• Published 11th May 2014
  • 3,665 Views, 40 Comments

His Light, Her Darkness - Shadow Master

Twilight Sparkle encountered Mysterious Earth Pony, but can she help and save him from his loneliness? Can Her Light and His Darkness coexist and love with each other?

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Prologue: The Legend of Dark Mystic of Vengeance

In the world of emptiness and darkness, it was nothing. No animals. No greens. No sun. No moon. No Water. No Ponies. No Light but Darkness. Only the sound of breezing cool wind across the empty world... Sound of the calming wave of sea against the gentle rocks... The calming stomping on rocks sounded gently and softly... Chatting of happiness, joyous and hope were sounded as loud as the giant's voice yet soft as tiny ant's.

"Mommy," The gentle, kind and soft voice said cutely and gently, "What story are we going to have?"

"Hmm... I'm not sure..." The calm yet firm voice said, admitting that she hasn't found any story that interest her and her family. She continued thinking, before she spoke gently, "I think there is one... It's something I haven't read for a long time."

"Long time," The boy's voice asked in surprise, didn't expect someone like her to forget about the book so easily, "So... What book is that?"

The mother giggled gently, "Trust me, guys... It won't be pleasant and happy too. It's going to be bad, scary and tragic for this poor sole main character of the story."

The boy scoffed, not afraid of the danger or situation he was facing, "Trust me. I faced more than one danger, especially involving Garble and his dragons, and the monster Lord Tirek. So, there is nothing what a baby dragon can do."

The girl giggled cutely and happily, "Be careful of what you say. The last thing you want is to wet your bed."


"Just kidding, BBBFF. Besides, I never had a brave and strong brother like you."

"Oh, thanks, LSBFF."

The mother giggled softly, before clearing her throat, "Now that we are done with our joke. It's everyone okay with this story of what I'm about to tell you?"

"Of course," The voice sounded in Southern or Texas Accent said, "My sister can handle such scary story before, now do you, little filly?"

"I sure am, sis," The little Southern voice said cutely, "After all, I've been the danger before. I can do it again, especially running away from the Chimera and getting apple pies to the Cajun Swamp in time."

The older Southern voice giggled lightly, "I'm the one who had to save your flank, sis, and then we headed to the swamp for delivery-"

"TOGETHER,' The older and younger Southern said together happily.

"Hmm... Indeed," The older British voice said gently and nobly, "After all, we've been so many dangers before in our life. So, why not listened to this one tinsy scary story for once."

The younger cute voice giggled happily, squeaked cutely and happily, "Yeah! I handle my nightmare before, this nightmare won't be a big problem to me."

"You said it," The confident voice said, "After all, nothing can scares us when we had our sisters to be with us."

"That's the spirit, squirt!" The confident and firm older voice said, "I mean, we've been all the danger in our lives, especially fighting against some villains, and especially fighting with the pirate. As for Tirek, he ain't so scary to us when we show our cool and awesomeness power!"

Cheerfully and happy voice giggled happily, "You said it, pal. We've seen so much action, and we faced and got over them in time. It's not like anything could scare us that easily as the monsters or Tirek we've faced before. We are the heroines of Equestria, and the Council of Friendship! And our friend is our leader and princess of Friendship and Ponyville."

"Yay..." The soft and meek voice cheered, "Maybe there is some I'm still scared, especially Tirek. Oh my... I'm worried and scared of what he's going to do next if he gets what he wants."

The mother giggled lightly, "It's okay... What's done is done, my friends. After all, we had overcome most of the battles and monsters throughout our journey, especially my special little daughter of mine. Nothing we can't handle. Nothing scares us. Nothing can stop us from saving our home."

"Hmm Humph!" Everyone agreed.

"Okay, then," The mother said gently, "Get ready for the story, everypony. It's going to be interesting when you hear this story."


The golden symbol of Unicorn's head within the circle of brown book flipped to the left, entering to the next page of the story. Most of the pictures were Renaissance Paintings. The light grayish Earth Pony with white long beard and short mustache dressed in the golden Chinese Emperor's dress, sitting on his throne chair, looking upon pinkish mane of White Alicorn and light bluish mane of light Navy Alicorn.

