• Member Since 1st Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago

Metool Bard

A weaver of tales who enjoys a good story. What more is there to say, really?


The Wonderbolts are many things. They're defenders; athletes; weatherponies; role models. But one thing they don't typically do is interact with the breezies. Even though the pegasi and the breezies have had a long-standing symbiotic relationship since the founding of Equestria, entomology simply isn't in a Wonderbolt's job description.

So you can imagine Lightning Dust's annoyance when she's signed up for a voluntary expedition to the breezies' home in the far east in order to collect their nectar. You can also imagine her surprise when she discovers that she's not only working alongside a cadet from the Academy, but also an actual Wonderbolt. Seeing this as her opportunity to get back in the Wonderbolts' good graces, Lightning decides to make the best of the situation and impress Fleetfoot with her skills. After all, gathering nectar from a bunch of bugs (read: fairies) should be a cinch for a future Wonderbolt.


And if you believe that, I've got a bridge to sell you.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 32 )

:rainbowdetermined2:Lightning can't get no respect.
:derpytongue2:Because she doesn't deserve any!

Very nice, very charming characterization. I like the lisp in Fleetfoot's dialogue especially. :rainbowlaugh: Very amusing.

Combining these four ponies with breezies was a very fun concept, one I thoroughly enjoyed reading. :twilightsmile:

4098187 I feel that the trick to Fleetfoot's lisp is that it's only one extra s, and not several in a row like a serpent. This is because honestly, I felt that her lisp in the show was very subtle and hard to place. :applejackunsure:

Anyway, I'm glad you enjoyed this little tale. :twilightsmile:

Hey blame the writer here, not me.

good Talent is no Substitute for bad attitude, except if you´re spitfire, hipocrit.

4100177 Hey, give Spitfire a break. She's made her share of mistakes, but I don't think she has a bad attitude. :trixieshiftleft:

if you pair up the two best fliers from day one you´re already doing it wrong, and a tried and true Team member tossed under the bus for an accident doesn´t help her case, neither does the rest of her bad sportsmanship.

4100186 Well, I think she had her reasons for doing what she did. She made a bad call, but I really don't believe that it makes her a bad pony. This headcanon is better explained in my previous story, Spitfire Stumbles. :duck:

Also, her pairing Rainbow Dash and Lightning Dust isn't a sign of bad attitude. She just thought they had good chemistry together. :applejackunsure:

I was hoping Lightning Dust would learn something. Other than that, I like it.

nice job on this story :twilightsmile:

4102128 As long as LD's ego keeps getting in the way, I don't think any lesson is gonna sink in. That doesn't mean it won't happen or anything, but she needs to take a cue from her former wingpony (which as I've shown in this story is something she's reluctant to do). :applejackunsure:

4103494 Thanks. I'm glad you liked it. :twilightsmile:

Moral: A bad pony is a bad pony and can only ever be a bad pony. So banish her to badlands!

'unable to translate text'

5193687 If you're referring to the Breezie language stuff, that isn't really supposed to be translated. To the best of my knowledge, Hasbro has yet to release a Breezie-English Dictionary. :unsuresweetie:

wait, so that was 'real' Breezie? where u get it?

thought you were using some unknown European language or something

5193707 I didn't really "get" it from anywhere. I just made it up based on the few snippets we heard in the episode. :rainbowderp:

5194896 Yeah, pretty much. :eeyup:

"You, uh, don't want me to translate that, lass," said Seabreeze.

I thought Seabreeze was Swedish, not Scottish?

5386697 The breezies are supposed to be Celtic, actually. It's a mixture of Scottish, Irish, and Welsh dialects, and in Celtic mythology, it's often spoken by fairies. :twistnerd:


I kinda meant the accent, but, nice to know.

Why is Fleetfoot hissing.

5658149 As shown in Rainbow Falls, she has a very subtle lisp. I incorporated that in her dialogue to make the story more authentic. :twistnerd:

5658156 Really now? I must have missed it. I'll need to re-watch it.

I personally feel that Fleetfoot's lisp would be better represented using "th" instead of "ss" whenever it comes up, but that's a matter of preference.

Though I am curious as to how Lightning was eventually coerced into actually going along to collect the nectar in the first place.

And normally I'd be surprised that a story like this didn't have the focus character learn some kind of lesson, but seeing as Lightning Dust is a lot like season 1 RD (which is actually part of why I enjoy LD as a character so much), in this case I'm not.

You really hate Lightning.

Yes, she does. She also deserve to become a Wonderbolt.


Okay, that's a bit unfair. I wrote this story primarily as a comedic world-building exercise regarding the breezies, not to bash Lightning Dust. She was just a convenient comedic foil, nothing more. If you want to see my true feelings on LD, check out my story The Truth Hurts. :duck:

I liked that story .

Lightning pouted and folded her forelegs. "First of all, I didn't 'blow' anything. I got kicked out because Rainbow Snitch decided to be a jerk and tell on me. If that didn't happen, I'd still be a cadet."

Well whose fault is that let me count the ways not only you almost injured the other Cadets just because you want to go fast and finish the race not only that you almost got Rainbow dashs friends killed because of your stunts so you got nobody to blame but yourself

Fleetfoot sighed and shook her head. "I'm beginning to ssee why Sspitfire gave her the boot," she muttered.

You think :facehoof:

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