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Good for Baen.
Fun sexy times lay ahead I reckon!
I forgot to ask, will the conquests be canon in the story or are they "what-ifs"?
4240494 The only ones that will be canon are Coco and Honey.
All others are what ifs.
ive been waiting for these
also i got confused at the respect part was he saying he needed to show respect since he left the mare without saying goodbye or did he mean respect as in he did a hard thing and he admired him for it?
4298186 It's more to do with how he made Cheerilee react, but if Baen had completed his quest, he would have more than likely returned to Honey. As we know, events played out differently.
they're not bad, just...mildly unsettling.
Baen is the best storyteller ever.
rule 1 ocreating an oc. never, ever make it utterly better than the other character, superior or toherwise, without setting it up proper.
in vis's Upheaval there are a lot of character seemingly better than the mane six, but it is set up that the mane six have no combat experience at all.
4339403 I did not create the OC, and in what we do you mean exactly?
If you mean the part where Baen turns the tables on her... if she really didn't want that, she could have stopped him.
The classic BDSM Twilight from your stories
. It's nice to see Baen overcome her like a barbarian as that girl rarely loses. Keep up the good work.


4358498 You might want to go read the main fic to this one then, CocoBaen is official in that.
Link is in the description.
Hmmmmmm, maybe
4358532 thaks
its always the nerdy ones
4597820 Again, there is a list. She may or may not be on it. For now, we've got 11 chapters ordered, not all mares, and not all ponies. Be patient.
EGhm...Whatthebuck Shing Armor`s breastplate doing on that cover art?
what would be nice to see are their actions seen in the main story like he claimed twilight so he would act like it same with celestia and any others he claimed
4298709 I believe that is how my father would tell the story.
Only one thing needs to be changed. It is "bonsai" not "bonzai" (I have one at home)
This chapter was amazing for Cryptic. The sex scene was well-written and it was nice to see that Baen impregnated Luna and helped her overcome Nightmare Moon to become Celestia's equal. This has the potential of becoming a great side story for Baen.
Well if anypony is willing, they can write it
This chapter rocked.
Baen seems like your typical Gary Stu that people seem to swoon over for no reason whatsoever.
Nah, not worth my time.
Funny, thing, we made this fic for teh mindless clop. So that view is kind of a given o3o
5586186 There are fics solely dedicated to mindless clop floating all over the place. All with more likeable protagonists.
5586933 You've made your point, time to leave and not look back.
5577610 are you proud of that?
5628647 Not really, just wanted to leave a pun, even if it was a good chapter, for fun sake.
Damn. That was hot.
It is slightly sad that he isn't loyal in this story, which is a clopstory in the first place. What I want to say is, this looked pretty much okay from both sides and I would have loved this in a serious story as well, that is if he would only take Celestia.
I'm not sure if I understand it right, but I noticed this are extra-chapters for a different story, so I'm not sure if he is the one night stand type of Stallion or if those chapters here are just noncanon for real story.
While I understand it if others like this, I mostly only enjoyed this chapter not knowing that this is a realy story or was. In clopstorys I don't take it so seriously, but otherwise I like loyal partners and I'm not someone who like one night stands myself since I grew up differently.
However I would still want to know if in the real story he has a similar personality, not choosing any partner and just doing them all.
I don't give it a downvote, but since you seems to write quite alright I want to know if he is to go into a relationship or if he has a lot of sexfriends.
8042945 Perhaps I should specify on the chapters. The only ones that are canon are Coco (present) and Honey (past).
The others are more... 'what ifs', not canon to the main story.
So u don't write these chapters your self?
Just the few labelled here. Other times mostly brainstorming ad such