"Once upon on time... There were two sisters; the older one named Princess Celestia, and her younger one named Princess Luna. They came and visit the most powerful Warlord among Beyond the Equestria, or known as the Mystic Realm. He was known as the Jade Emperor, leader and Emperor of Mystic Ponies." The mother narrated.

Next page flipped...

Earth Ponies, Unicorns and Pegasi performed and created small orbs or balls-like called Elemental Magic, which consist of eight powerful elements: Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, Wood, Steel, Ice and Thunder.

"Mystic Ponies... The mythical yet mysterious Ponies, who possessed the mystical powers and magic that no ordinary ponies could possessed as they had. And unlike any Equestria Ponies, they can lived for more than hundred years, or better put use of words: thousands years as Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. It is said that these ponies were connected to the Tree of Harmony and Elements of Harmony. It was said that Lauren Faust and Mystic Avatar were the creators and parents of these mystical ponies, as they were to their first two children: Celestia and Luna.

Next page flipped...

Princess Celestia and Princess Luna were talking with the Jade Emperor, hoping for answer and guidance to their cause...

"The Royal Sisters begged the Jade Emperor for answer they seek to protect their ponies from their enemy called Discord, a mischievous and troublemaker Draconoquus, caused serious and terrible unknown strange powers upon the Realm of Equestria, bringing chaos and destruction on them... The Royal Sisters need answer and help from the mystical ponies in defeating the Spirit of Mischievous and Chaos.

Jade Emperor turned his head away from them, pointing them out to the entrance... Royal Sisters looked down in sad and pain...

"But the Jade Emperor refused to help... He demanded two Sisters to leave Mystic Realm. But years ago, before the birth of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, He sees the Realm of Equestria was nothing but war and chaos against each other for power... tyranny... greed... lust... destruction... He had seen this kind of war since the Beginning of War between Earth Pony, Unicorn and Pegasus. It was after that time, Equestria was created and founded by Lady Lauren Hope as the leader and first princess of Equestria.

Royal Sisters begged and talked with the Jade Emperor, telling him about his kind and theirs. Equestria

Next page flipped...

Ponies fought against their invaders on the field of Everfree Forest. They were Mystic Ponies. Both Equestria Ponies and Mystic Ponies were once enemies and war against each other for power and land for base.

Behind of the war... Equestria Ponies sought for defense and tranquility of Equestria... Mystic Ponies sought for guiding and protecting the Equestria, with their teachings and ruling ways. Equestria Ponies shook their heads, arguing and shouting at them back, and attacking one of Mystic Ponies, provoking two sides to begin the war, and battle against each other.

Next page flipped

For hundred years of war against each other passed, the white Alicorn with crimson mane and tail meeting the pale Mystic Pony, who had the messy and spikier mane and short tail, dressed in red and brown robe and had long light brown scarf at the area where Tree of Harmony was found, underground... From the first sight of their eyes... their eyes shown shapes of hearts, looking at each other like they were meant to be together.

Both Equestria Alicorn and Mystic Earth Pony, appeared before their kind. Both Mystic Ponies and Equestria Ponies smiled, looking at both Equestria Alicorn and Mystic Earth Pony smiled and kissed at the same time. Few years later, both of them had two familiar Alicorns: white one with pinkish mane and tail, and navy one with lightish blue mane and tail.

"The Royal Sisters reminded the Jade Emperor, that his kind too had the same problem as theirs, theirs and his wage the war for hundred years. A war called 'Hundred Year War' or 'Mystic War'. Equestria Ponies wanted freedom and independence while Mystic Ponies wanted to guide and helped these ponies to be perfect and great as they were. There were many arguments and battles among them, causing them to wage a war for hundred years.

