Rainbow Dash wakes up strapped to a rack. It is the fourth time this week, and it is starting to get on her nerves ...
What if Cupcakes and all its various parodies and imitations were actually Rainbow Dash's nightmares? That's gotta take its toll on a mare.
I'm surprised at how canon-compliant this fic is, despite the fact that you supposedly came up with this at around the time of Cupcakes.
4319514 Not that long ago; I only joined the fandom after season 3. So Cupcakes itself was old hat by then -- but still new to me, of course.
4319604 Ah, that explains all the late-series continuity nods.
I am perfectly okay... *eyes zone out like in party of one* This was amazing... *does it again* Have a good day... *runs out he door with a knife trying to find and "congratulate you" for your achievement*
I can't wait to read this.
That.. that CLIFF HANGER though!!! I want more!
Wait. Say what now?
just THIS time, Ditzy?
What about the other time(s)?
RD wouldn't say it like that