Jameson White is a successful baker with his own shop in Welden. One day, he finds a filly Changeling Queen in his cupboards eating his food. Now he has taken it upon himself to raise Chrysalis as has own child.
Part of The Unexpected Pony Adoption Center which was inspired by a blog postby Harmony Charmer. Which we were graciously allowed to rip off completely...
well, from the title i expected parasprites, but ok
Sadly I don't have better source than derpibooru but I think that art can be good as cover art
Kinda poorly written, but an interesting concept indeed. Liked, but not favourited. Still, plz make more.
baby and little Chrissy is just TO adorable
4620217 You can also say how he can improve, just saying. It might help him get better. And earn that glowing, yellow star.
4689115 That golden star shall be mine.... MINE I SAAAAY!
4689115 But that's just the thing, it's just generally rushed and a tad expositiony. I couldn't point out examples if I tried.
4691300 Oh. Well, then. Bacca, get your sh*t in gear.
lololol foal changeling queen, just wait til she gets older
"Noooo! You ruins it!"
See's story, like's story, see's story last update.
Well. Fuck. Off.
Ok two things what does the scouter on her cuteness level "IT'S OVER 9000!! a.k.a weapon level cuteness" and two