Applejack travels to Manechester in Great Britail to help the Britailsh branch of Apple family in a very large harvest for a year. When she returns, she's... changed a bit.
Applejack travels to Manechester in Great Britail to help the Britailsh branch of Apple family in a very large harvest for a year. When she returns, she's... changed a bit.
That thumbnail.
Where the hell she'd get a bowler hat from
There are no shops like that in Manchester
*IS from Manchester*
422198 It shall be explained later in the story... trust me, there is a perfectly reasonable explanation
First a fanfic about Apple Bloom becoming a Frenchie, now a fanfic about Applejack becoming a Chav?
...European Poison Joke, called it!
Whats next? Big mac becoming russian?
422248 *scribbles in notepad* ...maybe? The future holds major changes in Ponyville...
This is a great start, old chap! Don't you dare ruin it with a perfectly reasonable explanations or stuff!
Or a Nazi.
Think about it.
A traditional family man, strong, proud.
And they use Red as well.
At last some British culture in a show, if not a bit stereoyped.
What on earth are you going call London?
Why not bring in Pipsqueak that British speaking pony ?
Years ago I lived for about 1&1/2 years in Australia. While there I did pick up a lot of mannerisms and an accent with EVERYONE noted when I got back to the USA.

The Point?
Well to me, all my friends and relatives also seemed to have an accent and speak funny, and it was somewhat confusing when I said something that seemed straight forward TO ME but was confusing to others. Because I used australian idioms and mannerisms. This only lasted a few weeks almost, I was back to American idioms and speech patterns quickly, though hints of an accent lingered much longer.:
So IMO AJ would also think something might be wrong with her friends since they seem unable to understand her, and now sound like their speaking differently than before she left.
BTW I somehow get a little "Prince and the Pauper" vib from this, or maybe even "The Parent Trap."
Bat-Pony & the Pengiun? Let me guess mind control hats?
AJ seems less British in this part, not enough english idioms in her speech. Plus "hay" seems out of place. AJ constantly used "hay" as part of her original "southern" accent, it makes seem to be reverting back to that (to me as a reader) when she uses it in your story.
Why not use "Hades" instead of hay, so much more British to me.
BTW, Dock 9 & 3/4? A Hairy Trotter reference, plus Twi doing Holmes?

You're making some good use of homages, just don't over do it. Some times that can become too distraction from the main story if every thing ends up as a nod or reference to another fandom. This is just my opinion though.
I warned you not to try you hoofs at reasonable explanations. I'm glad you didn't.
And I kind of expected a MiB reference during the memory-erase-spell.
Oh well, funny chapter anyway.
427318 Thanks for that mate. I didn't know what to change for 'hay' so I'm glad you showed up. Changed it. Also, a major part of the plot will in itself be a reference, and a quite obvious one at that, so I'll try and lay them off for now.
427768 A penguin vacationing at the beach giving his saviours bowler hats is not a reasonable explanation? Well ain't that a surprise.
the descriptions seems kind of interesting, though I will read it mostly because of the thumbnail
So Big Mac's got a Russian accent, okay...
...but why is the rum gone?
So, hat-induced personality changes? I wonder when the princesses tiaras will show up.
.....i dont like this anymore
"horny magic?"
Hmmm... not sure about this one. Applejack has lost all her trademark mannerisms!!! And then, to top it all off, no hat!
440082 Magic using a horn. What else?
sounds naughty
444020 sounds however you want it to sound
not that i'm complaining but yeah sounds dirty
444314 again, if you believe it sounds dirty it'll sound dirty. It's perfectly harmless. Honest.
I've got my eye on you. this skunk's started to smell.

Several times I have tried to start this review with a lengthy opening paragraph, written up with the thickest British accent I can pull out from my British blood, but each time it just became needlessly complicated and ended up making no sense. So bugger that idea. While on the topic related to the UK, I noticed that this story has references and themes that relate to the United Kingdom, thus qualifying it to be added to a group I'm a part of, UK Bronies. I feel it would be most rude of me to simply add this story to the group without your permission so before I begin this here review I must ask, may I add 'Applejack Abroad' to the group, UK Bronies?
On with the review then and the most noticeable thing about this here story is the jolly good premise. It's crazy, and opens up for crazy scenarios, but in being so gosh darn ridiculous it draws attention and asserts itself as an original idea. The summary reflects both of this stories genres, Comedy and Random, and the story in turn presents these genres’s almost immediately. This fanfic is most definitely funny, it cares not for how absurd it can be and thus gives itself the freedom to mess about as much as it want. Even in it's less crazier jokes it manages to be witty and I have burst out with laughter at least once in each chapter. I like the way the plot is progressing, and dialogue is fitting for both the accent the character is meant to have, and for the characters themselves.
It is good that your dialogue in turn is so good, for your detail and description is sorely lacking, both in its appearance and its presentation. Description for the scenery is sparse, and actions are described in short and basic terms. Furthermore the sentences are themselves short, stunted, and could do with flowing better. As an additional criticism, it is strange how Britain would be depicted as a different country to Equestria as Equestria has Canterlot, Hoofinton, and Trottingham, all three places with British connections, but this is more a personal opinion based criticism.
This is certainly not the best written fanfic however I read My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic fanfics in order to make me happy, and the quirky plot and spiffing comedy here has made me very happy so mission accomplished. Great job, and keep up the good work!
As I am in a bit of a tight spot with exams coming up, my story updates may come slower. I am planning on finishing my first project, after which I'll get back to the craziness of AJ Abroad.
As for UK Bronies, I have no objections to that. The story is written in a bit of a stereotypical perspective but I hope no Brit will be overly offended by it.
I do indeed find that my descriptions may be lacking. I was always a man who says things in as simple way as possible. I'll keep trying to colour my story up a little bit in the next chapters that come.
Thanks for the tips, very much appreciated.
422466 Well, Big Mac doesn't like to have his ass handed to him, so yeah, lets go with Russian
i see what you did there