There were many beings that Celestia and Luna had defeated in their lifetime. Their names were recorded in the pages of history and remembered through books and legends. There was one being, however, that the sisters made sure that no one would remember.
The one foe they truly feared among all. Sealed deep within Everfree Forest where no pony would dare to go, they hope that he would never rise again.
Unfortunately for them, a Doctor's work is never done because there are always patients that need help.
Edit 5/2/14: Only a day since it's been posted but I can't believe that it's already on the featured list. I thank all of you for making it possible, even my haters! No longer a LoHAV story. This is the REAL Law!
On Hiatus due to bad math grades and grounding. Expect update near end of the month.
Trafalgar Law in equestria?
Moar Plz
Nice work here
You have my attention.
O look, main protagonist passes out as a scene transition on cliffhanger...
I just found out who trafalgar law was and I'm impressed hosed he earn the name "surgeon of death" WAIT THE GREAT AND POWERFUL TRIXIE IS GONNA DIE'
Awesome start!
Go die in a car fire.
'Bout time I saw a One Piece character in one o' these stories. Good on ya fer bein' the guy to write it.
Your writing is mediocre. You have a case of under-using commas, homophobe confusion, and some other structural weaknesses in your story. All typically easy remedies if you were to have someone proof-read and edit the story. Which I'm certain you have not, given the amount of errors still contained in the body.
You also would have been a lot better not labeling this as part of the bandwagon that is pissing everyone off, too. Since it's better written than most of the other bandwagon whores, I won't downvote it. But, expect to have a lot more downvotes than you should get due to you labeling this as part of the bandwagon.
Now, I need to leave and use some brain bleach. Blech.
Keep fighting my brother, for you have my arm by your side!
Hey this looks...
Oh. LoHAV.
Right then.
~Skeeter The Lurker
Oh my Gawd, Law in Equest -- oh. It's a fucking LoHAV.
4329174 First off, let me thank you for being honest with your thoughts. It's a trait that I respect in people. Another thing is that this will be the only chapter I'll do unedited as I haven't had the time to contact my editor before this. The other chapters will be published edited or not at all.
Second is that I enjoy being part of the bandwagon and nothing will change that. After all, how many other groups can say that they managed to irritate a mod for the site with their stories? So I will make sure that everyone knows that it's part of the bandwagon craziness, despite how anyone else may feel.
I hate to say it, but I'm starting to feel the same way about this group. One, they are generally stories full of the same cliches and plot devices, and two, they raise my hopes by showing crossovers I would love to see, but then just have really annoying cosplayers. Trafalgar Law+Equestria=Awesome. Trafalgar Law cosplayer+Equestria=...Meh.
I didn't even have to read the description. I saw the Jolly Roger and I instantly knew that Law was goin' to Equestria.
LoHAV bandwagon or not, I'm interested in this story.
So, I just got finished reading the first chapter, and I have a few things to say. For starters, you may need a proofreader, and if you already have one, then get a better one, cause there were numerous grammatical errors. Also, while I like the concept, I don't really like the pace at which you wrote this chapter. For instance...
You could have perhaps gone into further detail as to how the wagon was lost. Another thing, I've heard a few things about this LoHAV thing, most of them negative. However, considering I know little to nothing about that group, I have no bias towards this story, so I'll stick with it for now.
All in all, I kinda like the story up to this point, but the grammar and pacing are kinda killing it for me. Hopefully you'll fix that, while also trying to go beyond the expectations of a story from this LoHAV group thing.
My editor will hopefully agree to editing this story and if she does then those errors will be a thing of the past. The whole hate for LoHAV is mostly because readers want to read about their favorite characters, not people cosplaying them. Using a popular character such as Law is a gamble due to their large fanbase but I'm glad I got a good roll.
Weird, I've been told that I put too much details into my stories from my English teacher but I'll try and find the right balance between the two.
Thanks for reading!
I just want to take a moment to point something out to you here... It's quite silly, really.