One fateful day... Lady Lauren Hope and Mystic Avatar met at the land of Everfree Forest. At first they were enemies... But the next... they fell in love when they first had their sights on them. Their loves... had stopped the War. Both Mystic Ponies and Equestria Ponies stopped their war, learning of their leaders falling in love, knew that they should love, not hate... And the peace between Equestria Ponies and Mystic Ponies had begun. Both Lady Lauren Hope and Mystic Avatar had two children: Celestia and Luna."

Next page flipped

Jade Emperor nodded his head. He turned to the gray old Earth Pony with black mark on his left eye, white mustache and beard, white mane in ponytail and short tail like Ancient Chinese, dressed in Chinese white silk adviser's robe-like with Yin-Yang on his center. He smiled, turning to the smiling Royal Sisters.

The Jade Emperor smiled, agreed with what Royal Sisters requested. He summoned his ally and advisor, Mystic Tao to help and assist Princess Celestia and Princess Luna in against Discord.

Tao helped Royal Sisters in finding the Elements of Harmony, and fought against three greatest villains across the Equestria: Discord, King Sombra and Tirek.

Tao helped the Royal Sisters in finding the Elements of Harmony from the Tree itself, which was found and hidden by both Lady Lauren Hope and Mystic Avatar before their passing. Only Mystic Ponies knew its location. Using the most powerful weapon, they defeated their enemeis, including Discord, King Sombra and Tirek. The Royal Sisters became the rulers of the Equestria.

Next Page flipped

Both Princess Celestia and Mystic Tao faced against Princess Luna. She transformed into darken and evil Nightmare Moon. Princess Celestia used the Elements of Harmony in banishing Princess Luna to the moon, leaving them both heartbroken and despair.

"Princess Luna... turned against her own family and friends after watching many ponies enjoyed the day, and sleep on the night. She became Nightmare Moon. Princess Celestia was forced in using the Elements of Harmony, banishing her beloved sister to the moon. Both Princess Celestia and Mystic Tao were heartbroken and sad."

Next Page flipped

200 years later... Mystic Tao found the pale Mystic Earth Pony with black spiky mane and short tail, on the doorstep of his home. Mystic Tao trained the young Earth Pony through martial arts and taught him about Equestria and Mystic Realm. Young Earth Pony grown up to be stallion, facing challenges such as fighting the monsters, battling the evils and learning about the world. He hugged him like what fathers did to their sons...

"200 years later... Mystic Tao found and adopted the Mystic Earth Pony child on the doorstep of his home. He taught him about two realms, and the skills of Martial Arts. The young pony became the hero of two realms for defending the world from monsters and demons that threatened against the peace and tranquility of Mystic and Equestria Realms."

Next Page flipped

The young Mystic Earth Pony encountered and met the blue Alicorn with navy mane and tail in ponytail. They both smiled in happy and joy, playing together, helping each other and trained each other of what they want to know and learn. They both hugged and kissed on their lips.

"Then, one day... The Mystic Earth Pony met the most beautiful Alicorn at the city of Canterlot. They became friends first, while helping, training, learning and playing together. As years passing by... both of them fell in love..."

Next Page flipped

A black Unicorn with a long white beard, his eyes are left green iris and right yellow iris wore the black Chinese robe, smiled evilly, looking at the loving scene between Mystic Earth Pony and Equestria Alicorn. He turned to the Equestria black Pegasus with silver gentle and spiky mane and short tail, for mission. He killed the Equestria Alicorn and fought against the Mystic Earth Pony, who fought, attacked and defeated the black Pegasus to the ground.

Mystic Earth Pony held and hugged the Alicorn towards him gently in pain and despair.

"A black Mystic Unicorn named Dark Curse, whose heart was cold as the night, and hated most of Equestria Ponies. He saw great potential and power of the young Mystic Pony. For the young Mystic Earth Pony, he possessed great power that helped and balanced both Light and Dark, supporting the Elements of Harmony. This had given him the edge in defeating his enemies. He asked the power hungry, Drake Blackstar to help him succeed his plan by killing the young Alicorn and Mystic Earth Pony.

