Every time he asks, she refuses - yet she will forever love him, until the stars refuse to sparkle and the sun will no longer shine. How can that be? If she loved him as much as she said, wouldn't she marry him?
...well, perhaps Celestia has a new student in an entirely different lesson.
It seems that Discord will need to learn how to love again.
Angst! Wooo~
Romance/tragedy Dislestia?
Damn, you really are the best princess!
This receives a fav, like all of your works do.
Insert Twilight Sparkle going "oooOOOooo" here.
Consider me intrigued.
You know
what you did
that .......... Story .......... IS

Baby, why must you tease me so?
Alas, I must wait.
That's ok, I'm horrid at updating chapters as well.
Funny, isn't it. I release my Dislestia oneshot, and you release the next chapter of this little beauty. What a coincidence.
I like where this is going, with the romance short but just authentic and sweet enough to warm the depths of my cold black heart. Please, continue on.
This is why I follow you.
Its so cute and just kjsdhkasdhja
I want moar pl0x ;w;
Oh I just love the message at the end! Who needs marriage? Only a promise, a vow
I give ya 10/10 ^^
That tag is a lie!
Anyway, I liked it. I like how your style flows. I could actually feel a bit of the music you were listening to while writing (or maybe I just recognized the lyrics).
Keep up the awesome!
Darn it now I'm singing Clarity .
When's the sequel!?
This chapter is beauty and the beast, right? The name?
5578368 Yup.
Y r the totals of the chapters lines in various different songs?
6232144 Because music is my main inspiration for writing.
Are you still going to do a sequel?
..... Nice.
Wait , what happens to the sequel?