This story is a sequel to Me, my Wife and my Daughter
Caramel hasn't had the nicest life out of anypony. His parents were abusive towards him, he grew up in a gang ridden state of Equestria and he's only ever had one friend in his life, Lucky Clover. He and Lucky think about starting anew when they arrive in Equestria, and all of it goes well for Caramel, and it gets even better for him when a Southern mare comes into his life.
A prequel to Me, My Wife and My Daughter
Apart of the "Life's Nuances" series along with:-
Me, My Wife and My Daughter
One Bad Date
The Roadie and The Showstopper
Rated Teen:- Strong Language and Suggestive Elements
...? Is it a prequel or a sequel? I'm assuming prequel...
It's both!
You have just entered...
Sounds more like Homestuck.
Looks like this will be very interesting.
4502939 it's fimfiction computerisation, I can't technically publish this without an id for the previous story and so this will be its own story, it's annoying actually
Ah, I see.
I Demand the next Chapter, Naouw. Btw i like the Story so far.
4954072 it will be around soon, man. I've just been busy
4977989 No Problemo, I'll wait.
I really enjoyed Me My Wife and My Daughter so im really looking forward to this one good job

why does it said sequel at the top and then it says prequel at the bottom??
read this, mate 4504576
This is a prequel not sequel to the next book in the series LOL!
Oh no this has sex in it, but its an OK story! :') 

Will this ever be finished?? It’s been a long time and I really want to see/read what’s going to happen, it looks great so far!
When are you going to update?