The Alicorn was killed by his strange powers that could kill Immortality Ponies, Drake Blackstar was killed by the young Mystic Earth Pony. Even though the power-hungry Pegasus has been taken care of, he lost his loved one. Without her, he will be in despair and angered by his kind."

Next Page flipped

The Mystic Earth Pony turned to Dark Curse, talking with him for helping. Dark Curse gave the young Mystic Earth Pony a wooden bowl of soup. He drank the soup. He became the Dark Mystic Pony.

"Mystic Earth Pony sought the help from Dark Curse that he wished to be part of his group. To become full-fledged member, he must drink the Demon Soup. With the sip of the soup, he became the Dark Mystic Pony. He was no longer the Mystic Pony."

Next Page flipped

The Second Mystic War...

During Five years...

Dark Mystic Ponies invaded and attacked on both Equestria and Mystic Realm. Young former hero helped his Dark Mystic Ponies in defeating and killing thousands of both Equestria and Mystic Ponies, and capturing most of the bases, fortresses and cities.

Dark Curse and his Dark Mystic Ponies faced off against Tao, Jade Emperor and Princess Celestia. Both sides fought hard and quick. In the end, Princess Celestia and Tao laid down on the ground, unable to move. The young former hero, held his sword up, preparing to finish his final blow. Dark Curse had managed to defeat the Jade Emperor to the ground.

The young former hero was in-charged of dealing the Resistances for three years.

The former young hero encountered the spirit form of Alicorn he loved, talking and begging with her loved one to realize the mistake. The young hero looked in shock and scared, seeing all of his home and allied had been destroyed, and most of the ponies were scared and feared of him.

A year later, The young former hero attacked and defeated Dark Curse and his Dark Mystic Ponies to the ground at the palace, with his pure powers...

"Then, it came with the Second Mystic War. Unlike First Mystic War, it takes five years only and it was the Dark Mystic Pony defeated and conquered both Mystic and Equestria Realm. They even captured and defeated Princess Celestia, Tao and Jade Emperor. The young former hero felt proud and pleased that he had avenged everything and his beloved one.

But the spirit of his beloved appeared before him, begging and telling him of what he did was wrong... The young former hero realized his mistake. He fought and battled against his Dark Mystic Ponies to the end and defeating Dark Curse. Thus, ending the Second Mystic War,,,"

Next Page flipped

Dark Mystic Ponies headed straight to the Realm of Darkness. Ponies from both Mystic Realm and Equestria Realm rebuilding their home and cities to the proper states.

Within the Jade Palace, Jade Emperor glared at the former young hero, pointing him to the portal while Princess Celestia and Mystic Tao heartbroken and upset. The young former hero turned and walked towards to the portal... He disappeared. Mystic Tao kneed down to the ground, cried in despair and pain, while Princess Celestia patted her old friend's back gently.

"Dark Mystic Ponies have been banished to the Realm of Darkness where they will be punished for betraying and attacking both of their homes.

As for the young hero, Jade Emperor exiled him for betraying and attacking his own kind and allies, all because to avenge the wrong... He knew his mistakes and admitted it.. There was no turning back. He entered the portal and disappeared from the sight of his friends and family... Mystic Tao was heartbroken, seeing his son left and gone, and never return...

Next Page flipped

Both Equestria and Mystic Realm were cut in halves, instead of whole one... Jade Emperor on his left side of Mystic Realm and its ponies while Princess Celestia was on her right side of Equestria Realm and its ponies.

"Jade Emperor decided that Mystic Ponies should and will never ever communicate and made contact with the Equestria Ponies again, leaving Princess Celestia to ruler Equestria. And it ends the alliance between Equestria and Mystic Ponies. Throughout the thousand years, neither of them had made contact or visit.

History became Myth... And myth became Legend... No one has ever heard from Mystic Realm or even the banished young former hero since he has been banished from his home...

The book disappeared into darkness...


Within Friendship Rainbow Kingdom, Twilight, her friends, Spike and Cutie Mark Crusaders were at the Living Room, which was filled with books on every shelves, and has the fireplace.

