side of the armour popped open, and we placed my father's knife inside. Another tug and the pocket closed again. The left hoof came up, and a cloth the same colour as our coat came over the metal replacement, disguising the artificial body part.

We picked up our customised rifle, the stock reshaped to fit our armour and shoulder better when firing. A dual clip holder held rounds underneath; one with armour piercing, the other regular rounds. The iron sights had been refined to my singular eyesight, while a custom made chip gave a read out of bullet trajectory, ammo left and the weapon's condition in my left eye. We holstered it on our back, sliding it into the custom holster we made on the first day at the Royal Engineers' camp.

We gathered our personal belongings; our mother's last letter, a photo of the family, our brother's farewell letter and another photo. I stopped at the image, unsure whether the mirror me did the same. It had been taken the day before, and featured myself and Starshine in a restaurant. The mare looked overjoyed as she pressed close to me, while I appeared to be happy yet on edge. My smile was genuine, as was the glint in my eyes, yet my body was tense.

I let myself smile at the image, turning it over to read the mint pegasus' words;

For those lonely nights


I slid it between my undershirt and armour, keeping it safe out of respect. I still wasn't sure of my feelings for her, but still saw her as a friend above all else. We placed the rest of our belongings into a duffle bag, alongside numerous healing potions and an emergency rations kit. Swinging it onto our back, we looked up at each other one last time.

“Go finish this quick Rivet, you have too many things to do to be killed by a changeling.”

I nodded at the words, and left my mirror self alone in the quarters, no doubt waiting for me to see him again. As I trotted through the barracks, I dodged past rushing pegasi as they urged the importance of leaving to the numerous earth ponies and unicorns. Several Rangers stepped out, oblivious until Snowfall barked at them. My friend walked alongside me as his fire team followed, marching in unison.

“I see Hartpony rubbed off on you,” I commented at how well disciplined his troop were.

“Don't get me started,” Snow grumbled as we existed the barracks and began a light trot to the casting unicorns. We waited in line for the cloud walking spell to be cast on us, and for information on when it would need to be renewed. Waking up in the middle of night and finding yourself a few thousand feet in the air with no ship underneath you wouldn't be the greatest way to go.

We continued to the ThunderHead titled Glorious Dawn, the behemoth grounded as supplies and war machines were led into the hangers. We followed the guidance of a blue pegasus, her frosty tail bouncing as she flapped to the barracks on board the ship. I arrived finding Gadget's and Hefty's belongings already on two of the beds, yet the unicorns nowhere to be seen.

Bidding Snowfall's troop farewell, I galloped through the gangways of the ship, eventually finding them outside. They were slowly guiding several unicorns and pegasi into the hanger, a massive box wrapped in magic and rope. I smiled at little at how much the two ponies were obsessing over the care of the box, Hefty making more noise in a few seconds than he did most days.

“Alright careful now! Careful! OI! I said careful ye fucker!” Gadget berated a poor unicorn mare, the strain of lifting the box too much for her, “If ye can't do it right, bugger off and let me take over!”

My squadmates took position and placed the container next to a hanger opening, content with the positioning. I waltzed up to them, smiling at their over protection over their child, “You know, my own mother wasn't that protective of me.”

“Well look who finally showed up! Where the fuck have ye been?” Gadget clasped my left hoof in an embrace, pouting when I pulled it away lest he take it to pieces, “Yer one to talk though, ah haven't had the chance t'take a look at that hoof of yers.”

“You know, there's a reason for that. I need it to walk,” I replied, nodding at Hefty in greeting. The larger stallion rarely spoke in company, preferring to make his point through actions rather than words. That said, when he did speak it was never without cause and often put an end to the problem.

“Why walk when ah can make ye fly?” Gadget continued, his horn securing the container to several hooks., “Ah've been studying t'way these pegasi power t'ship and ah think I can make it smaller.”

“I think I’m alright for the moment. The fact that I’m soon going to be over ten thousand feet in the air with nothing but cloud and metal between me and the ground seems to dampen my enthusiasm for flight.”

“Yer pretty mouthy today,” the green unicorn grumbled, satisfied with the container's security. He walked towards the door to the decks of the ship, Hefty and myself following behind, “Ah heard we're supposed to go up top for some farewell thing. Propaganda and the like.”

