(Set in Psycho's Equestria. Chronologically placed before The true Psychopath, so those hoping for a sequel to Filly Chrysalis...NOPE! *trolldance.jpg*)
(Pic created by surgicalarts)
"Chrysalis? Oh. I know her. I raised her, you know. She was always feisty, but she had a good heart. She might have become something great. An emissary between ponies and changelings, but the place we lived in...it was...something corrupted. I believe she thinks me dead after...that day. Maybe I did die, but I think something within her died as well. My time is up, but maybe telling you my story will be enough to change your thoughts about her?"
A stallion of old age speaks to a reporter about how he knew Chrysalis and all the things they did together. However, not all tales are gumdrops and fairies in the end. Some end tragically, and some change deeply in the end.
My heart!
Your AU covered my main concern this could have definitely been spaced out more. I like the depth you try to provide to Chrysalis, but to be honest for me the connection with her isn't devolved enough for me to care about her back story; I'm a firm believer that back story is to be sprinkled throughout the story to sweeten the narrative and to make the attachment to the charterer grow along side the story.
Edit: I derp, didn't realize it was complete I'd have loved to see more.
I was planning on being a bit quiet for my opinion on this story and, to an extent, I will.
A bit needlessly tragic (imo)and in some places the writing seemed to fluctuate. Did you write this in parts or something? I got the odd feeling like you broke this story down into sections which made reading it all in one go a little jarring. The story itself was pretty good though even if some of the actions left me a little puzzled. 7/10
Also, did you run this through spellchecker at all? I saw a "trywing" early on and some other spelling error almost exactly halfway through.
4271605 I did. How did it not get noticed? Maybe that's actually a real word?
4270275 I know, but it was given from the point of view of the old guy. Naturally, things were made to be erratic but somewhat "followable". I hoped that putting those parts of his narrative where he forgot this and said it might've helped to understand it. Glad you liked it anyways, and trust me. I can't write 6,500 word chapters for each of my stories. I finished this at two in the morning.
4272166 well, I know what trywing is even if Google doesn't recognize it. It's not a real word though, only a proper noun.
4272600 *shrugs*
This right here... is the beautiful thing I have ever read .
This is most interesting. The idea of such fanatics (and who they worship) would be disgusting to the real object of their devotion. It's a wonder that they weren't found before and dispatched. But then, where would be this story?
Aaaaah, one of my more obscure stories. Glad you liked it.