Twilight Sparkle, the young princess and heroine, who defeated most of the villains with the help of her trusted and best friends, closed the book, looking up at to her friends and family. They were in shocked and surprised of what they had heard and learnt about the story Twilight Sparkle had told.

"What do you thinks, girls?" Twilight asked gently.

"That was great story!" Apple Bloom cried, raising her hooves up high happily.

"Very scary and sad too," said Sweetie Belle, "I feel sorry for that Mystic Earth Pony. He was a hero but turned against his own kind, all because of the revenge."

Scootaloo nodded her head, "It must have hurt him a lot..."

Twilight's surprisingly biological-daughter, Nyx nodded her head, agreed, "Yeah... If he hadn't start the Second Mystic War, he would have stayed on Mystic Realm, and of course both Equestria and Mystic Ponies would have been together than separated."

Spike sighed, nodding his head, "Yeah. No kidding." Spike turned to Twilight, asked: "By the way, Twilight, do you believe there's such thing called Mystic Ponies, three kinds of mystical ponies possessed both magic and powers in performance and battles? Do they exist?"

Twilight looked up, thought of the moment for a while. She shrugged, "To be honest, Spike, I'm actually not sure." She breathed in defeat before she smiled, "But if it were to me... I believe there're Mystic Ponies. I really wish to meet one."

"Too bad they're not here, Twi," said Rainbow, while flapping her wings on midair and her front hooves on back of her head like she was swimming on the air.

Rarity nodded her head, "Rainbow's right. After all, Mystic Ponies were just myth."

"Or maybe they had been sleeping throughout 700 or 800 years later in their comatose stasis for who knows how long!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed in excitement.

"Like Crystal Ponies?" Twilight asked in amusement. The girls and Spike giggled and chuckled happily and amusement. Twilight cleared her throat, "But even so, I can't shake the feeling that these Mystic Ponies are real, ever since I was a little filly. I had a dream." She sighed in happiness, "I dreamed that I would meet the Mystic Pony. One day... Someday..."

"Wow..." Fluttershy said in impressed, heard of what Twilight had said. She continued, "I didn't know that you had somepony in your mind. Is it someone you like?"

Twilight was in shock of what Fluttershy had asked. Someone to like? For her? Not entirely true...

Twilight shook her head gently, "Not really." She looked at the book, flipping and turning some of pages. She stopped on the page where the Mystic Earth Pony was, battling against the monsters and demons. She sighed, "But... when I read this book... I felt... sorry for him, making me wonder and thinking that I could be the one to help him. I felt like... I want to help him..."

Applejack nodded her head, "I see... But don't you have crush on this pony."

"I wouldn't say 'crush'. It's more like admire him."

"In other words, you like him?" Applejack asked. Twilight blushed a bit. Applejack smiled, "Hey no worries. I too felt the same before. I felt it for Caramel. He maybe not great Earth Pony, but he's still a good one. What I like him is his caring for friends and family."

Twilight sighed, "Fine, Applejack... You were right. I do like him as a friend. And I feel sorry for him too. The female Alicorn he fell in with, killed by the mad Mystic Pony. And I really wish I could help him."

Applejack approached to Twilight Sparkle, patted on her best friend's back gently, comforting and calming her down. She said: "It's okay, sugarcube. You know... You're not the only one, who felt sorry for him. I too feel that too. He was definitely a good hero. But pity he made the mistake." Twilight smiled, knowing Applejack knew how to make her friends looked better. Applejack turned to her friends, asked: "Right, girls."

Everyone nodded their heads, agreeing with Applejack's suggestion and Twilight's story about Mystic Pony. Nyx yawned loudly, followed by Spike, then Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle. They had listened and heard the story, had made them very tired and sleepy. Mane Six smiled and giggled happily. It was time for bed.

In the small room, Mane Six took Cutie Mark Crusaders to the bed for sleeping. Applejack, Rarity and Rainbow Dash tucked Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo to the small beds gently, cuddly and softly. They smiled at their younger sisters, before they nuzzled on their heads gently. The older ones loved their younger ones very much.

