• Member Since 9th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen Aug 1st, 2016


Comments ( 9 )

:pinkiecrazy: yes scootaloo just got heer ass handed to her by applebloom

The purge's premise made no sense, but the story was entertaining

Btw this story is being removed from Badass Twilight=Total Domination, because she is not badass enough to qualify, just an fyi

4596841 Yeah, I wasn't writing this with the expectation that it was logically consistent. I just figured I'd get an entertaining story out of it.

I was a little surprised it was added to that group in the first place, considering Twilight takes the most punishment out of all the main characters.

I liked the ending priceless .

This was really thought out and very creative. I love it!!!!
I was especially happy with how you had Big Mac act. I was really sad with AppleJack at first and was just so relieved when Mac came to the rescue. ^^

What if I prevent a friend's death by Celestia's forces and said "It's my job to prevent executions."?

Although you may have not logged on in three reviews, I've reviewed this here

THAT WAS ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!!!!!! By FAR one of the BEST stories on here. I really cared for the characters and wanted them to win.

My only problem is now I have a newfound hatred for Twilight, burning and absolute. I really hate how she tried to guilt trip them when the whole thing was over.

but I digress. 100/10, holy hell.

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