• Member Since 13th Dec, 2013
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After an altercation with an old enemy, two heroes from a very different place are sent from the battlefield to a new world known as Equestria. The Mane 6 discover them and take it upon themselves to treat the two-tailed fox and his flower girlfriend as anypony else, befriend and help them in any way possible. As trouble brews back home and another pony is discovered away from home, the two visitors learn from Twilight and her friends about this new world, and see how the magic of friendship is a thriving force and spiritual bond among pony kind, opening Tails's mind to the possibilities of accomplishment, and Cosmo's heart to a stronger hope of universal peace.

NOTE: This story is inspired by both MLP: FIM, and Tails and Cosmo of Sonic X, a property I do not claim as my own.

Chapters (29)
Comments ( 44 )

Yay, I always wanted to read a sonic and Mlp crossover story like this.

4146311 Hey, that's my line!


Me too!

*masturbates to Christian Sonic fanart*

No one needs to know that

4148133 I plan to post a blog regarding this in a few days, mainly because my original description of the story was rejected. to get an idea of what I mean, this is the original source and setting (and still continuing and little behind) that this universe comes from - The Taismo Series

Comment posted by RockStarMLP deleted Apr 1st, 2014

4148133 technically, it is, but this story stems off another series of mine. for better understand, and the original source, this blog should help a lot

You could see the Japanese version with English subtitles. It's just a suggestion. Also, no offense, but the first flashback was like Derpy writing a story. It doesn't have a lot of details. But still, pretty good chapter overall.

4166225 I've thought of doing that, but as strange as it sounds, I'm complicated about just going to the certain scene of some episodes of any series, having the need to watch the entire season/series beforehand. And I understand what you're saying, and no offense taken. I have a blog that can help explain about this flashback better, but that's a subject I want to handle specifically, being that the scenes I'll refer to are some of my favorites of all shows. Hopefully I can find the transcripts I need, and I"ll be all set to make the flashback scene. Thanks for your opinion, and I hope you enjoy the rest of the story to be told.

what happen at team jag band HQ?

that the choa emerlad what it doing here i hope cosmo and tails they find who everpony is and what about the team in other dimenstion?

Tails its out of character, his role on fights its more of a support role, and while he is extremely inteligent he depends on logical strategy and gadgets for achieving victory even while enraged.
Also super sayian its a state only achievable by the natives of planet vegeta or hybrids with other compatible species.

who is this filly? and what about the team?

one, what happen back the team and two how long until cmc secret is blow?

what going happen next chapter?

while tails fight the three dragon twilight need so send the chaos emeralds away but what if she accerdeny send not herself but her friends and everypony in ponyville send to moblea?

You lost me in the first chapter with the words, and I quote,“Super sayian form”. You could at least given Tails the decently of just saying: super form. I mean this isn't DBZ. Everyone was extremely out of character for this story and it was giving me a real headache. You definitely need to do a lot more research on sonic and mlp before remaking all these chapters over again. Maybe then you'll start to get more positive comments and more likes.

4226544 I can't say I disagree with what you're saying, but at the same time, I will say that this story is in no way perfect. You're right, it isn't DBZ, nor is it Yu-Gi-Oh or Pokemon or Transformers or Kim Possible or Danny Phantom or any other series my stories reference. I posted a blog about this and how this story came about, so if you wish, give it a read if it would help you with clarity.

My only little arguments I'd make would be that I'm still fairly new to MLP so my views and depiction of the ponies isn't as strong or wise as longer fans, but at the same time I can also say it's from how I perceive things. Also, this is taking the Sonic X timeline to MLP's timeline today, so even if characters outside of MLP seem different, should we expect them to be exactly the same as they were about ten years younger?

good chapter but what about the emeny? what if they find the new world? what happen next?

4226604 I like your story.  Why does it have down votes?

4243091 thanks for the appreciation. as for the down votes, it's just like any other story- there are those who like it, and those who don't. the story is based on both MLP and another story I've made, and I have a blog explaining that if you want to check that out for more info

4244365 Maybe having a editor or two would help? Like my story Ace Combat: Divided Feelings was getting down votes for grammar till Silver Blade and eggynack helped me with it. Want to check it out?

that good story but i worry about the vinllen? what are they up to?

it maybe end but it just stared of beinning:twilightsheepish:

so this chapter is getting better but what the enemy up to?

to 101supertails

it is but its kinda of confusing to explain

4527255 it is complicated to fully explain, but I made this blog post to help give at least a little better understanding. If you go further from there with the links provided, then you'll get a much better understanding where this comes from

Beautiful. Just plain beautiful.:fluttercry::heart:

Bravo! Such a good story. At first I was
a little unsure about some of the characters
you added, but then I decided to give it a
shot and keep reading. But anyway what a
amazing story!:twilightsmile::yay:

4826775 oh no it's shadic, nazo you have to hide quickly:applecry::rainbowlaugh:

4177557 i think it's from a fan-animation

Oh i think i understand it now so you mean because sonic and Shadow can use the Chaos emeralds to power up they were able to learn from goku how to go supersaiyan keep your work please up

DNA modifications?:rainbowhuh: how else can they go super saiyan.
Could someone please tell me?

5297337 I do have a back story for how Sonic and the others can become Super Saiyan, but I doubt that it will be posted anywhere here outside of exposition. All I can tell you is that DNA modifications is as close as anyone could guess, so you made a great guess

5297529 it just reminded me of a DC game where Batman gives pills out which somehow makes the heros strong enough to fight an evil superman:pinkiecrazy:

you wont believe me if i said how confused i was in chapter 1..now im more on track

“Interesting thought,” Ash stated, and then addressed the two enemies. “Why don’t you tell us how right he is about that?”

:twilightoops: Ash is being cool and collected! HOW DID ANY OF THIS EVEN STARTED!:flutterrage:

7041220 The prelude was meant to give off that sense. There's a journal entry I posted when I first began here that can help direct you to the original source of my Taismo series. If you'd like more clarification, I suggest you check it out. I hope you're enjoying the rest of the story!

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