Uh, okay then. I think you can see why I find this extremely silly. You WANT to be a part of a group that has mods fuming at the mouth that they can't just institute a site-wide ban on the group like they did with the Five-Score group? I would want to be as far away from that group as I can be, truthfully.
Oh so that is what happened to the Five-Score Group... I guess my friend wasn't lying about that and now I'm honestly a bit frightened. I've been a part of this site for nearly a year and I still have much to learn.
I suppose you have a point on that but last I checked, we only managed to irritate one... Although one just might be enough. Thanks for the information and for pointing out that flaw in my response.
Out of curiosity, how many mods would it take in order to do said ban?
4329185 Heh, I've been fighting since LoHAV's conception. Nice to see some other people are finally getting the memo.
Really, it would take a lot (sadly, in my opinion). The reason they did the Five Score one was because so many (almost every one) did not actually have ponies, or anything to do with Equestria, and were instead self-insert wish fulfillment fantasies written by eight-graders. There have been some LoHAaV stories which have lacked said pony content, but the majority of them are simply plagued with poorly written self-insert faggotry, but still contain ponies. So, sadly, they cannot initiate such a ban unless they have a solid footing to do so, no matter how much some of us would like it to be done.
And also, if you irritate one mod, the rest hear about it. Either way, generally a good idea not to jump onto anything that a mod or mods find irritating, just as a good idea.
I've been right there with you, maybe not vocally, but my hate festered deep inside me until now.
Ah that makes sense and even I won't deny that there are some pretty bad stories in our group. I'm guessing that people are finding the concept of putting themselves as their favorite character in Equestria too good to pass up and often just post it without a proofread or me when I first joined the group.
Hopefully it won't come to that and if it does, then oh well. Thank you for sharing your information.
Wait... isn't this Chappy? I see the One Piece sign...
Who is Chappy? The only Chappy I know of is from Bleach.
Chappy is the Ships Doctor
4329523 Oh Chopper! Oh no, I like him but Law is my favorite One Piece guy. Also cover is the jolly roger for Law's crew, the Heart Pirates.
4329533 Ohhh~! I see!
>feature box
>u wot m8.
On that note, I want a crack horn.
To cope with this writing.I don't plan on reading this, but I recommend actually telling people what the crossover involves. People shouldn't have to go through the comments to know if it might interest them or not.
Also, what's up with the random LoHaV hate? It's a group for stories that fit a certain theme. If a story has that theme, it goes in that group so that people who like that theme can find it. Why the hate?
God bless pugsly
He was a maverick, but he was the best sniper they ever saw... He couldn't save them all...
(This is what happens when I get distracted by youtube videos on the comments section and go on an ADVENTURE!!! )
I almost skipped past it 'cos I didn't recognise Law's "symbol" but when i got it I literally screamed "WAIT WHAT" and looked at it again. I am so going to read this!
Well... technically the premise of LoHAV is merely a human that behaves - or is seen - as a villain. There are half a -ton of means to get him to Equestria, and merely saying he's a pirate might be enough to fulfill the 'villain in the eyes of the public' part faster than a speeding bulle-Rainbow Dash.
Time to practice medicine
massive boner had
is now gone
good job
He is not menguele with other name ??????z
That's the spirit, friend!
It's how I got the CP9 in Equestria
*Saw title in feature box*
Oh boy, another doctor who fic
*Sees cover art*
all of my yes. Take all of it!
4329811 hell ya
tell them
Huzzah! Law+Equestria=Awesome once again! Now you just have to be careful about how you portray the fellow. I hope you don't end up keeping stuff that you originally planned for the cosplayer, mostly because I doubt the cosplayer was going to be anything like the real deal beyond medical skills and powers.
That being said, I don't know much about Law after the time-skip as that was about the time I stopped watching the show. Saw some clips and read some stuff, but that only can tell me so much about the character beyond "He's a badass!" I mean, the guy really didn't seem that villainous to me from the little I saw. Chaotic Neutral perhaps? He did save Luffy's life, after all.
