• Published 18th Jul 2014
  • 530 Views, 7 Comments

Flying is like dancing, just different - John Urlaub

Scootaloo discovers the art of dance (ballet to be precize) for herself.

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Chapter 0 Trance

Flying is like dancing, just different


John Urlaub

Chapter 0 "Trance"

Obnoxious, yet somehow fascinating.
The Orange pegasy filly with the purple mane stared at the blending blender behind the counter as she rested her head on her hooves, which where (if it is of your interrest) resting on the counter.
The blender didn't mind her , since the activities of blending and thinking about the impossibility of artificial intelligence, were keeping him busy.
"It's like the sound of thousends of things beeing ripped appart and becoming one in the proccess ", Scootaloo thought to herself as she kept on staring at the previously mentioned blender. The ponyville milkbar, at which this description of a filly thinking about a blender takes place, was never that well visited around this time of day.
That was the reason for the unimaginable count of custumers which was at a mindbending amount of four.
A grey maned and coatet buisnesspony by the name of Erich Vertrag was one of those previously mentioned four costumers. However due to this storys nature, as well as the authors nature, this buisnesspony is not going to be this storys main character. Besides, Erich is going to leave this bar in about 5 to 10 sentences anyway, so don't you worry about him.
"Here you go, 5 Bits, keep the change" Erich said as he paid his bill and prepared to leave.
This was also the cue for this storys focus to shift it's attention back at the former mentioned filly pegasy by the name of scootaloo who was sitting together with her two friends, a yellow coatet and red maned earth pony filly by the
name of applebloom and a uniquely horned unicorn filly with a white coat and a pink and purple striped mane named sweety belle, at the counter of the ponyville milkbar.
They had been sitting there for aproximately 10 minutes and were waiting for their previously ordered milkshakes to be served.
Scootaloo was still staring at the blender as suddenly Sweety Belle startet to talk, ripping Scootaloo out of her blender based trance.
" So which after school activity did you choose?" Scootaloo shook her head in irritation " Wh-what after scool activities?" Scootaloo asked slightly confused. " I am talking about this ! " Sweety Belle said with a hint of annoyance in her voice, while pulling a piece of paper out of her saddlebag.
It was an information sheet. The barkeeper placed the previously ordered milkshakes on the counter." Thanks" Applebloom said before turning her attention back to the sheet.
"Mrs. Cheerilee gave each and everyone of us one a these "
Applebloom said, while pulling her very own copy, of the former mentioned sheet, out of her saddlebag.
" Oh...right, i kinda threw it away, without reading it" Scootaloo said sheepishly.
Both Appleblooom and Sweety Belle facehooved. " Ya what? " Applebloom started " you know what? Forget it, here, take mine "
The earth filly said while giving scootaloo the piece of paper.
" A already made my descission anyway. Ya do want t' take a look at it, don't you ?" Applebloom addedly asked .
" Yes, i do want to have a look. I just thought it was one of those stupid school play invitations.
Alright let's take a look and see" Scootaloo said while grabbing the sheet . Her eyes started to wander across the paper.

It (The piece of paper obviously) said:

We are proud to say that we were able to add five new activities to last years selection. If you want to participate in any of these , please sign the apropriate list on the information board in the scool entry hall.


Name Possible Participents Responsible Teacher/Trainer

Soccer 11 Mrs. Goal Kicker
Choir 30 Mrs. Cheerilee
Drama 15 Mr. Shaking Spear
Chess 22 Mr. Check Mate
Bookclub 20 (for now) Mrs. Twillight Sparkle(NEW)
Karate 16 Mr. and Mrs. Empty Hoove
Ballet 10 Mrs. Sunny Spin (NEW)
Movie Club 15 Mr. Gene Ebert (NEW)
Music Club 20 Mrs. Vinyl Scratch and Mr. High Fidelity(NEW)
Music Club 14 Mrs. Oktavia and Mr.David Gilmare(NEW)

Please sign in until the 3rd of June

(Ponyville , Elementary Scool, 29th of May)

Scootaloo was staring at a particular collection of six letters which formed a word. The world around her was somewhat nonexistent for a moment untill the squeeking voice of Sweety Belle dragged her back to reality.
" Hey , ground control to maneyor tom ? " Scootaloo looked up and blinked a few times.
" What ?.... Yes i am here, what is it? " Applebloom lifted one of her eyebrows in suspicion. "Thats what a wanna know, you just
stared at that sheet for about 2 minutes without moving your eyes". Scootalloo was still slightly dazed. She rose from her stool , grabed her saddlebags and started to head for the door, attempting to avoid any sort of suspicious behaviour.
" Where are you going, Scootaloo ?"
Sweety Belle asked, while Scootaloo kept on walking towards the door. " I.. er gotta go home , i just remembered something , we'll see us later in appleblooms treehouse , until then." Scootaloo said while vanishing through the door. "That was weird"
Sweety Belle said, with a hint of thoughtfulness im her voice. Applebloom turned her head towards the small unicorn right next to her. "What do ya mean ? She has been this pseudo tough ever since we first meet . A mean it's obvious that she is hiding something from us, cause she thinks that we are gonna laugh at her or something stupid like that, not realizing that we're her friends and no matter what it is, she can always just talk to us instead of acting all turtle like . What am trying to say is that, Scootaloo has always been doing weird things like these. Why does it surprise you ? " Sweety Belle shook her head and answered Appleblooms question calmly. " I am not talking about that, it''s just that she didn't even touch her milkshake." She paused thoughtfully and added "Well, i was just thinking that, since you, my dear applebloom hate strawberry and scootaloo is not gonna drink it anymore. I think it is just fitting that i..." Applebloom rolled her eyes " Just drink the darn tootin shake " Sweety belle squeed before she brutally devoured the red milkshake.

The blender meanwhile had come to the conclusion that, since artificial inteligence (according to the blenders opinion) was an impossibility , that he himself was just someone else's uncreative fantasy. With this knowlegde in mind he prepared his blades for the next thing to be blended.

End of chapter 0

Author's Note:

Well. First story. I am just gonna say, I am a man of few words. So please give me some feedback.

Comments ( 7 )

Well it needs some formatting and editing for starts. Not a bad story but so far nothing that really stands out yet. The blender thing is kinda funny but also a bit distracting

Someone's trying way too hard to be funny.

I'm also not convinced this isn't a poorly made trollfic.

Ok.one comment says that i suck and the other one States that iam mediocre ,yet the dislike bar tells me that i mord than just suck. That the hell did i Do wrong with this Story

The title is sorta idiotic...

Sorry to be blunt but its true...

That title is a genocide on my brain cells. I could feel myself getting dumber each time I read it over. I dont even remember the description, tags, or characters on the cover mostly because if I did manage to tear my eyes from the title and read throught them, I would look at the title again and it would kill every bit of my brain responsible for those memories.

Ok, Im gonna try to read the description without forgetting about it, it cant be that ba-


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