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HA! I'd never guesses that! :D
Will read it later at work
Now if only you could get some romance going in the main story finally. I'll be giving this a read in a few.
Estrus? Good Gott, this can't go well.... gonna have to read this later as 'Your Human and You' is my Favorite HiE story i've read so far.
Why would she go into heat? She already doesn't do anything a 'normal human' would so why this? I call shenanigans.
Because its a spin off? Also plus its a clopfic
I can imagine Max looking through a dimensional window with a look of disgust on his face while fapping. My feelings however can be summed up on this link (Fap fap fap)
Why did this get 10 immediate downvotes? What's wrong with it?
4362517 It contains human X pony, as well as the words "Your Human and You" in the title.
Solaris gonna have a go at her?:D
Better setting then actual YHaY i think. I wont be against continuation where she will give Dusk an actual offspring.
I only read this untill halfway but I gotta ask, is this like a universe where humans are slaves to the pony race or something because I really dont get some of the stuff that was said...
Edit: Nevermind I just checked the main story... uhh well nice but no thanks id rather not read about that ^^
"Dusk! This water's really hot in the bath! And what are these?"
"Oh, those are some peas and carrots for you to play with!"
4363363 That's fine. Thank you for attempting to read it, and I wish you happy hunting for your next read.
I will be completely honest here; I will not be reading this story. Simply does not interest me. No fault of your own, just a personal vendetta I have against Rule 63 fics that aren't comedy.
Either way, hope it works out for ya.
Welp, looks like you can write clop. Now how long until it sneaks into the main story...
You did the thing.
Read Later for now, but when I get off work...
Your Human and You universe ponies give me the nearly irrepressible urge to kill things. probably because I dislike anything that decries itself the lords of humanity that isn't a human. suffice to say, this is probably the same driving force behind anti-conversion bureau fics, and I might read this. I'll just classify it under the same category as my irrational hatred for Shining Armor, despite liking him as a character.
yes yes yes finally please ive waited so long for this instead of a male go there make a story of a female going to the rule 63 universe pleeeeeeeeeeeeease
this looks interesting, but what is the your human and you?
can someone explain what it is?
4373106 first off I loved this story so much I've always wanted to read and female goes to rule 63 story.there was this story I was reading that had three dudes turn into not only into ponys but into mares I loved it and lust it.if you are anyone know it tall me all I have left of it is this .other this was a beautiful story and had some good sweet parts in it.I can't wait to see what you come out with next.I also hope if the main story has clop as beautiful and sweet and sexy and awesome as thia
4373549 Your Human and You is a universe in which humans live in Equestia, but they are no more intelligent than animals (think of the relationship of pony and human being reversed: ponies are owners, humans are animals).
it sounds a little off putting for me, but ill give it a try.
4374112 It tends to put most people off.
i bet lol, im surprised that the main story has almost 3000 likes for that idea.
4374495 Yeah, people like it so I continue to write it.
4374502 That's because it's a fan-freaking-tastic piece of work and I wish I could write half as well..
fanboying intensifies
Okay, so, that happened. I could see this going a few places. Looking forward to more.
Keep up the good work.
As always good work hopeing to see a toned down version of this in the main story or somthing like they did for university days having a seprate story going into detail about the part they skiped
Okay. I love clop. My secret shame is that I really do love human x pony. I love human women getting some, especially from stallions, since that's pretty rare in this fandom.
This description is my first stumbling block.
Human women don't have what is strictly defined as estrus, but there is a reason you don't actually need to introduce this to a human to get a similar effect.
Now, mind you, I hate menstruating, because it sucks. However, I'm not interested in reading this, because I can't get over the premise.
I know it's clop and there is such a thing as artistic license, especially in a fictional world which could indeed change her very biology to conform to its science. Unfortunately, this ruins my potential for enjoyment, because I'm getting the impression, perhaps mistaken, that there is an underlying assumption that a woman's hormones always stay the same to begin with. We do have a part of our cycle that makes us hornier than other times. It's a thing that exists in a similar manner to this concept. The key distinctions are mostly based around our society and the actual physiological differences we have when compared to other animals.
You could say the reaction is stronger in animals that aren't human (or certain other primates), but then again, their window of opportunity is smaller than ours. Humans are so very focused on sex because our reproductive cycle makes women biologically receptive through-out the year. I'm not talking about personal reception regarding individual sex drive (or the potential impact of sexual orientation, which makes the issue infinitely more complex), but actual biological receptiveness which creates a consistent, strong desire for sex on a mostly day to day basis for a vast and sundry number of humanity; many of whom are also women.
I haven't voted either way, since I prefer to offer upvotes and downvotes after I've at least read some part of the actual story. It's extremely rare that I'll downvote without seeing any of the insides that form the fanfic itself.
Peace be with you, but I think I'll pass on this one.
Beautiful and delicious, Maxine and Dusk make a good couple
maybe make a non clop aswell? About them as a couple 
Here's a fun fact: Menstruation is the way evolutionary pressure affected human ( and other higher primates) reproduction by basically flushing out any fertilized embryos that weren't 'up to snuff'.