Here's an example of how dangerous Law is. In order to join the seven warlords, he gave the Marines 100 still beating hearts of pirates. I'm saying still beating because his devil fruit allows him to pop out his opponent's organs right out of their bodies, leaving them completely exhausted but otherwise unharmed.
Now imagine living with the fact that some crazy doctor has your still beating heart in his hands and can kill you by applying just enough pressure to stop it, no matter where you are in the world
That does sound pretty evil, though it only becomes evil if he actually kills them, and even then, people have always argued that how evil the taking of life is is all dependent on the context in which it occurred. But I digress, such an ability must cause some sort of portal effect for the marines to still be alive. The heart is pumping blood to bodies far away and blood from far away is coming into the heart... Can Law himself teleport?
This will provide a much better explaination than I can offer. And yes he can techinally teleport but he requires an object or person to swap with and be within his circle to do so. Considering said circles are huge after the timeskip, this gives him one massive advantage in battle as he can quickly move out of harms way.
I couldn't help but chuckle at this
Because LoHAV has gone through the same thing as red and black alicorn OCs, Mary Sue OCs, Halo crossovers, and other fads.
It's bogged down with shite.
It's developed a reputation where if a story is posted and it's LoHAV, many people will assume it's crappy. For that, you can blame every single author who wrote one of these stories and didn't think to have an actual plot or storyline to their nonsense beyond 'bad guy in Equestria killing everyone as their fav character from anime/manga/tv/video games/what have you.'
Also, I have to admit, thank God it's Law in this. Trafalgar is probably one of the more serious characters in the anime, and by God if he ever ends up being paired with Pinkie Pie on an adventure...
Well, I can only see what happened to him with the Straw Hats happening there. Just constantly on the verge of an aneurysm from the sheer stupidity of what's going on. And I will laugh every second.
He's the perfect character to pair with another who just doesn't take anything seriously, be it death, plans, heists, piracy or anything. He just can't fucking handle anyone who doesn't do their job like their lives depended on it, and that's always fun to watch.
Wonder if I'd get the same feeling out of this fic...? Oh, and after the timeskip, shit gets bonkers, bro.
Hope you won't have him doing to Equestria what he did to Punk Hazard.
4331109 It's human in Equestria. It's fanfiction. Sometimes stories are shit. It's a bit like saying Derpibooru or even this site has a reputation for being filled with clop. They accept everything that comes within the needed criteria, it doesn't mean it's all good.
Indeed, but that also doesn't give any fad a free pass when it's filled with the same tripe over and over. When you look at fanfiction, doesn't it seem really varied in a lot of ways? Story line, characterization, description style, quality?
The same doesn't exist in LoHAV. It has, literally, been the same thing over and over, and people are just trying to hop on the bandwagon and get that fifteen minutes of fame instead of trying to make their way there through quality work.
There's no two ways about it, comparing a fad to this site or Derpibooru isn't a fair comparison as the two are fundamentally different, even if they both follow somewhat the same formula. When it comes to Derpibooru, clop isn't the only thing there. With FIMFiction, clop isn't the only thing there.
With LoHAV, you have a human, in a costume, ending up in Equestria, doing stuff. This stuff is typically villainous, and often includes murder.
With FIMFiction... actually, I can't really describe that. It's just really, really varied.
With Derpibooru, the same thing. Numerous pieces varying in subject type and quality.
Well yes, typically in a group dedicated to humans acting villainous you will often get humans acting villainous.
The rest of it... I remember now that from the few I've seen, some do do similar things. Human in statue, Discord releases, it kicks off. I remember two of them seemed to copy the same script as the Dark Souls one.
Still, as far as i can think you've really only got two options: Suddenly return from X or suddenly appear. People seem to enjoy the idea of having a negative history with Celestia or Equestria as a whole, so being trapped in stone and eventually freed seems the logical conclusion I suppose.
Maybe I'd feel different if I'd read more of them, I dunno. I just feel the sudden hate for just BEING in a group made for this sort of story isn't just.