The sequel to League of Discord. Twilight Sparkle and her friends have successfully returned the six champions to Runeterra, but find themselves dragged along with them. They must now find a way home, despite having no help from an apathetic League, and having yet another pair of ambitious and sinister eyes watching their every move.
Yesyesyesyesyesyes U GOT IT UP
I can feel the amazing come to me already HOOWEE this is GONA be good
Also whos your fave champion??????
Yay it's posted.
I think you should add that this is the sequal to League of Discord.
I love kassadan he is my favorite and best champion.
Thank you, I eagerly await the next chapter.
One quick question however, will sawin end up like Nightmare Moon, or will the fact that hes an evil git allow him to control it.
hope to see more soon this is probably the coolest idea for a story ive seen in awhile
Yes :D this was one of the best chapers yet :) I really like the more detailed descriptions :)
Huzzah! The fun has been... Whelp, I'm hoping at least for some bad-assery on the parts of the mane 6, but we'll see. I'm cool without as well.
A good chapter, as always - keep it up!
411079 I actually did on the short description, but forgot to on the long one.
"I know yordles might have a slight reputation for being inclined toward eccentricity, but he’s past eccentric and on to full blown ‘I’m so crazy that I can foil my own plans to take over the world despite actually being capable of leveling a city."
My favorite line of the past year!
Great work my friend
Lol Veigar.
But if ,even with his bumbling, he managed to turn the tables on me i would deserve no mercy.
Also Galio, fave champ, laughs in the face of spell casters no matter their stature, unless he's facing 2 at once. Then he's screwed.
Completly inthralling. Can't wait for the next chapter.
Great chapter my friend, looking forward to more.
Also that poor guard, he doesnt stand a chance.
For the record is his armor red? I have a feeling it's red.
It's probably gonna disappoint a few, but I feel like I have to say it. Since there's 90 champions now, there's no way I'm going to be able to get everyone's favorite champ in. In the first story, I had six champions, the mane 6, and the princesses to deal with, and I felt like I barely did any of them justice because of how much I had to split my focus. This time around, I'm gonna try and take things a little slower, limit the amount of characters who are central to the plot, and give every character the focus needed to make them actual characters. To be honest, I feel like I really screwed up my portrayal of Ezreal and Ryze both by not giving either of them enough development in the first story, and that's a mistake I hope to learn from. I'll pretty much say point blank that as far as major characters go, everyone who is going to play a role has already been mentioned. Other champs might get cameos and such, though.
Wait, this fic has Cho'Gath in it!? BEST... FIC... EVER!
The only thing that could make this fic any more fun to read would be Twisted Fate. Also, if Nasus hadn't been sidelined for now, but he's had his moment already.
I'm kind of hopeing to see Morde, Naut, and/or Hecerum show up. Even if they don't Swain is still the man, along with's hard waiting for the next chapter lol.
wend is the next chapters i love this story
Have been struggling with a little writer's block. Working through it, but not as fast as i'd like.
Slight update: As of yesterday, the new chapter is finished and waiting on my prereaders. Added bonus, I'm also posting two chapters of a side project I've had cooking for some time, this time about Trixie.
Well... Does anyone have any Celly-turned-Kassadin pictures? 'Cause that's what's gonna' happen.
Ya kassadain my favorite champion fused with celestia my least favorite pony now shell be bearable.
Hey, Celestia... Your void is ringing. This is gonna be good! This is good! Good!
Exellent as always, and it looks like things are starting to heat up, can't wait to find out what happens next chapter.
Nightmare Swain.
Now if I only could skin...
This just gets better and better. Well done sir, well done.
So... Can I have the next chapter now? Hehe. Things be gettin' good.
Pinkie should train with Fizz...
Sonic Rainboom ultimate: global effect which causes all champions to earn their cutie mark.
Oh man, I think it's inevitable that the mane 6 are gonna have to gain support for their return home. Just imagine: people of valoran start to gain interest, and then 'fans' of the mane 6 will be dubbed as 'bronies.'
Of course, there's the milestone of them overcoming with the violence in League matches. But I can see it now:
Applejack - Seeing that she sparred with Lee Sin, probably a solo top bruiser/tanky type (Irelia, Garen, maybe full tank like Shen or Rammus)
Twilight - Obvious AP carry (leaning towards Leblanc/Ahri/Lux; squishy but does da damages)
Rainbow - With training with Riven, probably solo top/jungler bruiser (thinking Nocturne, Lee Sin, Shyvana)
Rarity - May be support, possible viable solo mid (Lulu, Janna, Soraka)
Fluttershy - Support? (lolidunno)
Pinkie - No idea. AD carry where she throws cupcakes? I kinda wanna see Pinkie with Shaco capabilities, though...