We walked up an uncountable number of stairs, passed hundreds of ponies and dodged several Spritebots. The automatons' presence unnerved me, Pinkie Pie was planning to watch our every move for no foreseeable reason.

'The again, when has anypony been able to predict Pinkie Pie?' I mused, ducking under the oblivious bot as it blared a jaunty tune. I studied it for a moment, remembering the present Pinkie gave me and wondered how I was supposed to gain access to the bot. The floating metal figure turned to face me, the cold emotionless stare of a camera studying me.

“It's a game Rivet, you just need to learn the rules!” it chimed suddenly, before returning to the march and floating off. I stood still for a moment, Gadget and Hefty leaving me for the top deck. The voice was unmistakeably Pinkie's, yet that just put me further on edge; 'Did she know what I was thinking? More importantly, is she monitoring everything that happens on this mission?'

I shook off the feeling, trying to put it in a positive light. It was clear that I was important enough for the Ministry Mares to not only save me, but to keep an eye on me. Yet that just raised further questions.

'Why me? There are hundreds of ponies with only one eye, all of them more deserving than me. I’m a nopony,' I wondered, 'And why are they using me to test their equipment? They have the resources to do that elsewhere.'

Something seemed off about all these events, and the other mares just put me further on edge. Fluttershy seemed traumatised after figuring who I was, and though that mare was renowned for being shy it seemed too strange to me. I found myself thinking that I could trust nopony in this war, though I prayed it wasn't the case.

I eventually made my way to the upper deck, a crowd formed of the upper class and relatives of the troops on board were waving to the ship and the hundreds of service ponies. Many wore brave smiles, many wept tears for being torn from the loved ones again. I pitied the mares and bucks who were leaving their special somepony behind, having to keep the truth from them with just a promise of “I’ll be back soon”.

I found Gadget and Hefty stood with Slate and Snowfall's troop, the presence of other earth ponies bringing me comfort. A cyan blue pegasus dressed in military attire flew by us with impossible speed, her rainbow mane and tail blurring with the acceleration. After a few tricks to please the spectators and to wow the troops, she settled down at a podium and addressed the cloudship.

“Fillies and gentlecolts, there isn't much I can say other than thank you. Let's get out there and do our damn best, and make Equestria proud!” Rainbow Dash announced, her voice booming through every Spritebot and speaker on board. The crowd cheered in response, beating their hooves on the plating in an orgy of noise. I looked over at my companions, feeling my stomach dip a little at the sight of a black pegasus. His thunderbolt cutie mark had been emblazoned on his new combat armour, a declaration of who he was.

'Pegasi are too damn cocky for their own good,' I noted, remembering how every pegasi I had come across save for one was brash, reckless and at a complete disregard for their safety half the time. Though the irony of myself calling another arrogant wasn't lost on me.

Thunder Clap looked deadly serious as he surveyed the troops, his eyes lighting up as he caught mine. I turned away, unable to face him again after his actions. The memories of the battle were still hazy, but I clearly remembered the last look he gave us as the pilot's brains splattered across the front of the chariot, the fear as he leapt from the open door leaving me and two injured comrades to bring the transport to the ground in the middle of a fire fight.

My brief moment trapped in time was pushed to one side, as Gadget and Snow linked up together, tapping a count with their hooves. Many other ponies began to tap along with them as a band below began to play. The roar of clouds crackling with the necessary electricity to power the ship washed over all sound, yet the continuous beat drowned out all other noise. The unicorn and the earth pony both began to hum together before breaking into our farewell tribute, Gadget's heavy accent mingled with Snowfall's near angelic voice.

“Up to grand Canterlot came
A simple colt one day,
All the streets were paved with gold,
So everypony was gay!
Singing songs of Buckadilly,
Strand, and Filly Square,
'Til the buck got excited and
He shouted to them there:

It's a long way to Tippepony,
It's a long way to go.
It's a long way to Tippepony
To the sweetest mare I know!
Goodbye Buckadilly,
Farewell Filly Square!
It's a long long way to Tippepony,
But my heart lies there.”