Pinkie Pie slept on top of the bed, leaving Fluttershy slept on the bottom in the left room. Rainbow Dash slept on top of the bed while Rarity slept on below.

Twilight did hers to both Nyx and Spike on their small beds in her own room. Twilight smiled and nuzzled on both Nyx's and Spike's head, before kissing on their foreheads. Spike and Nyx yawned again sleepy and tired.

Twilight smiled, preparing to turn her away from them.

"Mummy?" Nyx asked. Twilight turned back to Nyx, with her smile, wondering what would a little filly want. "Do you believe in Mystic Pony?"

Twilight smiled, nuzzling Nyx's head, "Yes, Nyx. I do believe in him."

"Me too, mommy. I really wish to meet him, especially the Mystic Earth Pony hero. He wasn't really evil... just misguided like how I was."

Nyx yawned, before she tucked herself to her own bed. Twilight smiled, and knew what Nyx meant.

Twilight had never forgot of how it began when she first met Nyx from Everfree Forest, having difficult to understand and know whether Nyx should be herself or Nightmare Moon. After going through some adventure and battles, Twilight smiled in please and happy to know Nyx has her own freewill to choose. And she chose to be a filly and normal. She wondered if she could do the same to the Mystic Pony when she met him.

Besides... Twilight was and always meant to be Princess of Friendship, spread her 'Magic of Friendship' across the Equestria... She might have her chance in making friend with the former Mystic Pony hero she read about. She may help and bring the former Mystic Pony to good side, and helped him go back home... Hopefully Mystic Ponies forgave him...


Twilight sighed, heading out to the balcony. She looked up at the sky, wondering of what she and her friends had discussed about the Mystic Pony. She wondered if she could do such a thing...

"Having some thought, sugarcube?" Applejack asked. Twilight turned and found Applejack approaching her. "Wondering about Mystic Ponies?"

Twilight smiled, "Yes..." She turned to her best friend, asking a opinion, "Applejack, can you be honest with me?"

"Sure. Anything for my best friend."

Twilight breathed in concern and relief. She asked calmly, yet hesitantly, "Do you think... I had the power to change ponies' ways for the better?"

Applejack looked confuse and concern, "I don't understand, sugarcube."

"Applejack... What do you see in me? Why... Why am I so special?"

"To be honest. I don't know," answered Applejack.

Twilight sighed in disappointment, she thought she could find the answer of why she was chosen to be an Alicorn and Princess. She wasn't strong and powerful as Princess Celestia or Princess Luna. She was strong enough to defeat and beat Tirek because of theirs and Princess Cadance's magic transferring to her horn for safekeeping.

"But... to be honest..." Applejack said, attracting Twilight's attention to her, "Ever since I met you at Sweet Apple Acre, I saw and found something... special about you." Twilight looked confuse, wondering of what Applejack meant. Her best friend continued, "You shown to be lonely at first, but when you came to realize and notice our strengths and abilities, you knew we were connected to the Elements and meant to be together. But you were right one thing. Elements didn't keep us together, it was our friendship. And it happened when we faced with Tirek."

Twilight looked surprise and shock.

Applejack nuzzled on Twilight's head gently, "It was your hope and faith that kept us together. It saved Nyx from becoming Nightmare Moon. It helped us keep and fight together. We lighted our darkest hours, and especially against Tirek when everything has gone wrong." Applejack smiled at Twilight, "But you... You'd never gave up, no matter what happen. You knew the risk, but you chose your friends than powers because... Like what Discord had said... we're worth to you and especially Discord. So, I believe... Your faith and hope will help him get on the right path and back to his home."

Twilight was in deep shock and surprise. She knew she was special and good to be student to Princess Celestia, and best friend to her five friends, and a mother to two children. But she'd never thought that... she would be a great pony to have special means... Having hope and faith to bring goodness to the Equestria and defeated the enemy.

Twilight smiled, "Thank you, Applejack. That was deep thought of you about me." She giggled gently, "Wow... I'd never thought that I would be... special to have 'faith and hope' special type. That was amazing..."

