• Member Since 7th Jun, 2014
  • offline last seen Apr 28th, 2021


~ Something Interesting Here. ~


Twilight Sparkle The Element of Magic, the Mage of the team. Rainbow Dash The Element of Loyalty, the StormBringer. AppleJack The Element of Honesty, the Quake. Pinkie Pie The Element of Laughter, powers unknown. Fluttershy The Element of Kindess, the Medic and Animal Shape Shifter. Rarity The Element of Generosity, the Gem and Metal manipulator. Put all these together and you have a set of girls in love and a mission impossible team.

Chapters (10)
Comments ( 16 )


4569389. You could follow me. Hehehe naaahh I'm kidding. I already have the third chapter done I just haven't started editing it.... I mean it's so awesome but I need the drive to edit it. I guess I'll have it done by today or tomorrow.

Now just so we're clear here there are humanized ponies here, right?

4572429. Yes there is a human tag on it.

what can I say... *spoiler alert*
YOU KILLED DISCORD! BASTERD. HOW DARE YOU! SHAME ON YOU! I'LL NEVER, EVER FORGIVE YOU FOR... wait... Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash are a couple (fusk yeah, best ship ever)? Pinkie and Twilight...:rainbowwild: AJ and rares....:pinkiehappy:
okay, I forgive you... besides the fact that Discord died... well? damned good story. I like it.

4583622. I have so many suprises for you all in this story you don't even know.

I can already tell that this is gonna be freaken' awesome!

4585086. Lucky for you I'm now able to work on the next chapter. This is gonna be so fun!

4584747 I can't wait to read it. (don't know why but):moustache:

She bad to make sure she was still alive after.

now if you were trying to say

She badly wanted/needed to make sure she was still alive after.


She had to make sure she was still alive after.

i understand the mistakes but i consider fixing that before the "passionate bronies" get here if you know what im saying?:unsuresweetie:
i really like it so far keep up the good work
(pinkie is awesomeness in incarnate!!!!):pinkiehappy:

4704090. Thanks! I know right? I thought I was getting carried away and going over the top. I can't wait for the next chapter.

Your prologue has many grammatical and punctuation errors.
May I so kindly suggest that you acquire a proofreader? Otherwise, carry on.

4792328. Ahhhh.... the passionate bronies.

4583622 no Soarin dash is best ship ever she just goes with the rest of the mane six so good that there can't be bad ship for the only bad ship with rainbow are a lot and the good ones are also a lot

4936519 actually, there are no ships that are marked as 'good' or 'best'. Everyone has an other opinion, which means that everyone has there own favourite . some has the same, which gives them something common and create friendship. Other has a different opinion, which may cause arguments. But also create something different between people which keeps friendship intresting.
So if you have an other opinion then me, meens that I will respect that. You also gave me a reason why you like 'Shoarin dash' ships more. What I appreciate. So i go with that and admit that Shoarin dash stories are also high on my list.
Waw. I sounded smart. Yay. Fart

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