• Member Since 14th Nov, 2013
  • offline last seen Nov 30th, 2022

Art de Triomphe

The arguments I have within my own head are legendary.


When a video game programmer mysteriously enters Equestria, it doesn't seem like anything out of the ordinary. But the answer to the appearance may just be the precursor to the biggest disaster to befall Equestria since Discord.

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Chapters (14)
Comments ( 180 )

Hmmmm... I like it. Keep it up, man. Keep it up

why do i have a bad feeling Lyra is going to try something on the poor guy.....

:pinkiegasp: MORE! This is awesome Art!

4328397 Your avatar image made me think of one of the englishmen from Killing Floor going "I'M WELDING THIS DOOAAH!" That is all.

well than. its getting SUPER good, KEEP GOING!!

I prefer the real ponies but i give the anthro ones a chance^^ I like anthro but not by my little pony, still i want to give it a chance. It even seems to be good enough:pinkiehappy:

hhmmmmm good enough to give a thumb up, my favourite have to wait till i see more:twilightsmile:

Yay, Lyra & Bon Bon are lesbos! What's next, Octavia and Vinyl? LoL

Yay, Lyra & Bon Bon are lesbos! What's next, Octavia and Vinyl? LoL

4537273 I'm working on it. I can't give exact dates or anything because I work on things as they come to the forefront of my creative consciousness. But it is coming. :twilightsmile:

I figured that you didn't like writing Zecora just from reading this chapter.

4541622 I've done a better job before. I really like to write Luna dialogue.

Good job with these! Eagerly awaiting updatez :ajsmug:

Pro leets gamers don't need sleepz.

'sigh':facehoof: why does every fic involving the royal castle have to have THAT freak of society EVERY F:flutterrage:ING TIME!?!?
If it was up to me we should have him listed as an 'Unmentionable' along with those two bi:twilightangry2:es!
You know what I mean...
By the way, nice fic so far

4577452 You might, or might not, be interested in reading my other fic "Luna Won't You Cry For Me" where Blueblood is NOT a total douche. :pinkiegasp:

And by the other two "unmentionables" do you mean Diamond and Silver? They're the antagonists of the CMC, they are kind of necessary.

HA suck it Blueballs:rainbowlaugh:

I am glad i found this fanfic again, and that there are new chapters of course, i like it. And again i hope for finally a happy Luna romance, i only see one where Luna was happy, and this was only one chapter long.

Hmmmm... An interest between Sweetie Belle and Button, I like that. The title of the chapter gave a slightly different impression, but still, it was pretty decent.

You still have my attention. In the words of Detective Cameron from Night of the Creeps, "Thrill me."

well i think in this stroy it is ok, it is even anthro, but i doesn´t really like the Button Sweetibell pairing. I don´t know when it started, but i somehow can´t exactly image him with her.

Well good chapter, i thought it would have to do something with Luna but this is god too.:heart:

See if you can Sweetie Belle or her two friends

I think you accidentally a word there


I think you accidentally a word there

I believe you meant to say he missed a word :derpytongue2:

Romance between those two slowly building up. Dawwww.

"Seriously, every time we play Street Fighter, you kick my ass."

I would've thought Luna would be more of a Mortal Kombat kinda gal

And i don´t want him to go back home, or at least let them make some kind of portal between the two worlds.
It is good, but i think he was a bit fast offended by getting hit from the griffon. Well somehow i can understand him but at seems a bit to much, to just walk out of the room because of this.

still a good story, normally i don´t like anthro ponys, but here i do.

If it's alright with you, I could add this story to the folder in the 'Humans on Royalty' group under 'Human X Princess Luna' since that seems to be the pairing here.

4618354 Be my guest. Thank you for the thought. Sorry it took me so long to reply, haven't had internet.

really nice, the fight somehow not bad, i like it probably because he just learned how to fight and he is no well poser it seems.
Well i think it was good to keep that story in mind not the best i am reading at the moment, but at least it doesn´t have a bad chapter for me till now and it is somehow a story i would like to read at my free days to relax. Maybe it is just me but this is what the story is for me till now, i actually just want to make sure you know i like it, it doesn´t matter which place this fanfic have in my favourites.

Hello! "Evil, diabolical, insane, uncontrollable, monster" here! Thought I might just comment to register my amusement at the misanthropy and imminent unfavorite/downvote... :twilightsmile:

I'm also wondering where ti came from. Is this protagonist just unusually emo? I've favorited several of your other stories, and they don't have that sort of thing in them...

4673536 It was just Jack's way of scaring the magic out of the changeling. If you didn't notice, he also lied about executing somepony and later on broke its horn out of sheer anger.

4673683 Ah, how silly of me. I've seen so much of that in a few other stories that I accepted it at face value. :raritydespair: Sorry about that!

4673884 No worries. Trust me, if I write an emo, misanthropic protagonist, you'll know it.

Also, this :raritydespair: makes me sad. Not as much as this :fluttercry: but still. :twilightsmile:

Well Looks like he had another interestingand eventfull day, nice ending there.

Finally a good romance fanfic. You'd be surprised how hard it is to find a romance in which the two lovers don't get all lovey dovey by the third chapter. Good job sir, very good job. have a mustache :moustache:

..I don't like how Cadance just dropped the idea of there being any other solution...

And i ESPECIALLY don't like how our human friend didn't try otherwise.

4698714 Yeah, that 'well genocide through inaction is the only way' is infuriating. I hope the author doesn't stick with that, because frankly it's making me hate Jack.

I pretty much lived walking distance to the beach in California for most of my life, and I can't swim either.

Here's an Omen:

"I'm pregnant."

Watch yourself Jack.

When I began reading this story, I loved it. It had the plot I had been looking for, and the writing is excellent. However, you have portrayed Changelings as being the stereotypical villains, and so I am disliking this story and unfavoriting it until further notice. It is not worthy of being on the same list as works such as Without Question.

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