• Member Since 17th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen 7 hours ago


Now is the winter of my discontent.


When Rainbow Dash manages to hurt herself trying a new trick, a certain farmpony takes the chance to teach her that a little time off isn't always a bad thing.

This started off as a challenge to take one of the grimdark cliches, Dash losing flight, and make it into something fluffy and shippy. I believe it has succeeded quite well.

There is, as I have been informed, a reading of this fic! It is a bit old, and doesn't include the edits I made to make this fic ready for Equestria Daily, but it really makes me proud to see someone liked this enough to want to record it!

A second reading, this one by TheLostNarrator, has popped up recently! You can find it here.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 45 )

I liked this. It was well-written and got the job done. My only qualm is that dash didn't really lose her wings.

Aw, that was sweet. And I liked the working in of Fluttermac.

I like this! I hope this isn't over! If you do continue this, then I'll track! Tracked just in case anyway!

~Parajack :twilightsheepish:

Awwww, this was a great story :pinkiesmile:


Love it, awesome job! ::pinkiehappy:

Not what I was expecting (thought you meant literally losing her wings) but cute nonetheless.

That was really cute! And well written besides. Loved reading it.

The ending was so adorable! I like how you wrote granny smith

Please continue!!! it was so cute!

Ohyeah, I have read this before, I realize.

Ain't gonna stop me from reading this again, because this is cute as heck.

If you're scanning comments trying to decide whether to read this, go read this now. These're gonna be the best 5-10 minutes of your day.

Thanks for reading this, folks! I enjoyed writing it, so I'm glad people are enjoying reading it.


Yeah, that was part of the challenge. I didn't want to do the literal version of losing her wings because it is frankly entirely too over-done, and this lets me play with the situations and tropes without having to go all grimdark. Plus, as we've since seen in the show, it is nearly impossible to really take the wings off a pegasus. :rainbowdetermined2:

I had originally intended this to be the first chapter of a longer fic, but Tchernobog's Those Blue Wings is handling most of the ideas I wanted to play with, so I decided this would stand alone for now so I could go work on PinkieDash instead. :pinkiehappy:

373732 In honesty I've actually seen many more fics where RD crashes and needs to stay with AJ for a while than those in which RD physically loses her wings entirely. That I can recall, the only two I've seen pull that off well was Dimondium's One in a Hundred and that Cupcakes-sequel fic the name and author of which I can never remember.

That said, it's still really good, and a nice sweet story.

And yeah, canon seems to indicate that ponies are nigh indestructible. Sometimes, given the various things that happen to them, I wonder why Rarity falling out of Cloudsdale was such a big deal. Seems to me that it's more likely she'd bounce than anything else.


She might chip a hoof! The Worst. Possible. Thing. :raritydespair:

373945 A Precious Rainbow by milesprower90 :twilightsmile:

373955 Really nice story! Good job :yay:

:pinkiegasp: NOT A CHIPPED HOOF?!

That would indeed be the one. I wasn't too impressed with Cupcakes, overall, but that it caused that sequel/alternate ending to be was a huge redeeming factor to me.

duuuude. this shouldn't be a oneshot...this sounds like the start of a great story

Very well-written, especially the first two paragraphs. I also liked the use of the term dame; can't humanize horses too much. This would make for a good series, but is a nice story on its own. While there are too manyAppleDash ships out there already, I'd like to see your version.

Tell me one thing...

Why isn't there more? lately I'm seeing more and more greatly detailed stories with excellent character development and interesting ways of presenting old formulas, this is one of them.

Please give me more to read! I wanna know where this goes.:fluttercry:

376507 Nobody is impressed with cupcakes
It's just funny

This is well-written but oh so cheesy...and yet I find myself loving it! Dx

nice, short story. We need more granny smith!

I swear I've read this before, but I can't find it. Did you post this on fanfiction.net or DeviantArt? It really is a good story.


It was on DeviantArt a year or more back, before I moved all my fic over here. Glad you enjoyed it!

Maybe you should change the introduction because when you said that RD lost her wings I thought you meant lost them entirely instead of just injuring them slightly. Glad it wasn't like that and great story, very sweet.


Dash losing her wings entirely was a really common fic basis back when I wrote this. I was sick of seeing those stories, so decided to write something that used the same sort of themes, but in a way that fit more with the show. The romantic side of it was simply for fun.

Nice, simply but sweet and heartwarming. I like how Granny knows the truth of things so easily.


For some reason, I read this line: "After all, there was no rush. They'd tell her when they felt the time was right, and in the meantime the matriarch of the Apple clan would do what she always did best. Help the good things in the world to grow." and thought 'Huh. What if instead of napping, she's been meditating and using some form of advanced earth pony magic to help the apples grow?'. Dunno why. I like the idea though. Gonna have to use that one. *blinks* Wow. I just fixed a plot issue in one of my planned stories. Huh. Thanks!

This was quite good. I liked how it read and it was sweet to boot.

Nicely done.

~Skeeter The Lurker


She reminds me of my Grandma, and you couldn't slip -anything- past that lady. Sharp as a tack. Glad you liked it!


Subtle earth pony magics are a neat idea, I agree. :eeyup:



Reminds me of D&D, Perception is Wisdom based, and the older you get, the wiser you get.

Author Interviewer

Hey whitebro, did you know there's a reading of this? I thought it sounded familiar. :V

This one?

Yep! It's nifty, although the reading's out of date, I've revised this and added a bit more story since then to make it EqD-ready.

So... Is it on Equestria Daily?

Comment posted by Whiteout deleted Jan 22nd, 2014


Sure is!

Edit : I added the link to the story description.

3828865 I liked your writing I really did, I was just a little disappointed that there was no action if ya know what I mean. I got a few feels but I really would have liked it if something interesting came up like a steamy make out session. But still, its your story and it was well written so good job!

This was nice

Loved the story! :heart:

Love it! perfect and amazing story wrote perfectly without a single flaw! great job FABULOUS! :rainbowkiss:


Glad to hear you enjoyed it!

this was one of the first of lost's readings that i listened to and i really enjoyed it, mostly because i'd just gotten into the appledash, but also because i just really liked this.

I was half expecting the story to START with RD's crash, then go from there, but .

As for the story itself, I'm trying to figure out how to put it into words:
Something about it just makes me not enjoy it as much as I feel I should.
It's not that it's an AppleDash shipping fic, since I've favorited those before. (Though I honestly think it would have worked slightly better had it been a friendshipping fic instead, but it's a pretty old fic at this point, plus that's just me).

It is weird reading this after Read it and Weep showed that a broken wing takes about 9 days or so to heal, so a sprain would probably only last a few minutes. But I don't think that's my issue with it either.

It's definitely a sweet fic, but something feels missing from it, and as hard as I try, I just can't figure it out.

Beautiful story - a classic.

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