After she is summoned to Canterlot Castle in the dead of night, Twilight Sparkle struggles to figure out the reasoning behind her teachers mysterious request. However, to her surprise, the Sovereigns motives were much more emotionally touching than she thought, and as a result Twilight is forced to question the veracity of their relationship as student and teacher.
Hot for Teacher - Van Halen
mmm idk what to think so[img]C:\Users\Zoran\Pictures\Personally+I+m+not+gonna+stick+around+for+this+_efa9d0e8a3fe804f553b698829bd8faf.gif[/img]
I'm intrigued by the reference's to the song 'Hurt'.
Thank you, I was hoping that someone would pick up on that.
It is nice to see more Twilestia.. a bit more limey than what I expected But still pretty good.
I felt that in order to break away from the morbid/cynical Celestia is a tyrant or Molestia shipping fics, it needed to be overly poetic. I despise how many stories there are which portray Celestia as some crazed dictator, which is why I put in the incorrect assumptions of her being one.
I liked it (although you might have gone a little bit overboard with the intro ), good job
There is a reason why I am Her Serene Majesty's Paladin, so like you I despise those stories as well. I am pleased to meet another who see her as she truly is. Thank you for sharing this.
In the Name Her Serene Majesty Celestia, Princess of the Sun,
Celestia's Paladin: For Honor and Duty, For the Sun and Moon
I hate tyrant Celestia and Molestia as well. However, I do love Trollestia for some reason... Probably the bananas.
Very good 408993
This story's vocabulary was way higher than it needed to be, it really took away from any sort of comfort or romance that the poetry of the scenes that you were going for. I had to run quite a few words through a mental filter to make sense of what was going on. And while we are sort of in Twilight's head most of the time and she is very book-savvy, it made the story feel stiff and impersonal. I understood it, but the style of writing is not my cup of tea, sorry.
This is sweet.
I always found it sad that the one pony who loves the most isn't really loved in return. It's practically canon, ponies see Celestia for her crown, and not for who she is. The one pony who should trust and understand her the most, Twilight, very obviously fears her. And that's to say nothing of Luna; They can both be the most forgiving ponies in the world, but I guarantee there's a rift. I mean... Necessary or not, Celestia banished her sister to the moon for a millenium.
A friend posed an interesting question: Who does God look up to? The answer is, obviously, no one. Perhaps it is for the best that mortals can't comprehend that kind of loneliness. Celestia is a much stronger character than a lot of authors try to depict, but damn it if it isn't sad. If friends are equals, Celestia has no friends.
I'm afraid I have to agree. You strangled Twilight's internal monologue at the start trying to make her sound erudite. And you don't need to try and force poetry to avoid Tyrant/Molestia - you just need to characterise Celestia as something other than a tyrant/serial rapist, which is honestly pretty easy. Wedging NIN quotes in there didn't help your cause - it just choked your story with more excessive melodrama.
Seriously disappointing. Which is a shame, because you obviously put a fair amount of effort into this.
I'd beg to differ, but then again we all have different interests. While there's a limit to how purple you can write something (and lord know's I'm pushing it here) I think there is a serious lack of poetic form. I personally despise dumbed down stories, mostly because to me it feels like it doesn't have the meticulous care and workmanship of something poetic. As for the characters, that's a personal preference, but like I said we all have different styles and tastes, and obviously we can't cater to them all.
However, looking back at the NiN quotes, I have to agree, that was overkill... I changed some of it, hopefully it's somewhat better now.
so... many... BIG... words...
I feel so smart understanding most of them.
great story man! you win a spike stash
i honestly dont think i could stand watching 10 generations of close friends grow up and die right before my eyes.. this makes me sad for tia
I have to agree with the guy who said that the purple prose here hurts the story as a whole. It's OK for the introduction, or brief insights into Twilights mind, but I wasn't even 1/4th through the story before it felt stilted. Forced. It entirely removed any impact the story might have had on me.