Applejack smiled, "I'm glad you take of that greatly."

"Yes... And you were right... I could be the one to help Mystic Pony back to his home. After all... after all the journey I've been through... I think I can handle it. I can help him."

"That's the spirit, sugarcube. But now remember... You're not alone. I'll be there for you, and so as your family and friends. You are not alone."

Twilight smiled, "Yes, Applejack. I'm not alone. We are one. We are a team. We are best friends. We can handle everything. Thank you, my friend."

Twilight hugged Applejack, and the cowgirl pony hugged back. Twilight was not alone to face the problem...


On the train, travelling and crossing the tracks on the Equestria, it was travelling from Land of Ma to Ponyville. Land of Ma was filled with Chinese Ponies of three kinds. They were very traditional and strict with their traditions and rules since they were ruled by the powerful warlord and ally to Princess Celestia, Azure Phoenix. Azure Phoenix was the most powerful warlord and ruled Land of Ma for few years, with his iron hoof.

Within the train, most of everyone smiled happily. Some slept. Other chatted and played their games such as playing cards, chess, board games and listening to music.

Among them was the mysterious pale Earth Pony with long black spiky mane and his Cutie Mark is Dragon's head and Snake's head in heart shaped with demonic eye on the center, wore the Chinese green armor and straw hat, lying down on the chair, sighed in tired, like he had been travelling for a long time...

The old gray Unicorn pony with white mane and tail turned to the mysterious Earth Pony, asked: "Hello there. You must have a long trip to cross, now don't you?"

Earth Pony smiled gently, sighed, "Yes."

"Do you have the job from your old home?"

"Used to be..."

The old gray Unicorn looked at Earth Pony's armor. He smiled gently, knowing what he really was. He answered, "Ah... A Military Officer... You had retired. So, where were you heading to?"


Old Unicorn Pony looked surprise and shock, chuckled lightly, "Why... That place belonged to our heroine and Princess of Friendship, Princess Twilight Sparkle. I heard that Ponyville was known to be a battlefield between good and evil. Some ponies dared to go there for adventure or fun. Other didn't go there. So, tell me, young pony? Why?"

Earth Pony sighed, answered: "Rest. And Peace. That's all I ask."

"Are you sure?"

"Don't worry. I handled the worst before in my life. Nothing can surprise me."

"I see..." The old Unicorn pony said gently, noticing the small golden heart necklace, around his neck, "Nice necklace you had there, lad."

"Thank you..." Earth Pony sighed.

"What is that?"

"That's... That..." Earth Pony hesitantly said in concern, "It belonged to my beloved one."

"Must be important one. Who is your special somepony?"

"I... I... I - I'd rather not talk about it..." The Earth Pony said, "It's... It's too much to bear..."

Old Unicorn Pony gasped, "Oh my! I'm sorry. I didn't mean to."

"It's okay," Earth Pony said, "My true concern is about finding the place for my staying. I want to rest. I want to live in peace. I... I want to forget my dark time..."

Old Unicorn Pony nodded his head, "I see. I won't ask again, young pony, but one." Earth Pony turned to the old Unicorn Pony. "What is your name?"

Earth Pony breathed in relief, "Shadow Dragon... My name is Shadow Dragon..."

And the story begins...

To be Continued...

Author's Note:

1) This will be my own story set after 'Twilight's Kingdom' Two-Parts. This will not be connecting to JusSonic's story.

2) The meeting and love between Lauren Hope and Mystic Avatar is based on Lauren Faust and Craig McKracken.
- Lauren Faust developed and created 'My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic' in the first place and her own OCs, and so she is considered to be first Princess of Equestria, and mother of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna.
- For Craig McKracken as Mystic Avatar since he and Lauren worked together for 'The Powerpuff Girls TV Series and Films'. And also, he helped Lauren developed her 'My Little Pony' series such as 'Canterlot' since he is her husband (reality).

3) The story that Twilight Sparkle told to her friends and children might be altered a bit from my original story: 'Tragic of Shadow Dragon'.