• Member Since 26th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen Mar 1st, 2018


Comments ( 20 )

D'aww. I've always thought these two were adorable. :rainbowkiss:

Read this over on EqD when it went up and found it really cute and touching. I couldn't help routing for both Twilight and Trixie and felt saddened when one of them had to lose. Still, it had a uplifting ending that goes well with the show's tone.

I found the competition part to be very well handled and exciting. Coming up with things on the fly really shows the pairs' strengths and weaknesses.

Great one shot! It's worth anyone's time to read!

Good story.

Wow. One of most level-headed fics about Twilight-Trixie confrontation and friendship. Good work, I applause you sir

Whoah. The similarities between this any my own head-canon is... eerie :applejackconfused:

Great story. The duel was very well done and I didn't feel that either of them were 'favored,' as it were. And it ultimately ended on a good note, a nice little friendshipping fic.

Read this a couple nights ago, forgot to look for it again.
Your writing is fantastic, along with this story. Twilight's final reaction from the audience is something I never saw coming, and I honestly got a newfound Trixie feel when she said how it was like that for her, but with a whole town. Good show, sir.

386694 Or madam. I'm not sure which, and I don't want to offend.

386698 Thank you very much. And it is sir, you guessed right.

A very nice story, though I've never really been a Trixie fan.

An upvote and a favourite for you!

A very nice, enjoyable fic. Felt like it flowed more naturally than most Twilight-Trixie fics.

After reading this again, and as much as I really LOVE:heart: your Ink Well stories, I think this might be the best thing you've written. It's feels so natural and real. It's more like an episode put into story form. And it doesn't immediately try to force Trixie and Twilight in to a relationship. I really do love this story! :trixieshiftright::twilightsmile:

Twilight and Trixie. Two sides of the same coin. Both powerful in their own craft. I knew Trixie would win, but I am so glad they both could still be friends after all was said and done.

Instafave. Now write more, I demand more.

1792896 Quite the comment, glad you liked it! And don't worry. Trixie shall return.

Very nicely written. A nice way to resolve the conflict between the two, and show the differences. Showmanship isn't just about power, its about the presentation.

This was beautifully done. Well-written and well in-character for both of them. You've really captured the defining differences between them - Trixie may be weaker, but she is an accomplished performer. That said, Twilight has potential to dazzle the crowd with sheer power, so I expected the duel to be neck-to-neck. I think both of them came across as interesting and respectable in their own right.

And the ending was sweet. Oh Twilight, you really thought defeating Trixie would have won her over? Of course, I'm glad she didn't go the other way either and try to give Trixie an easy win to placate her with, because that would just have been insulting. Instead there's a bit of understanding and some final closure. Very good indeed.

You get a single upvote, but think of it as five or so, okay?

An oldie, but one hell of a goodie. How I wish this was how it went down in the show...

Yeah... I was disappointed with how that got handled in the show... but what can you do?

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