We do need a ranged AD carry. All I can see is Rarity by flinging her gems. Or maybe Fluttershy toughens up and takes to a bow. Then again, seeing as there are 6 of them, I think Fluttershy would be most likely to be the one to volunteer to sit out matches. Or maybe Pinkie somehow modifies her Party Cannon (oh man, Graves-style Pinkie would be inviting, too).
oh god Celestia...
well for the matter of ranged AD then rarity would probably be it.
people often assume that one of raritys hobbies is arrow practice. using her magic as a bow.
on the matter of fluttershy. i picture her as a full blown support (think soraka+sona). then she has a passive pet or some shit that does her damage and tanks for her (like a passive tibbers minus the dramatic entrance)
im hopping that twilight, rainbow, and applejack have to join the league to get them out (im bored so im jsut assuming if they did twi would be a mage who focused armor on protection rather than ability enhance rainbow being like ryze and applejack being a like holy crap i forgot his name err dangit hes the one i play all the time well hes the first demncia character) INGORE MY TYPOS
Celestia isn't allowed to break down except in grimdark discord stories
Fantastic writing as always, though.
im not to sure you should call this chapter that but you could get rid of the first half ermm move it for it to be able to have it only have the celestia part
shit this is making me hooked on LoL again bye guys well im finishing story while it updates
YES! YOU SEMI DID WHAT I ASKED WHEN I STARTED TO READ A FEW HOURS AGO EXCEPT YOU DIDN'T PUT APPLE JACK IN THERE BUT I'M FINE WITH THAT! BEWARE TWILIGHT'S ABOUT TO im happy now but please remember twilight is a the reincarnation/representation/reinbodyment/ect of magic (sorry i forgot how to spell re-embodiment) so she wont need magical robes
A grand chapter my friend!
I enjoyed the Heimerdinger referece, and i suspect the yordles at the Science lab were Rumble and possibly Ziggs.
REALLY looking forward to seeing Rainbow and/or Twilight in a league match! I wanna see some pony humans kick some ass!
OOOOO, and side thought. Do you think they would be suprised by Hecarim? The closest champion to what they once weere physcially but the farthest possible in mentality and morality.
Looking forward to more!
Uh oh things are getting bad ass now. Their judgements would definatly be entertaining, looking forward to more awesomeness.
Well, remember that Rumble hates Heimer, with that being his entire reason for joining the league, while Ziggs doesn't really have much connection to any of the other yordles.of the league. Heimer does, however, have lots of contacts in the bandle city and piltover hextech scientific community.
557059Your claims ring true, i was just working under the assumption that you were using league Yordles as camios to please the readers. But thanks for responding.
Well, I like the little cameos, because I know, plot aside, one of my favorite parts of a crossover are those little 'oh, THAT character showed up? He's my favorite! Awesome!' moments. That being said, I spend a lot of time on the official website and the unofficial wiki to make sure I don't derp my canon, a la 'Brand is a nice guy at heart' or 'Rammus and Twitch get along'. Little stuff like that matters, imo. I'd like to think of it as a quality mark when I get as much of that stuff right as possible.
558686 Couldn't agree more my friend, and you've been doing a spectacular job of it so far!
“-and then the unicorn doctors pumped my stomach again!” Pinkie finished, completely unaware that she was being ignored.
the again part scares me
But anyways I have never played LoL (I think Thats what this is based on) but I seem to have gained interest in your story
Good work
It's a pretty neat game. I've been playing it for almost two years now, and it still holds my interest.The community can be a bit dicey at times, but that's why I normally just hang out with the LoL bronies.
meh idk about this one and don't ask because idk
Hmmm the idea of them joining the League pleases me. I have always wondered though if anything will be done for Renekton, It appears to be in the ponies personalities to help those around them.
Either way keep this up, every time this updates I go ecstatic.
"You associate with monsters who call abuse science."
The "who call" bit seems out of place there. Also, there's an extra t in the title. good chapter, looking forward to the imminent league battles.
A grand chapter my freind, you don't dissapoint.
Also far more philosophical then I was expecting.