Humans embryos/fetuses take up a huge amount of the mother's energy. They are basically rabid parasites that alter the biochemistry of the host (the mother) and force her to feed it with her blood. The species obviously must reproduce right? But it isn't in the mother's best interest to dump all this energy into what could be a defective offspring.
This is were evolution gets devious. First the lining of the human uterus is actually one of the hardest places for a fertilized embryo to implant itself. Tests with mice (which have similar implantation) found that almost anyplace else in the mother mouse was easier for the embryo to implant on but the uterus. A known condition in humans is when the fertilized egg implants in the wrong place (often in the fallopian tubes) which quickly becomes a serious medical issue. So the uterus wall is somewhat difficult (but of course not impossible) for the embryo to implant on. This creates a race condition between the embryo that is trying it's best to implant and the mother's menstrual cycle which dumps the lining of the uterus (and any fertilized embryos) out.
The goal from the embryos point of view is to latch in and start the needed hormonal changes in the mother to stop the clock -- the goal from the mother's perspective (from an evolutionary standpoint) is to ensure only the most fit of the embryos will go on to develop.
It must work pretty well given the 7 billion or so of us
Edit: reading back over this really this should be another notch in the "Humans are Terrifying" list:
Welp, no wonder I hate my little embryos so much! Another fun fact: I'm currently in the process of flushing some of those little parasites out.
Humans really are terrifying and full of awe-inspiring weirdness, when looked at from a biological perspective. Then again, so are many things.
A 'Heat' fiction with a human female?! You, dear writer, are my new favourite clop writer.
Love and kisses to you in plenty sweetheart, you just made my day... and soaked my chair
...but, I only have, like, two clop stories...
4489234 I don't think you understand how few of these there are, especially ones that have a decent writer behind them. In this case, it's quality over quantity
Personally I wouldn't mind you doing an alternate take on this story... another five times or so... you know, an experiment into 'what would have happened if she hadn't made it home to Dusk'. At least give me some Maxine-Rainbow action!
Bestiality is completely legal in the following 18 states, districts, and territories:
Alabama; Arkansas; Washington, D.C.; Guam; Hawaii; Kentucky; Montana; Nevada; New Hampshire; New Jersey; New Mexico; Ohio; Texas; Vermont; Virginia; West Virginia; and Wyoming

Now make a story that is vice versa, where a magical pony goes to Kentucky and gets super raped.
Me and my girlfriend read this together.
You owe use a new chair and keyboard.
That was the best alternate universe story I read and I read quite a few. In my opinion you should write the whole YOUR HUMAN AND YOU story with these characters I found it highly entertaining to read maybe you can write that story better with these characters. Just some food for thought
I'm ah... Phew! Hot damn!
It's good. Very good! Not much more to say. Damn. 
4571138 The writer of this clop is not responsible for any ruined chairs, couches, beds, keyboards, laptops, or relationships. Please read responsibly. Thank you.
Apparently the sex was so good twilight/Dusk couldn't even manage proper grammer... or was that intentional.
4373106 I agree with the DJ
Well... that was interesting...
And that was believable to the dot. Full seriousness emplied.
4762104 Here at MadMax Inc., we spend weeks and months researching topics in order to make your multicolored talking pony stories as realistic as possible. We spare no expense.
4762139 good job sir. Hooves to you. And rainbow umbrella hats off also.
This'll be
interestingweirdThat is a problem I never would have considered.
I think I enjoy 63 names the most.
The problem with 63 is that... actually... *scrolls down* Nevermind!
No kill like overkill!
Nothing to say, just felt the need to acknowledge it.
Let's never say that again, okay?
Whoa whoa whoa, back up. Who? What? When? Where?
Also, is your tab key broken?
That's a new one.
Could be worse.
It was fine at first, but now it's annoying. Itallics are for emphasis, we already know how she feels.
Oh...! Oh...! OK... uh... next.
I can't remember where the scar is, so I'm not sure whether or not I should be impressed she still has a breast.
Going that route I see.
I dated a monster once, but I got sick of pickin' the fur outta my teeth
I will never understand that, and I refuse to to taint my internet history any more to find out!
I will find you, and I will measure your mouth's ROM
I don't think that I've ever heard maw in a human context.
Perhaps I need an anatomy lesson. It's at the back of her throat, but she shoves more in. How?
Also, I'm reminded of this transparency I where it looked like our male's penis was behind the fellator's eyes.
Also, I'm gagging now. Thanks.
Also, Maxine is george washington
No period.
There wasn't many of this:
We interrupted your past tense to bring you the present tense!
Magic is weird.
I can't claim to be an authority, sooo...
Would it be?
The speaking human says "buck" now?
Also, really? You really don't remember? Really?
I am assuming that they have been in a relationship for some period of time, since she can talk. So I'm having difficulty grasping that this is a horrifying concept.
Kill me.
4425368 It's actually mentioned that Maxine's estrus is completely separate from menstruating:
Good day
4768679 I love how you went through and analyzed a clopfic.