The way Twilight found Celestia also seemed rather... Sloppy. The princess had gone out of her way to get her there, though why trains rather than a personal carriage seems odd, and she leaves Twilight waiting after a short greeting while she looses her composure in an adjacent room? With no guards whatsoever? To be honest, this made it seem like Celestia did it this way purposefully, like she was still masterminding everything, which in turn makes the following event seem rather questionable.
This is, of course, just my opinion. It's always nice to see more Twilestia anyway!
Twilestia!not fav paring just paring I like for twilight
In a way that was what she was doing, but it was not for sexual desire. She wanted to reach out to someone, and while I could have portrayed it better, that was the main reason for her visit. As for the train, train's are faster, and a carriage I felt wouldn't really mesh with how urgent the situation was. Besides if I remember correctly Twilight has traveled to Canterlot twice by train at the Princesses request. If you look, there was a guard mentioned, it's in the line "might as well have been the entrance to Tartarus, and the diligent guard that stood outside was Cerberus keeper of the dead". As for how purple it was, that was just a personal preference for this particular story, but like you said we all have our own likes and dislikes. Thanks for the input!
Seems a bit out of character for Twilight to think that Celestia was going to banish her, I mean sure she thought she would banish Fluttershy for taking Philomena, and she did overreact when she was going to be late on her Friendship report... actually yeah it does seem perfectly in character now that I think about it
I'm sorry, but...
This is, what, the fifth story I've read with Celestia being depressed over everypony thinking her a tyrant?
The idea of Celestia possibly being a pedophile and/or a tyrant are commonly spread and considered throughout the fanbase and in several fictions, but I've not found a serious Tyrant Celestia fiction that wasn't including her Nightmare Moon equivalent.
Kind of interesting to see an author giving Twilight the vocabulary that she more than likely would have from being a bookish scholar.
The story was meant to refute that... not support her being a tyrant, but a response to the massive influx of stories making her seem like a monster.
I hate the Tyrant take on Celestia as well, so any story that throws those crazy claims aside is fantastic already.
The story was good. The very beginning was a bit much, but it quickly got better. I enjoyed the story and I'm glad it ended on a happy note. Not much else to say really, besides good job.
That's the thing.
This is at least the fifth of the "I'm not a tyrant" stories that I've seen, while I haven't seen any serious stories representing Celestia as a tyrant.
Then again, I'm a very picky reader. If you could, point some out to me?
Weird... because I've seen tones of them. Oh well, there's thousands of stories on this website, so I guess I can see what you're talking about, I guess it's all about what you see and when you see it. For example, a couple of weeks ago there were like 3 stories on the featured title that portrayed Celestia as an evil Tyrant. I can't remember their names, but one of them was really well written, and done in first person humanized, but was about her being a manipulative, sex crazed dictator. The others I didn’t even bother reading.
Shit got real here. I have been looking for a good Twilestia fic. Does anyone know of one that has a bit more.... Description.... Than this one?
i for one quiet enjoyed your diction, it added sort of a poetic formality to it
there's a group called twilestia is bestia that you should look into
here's the link
ok the story has a green check so ive read it and i commented it yet i dont remeber reading it argh
don't know if want
Just pointing out a typo I noticed in the description. I believe you meant "veracity of their relationship", not "velocity of their relationship"
Nicely said.
Have you read Waiting by Tayman? I believe I might have seen your comment on their, if not, you should read it, you'll enjoy it, and I'll would just love to hear your opinion on it. I might but this in my read later.
If she just raping mares, could you tell me the title of the story?
...Don't judge me, no male doesn't, don't, 'NOT', have the right to be able to touch LUNA, Celestia, Luna, and the other six mares, it's a penetration thing. Any way, if you know of any or any one else know of any GOOD once, could you comment me the title, I never really read of Celestia being as such.
Thanks before hand.
And I know there a few errors in this, I want it like that, I MEAN NO MALE!
Thanks again before hand.
Nice to see Celestia as herself, a ruler who has made many sacrifices over the years.
Also, twilestia means yay for me.
Needs a "to" after "kind".
The kind of poetic and flowery diction used here to describe, ahem, is the best! It's so yuri awwww♡♡♡ I really enjoy your style of writing.
Strange, for me this story's been coming up as a 'does not exist' until now...