A month after the interesting events involving Trixie and the strip club, Twilight finds herself experiencing creepy and unexplainable events involving her secret feelings for the mare. Can she find Trixie and confess to her feelings? Or is it too late? Continuation of "Spookshow Baby", while can be found on Fan-Fiction and Equestria Daily.
dawwww good job very creepy and very loving great fic for holloween hope to see more from you
bravo! I am just curious about her friends reactions! but I dont think you are putting another chapter in. good spot to end!
16587 Thank you very much; I did my best with it! I'm kinda lazy now and then, so it took me a bit to do it, but I'm still proud of it. Thanks for your kind words.
16631 Yeah, I'd be curious about those reactions, too. But, I wasn't exactly planning on putting in another chapter; this was mainly a sequel and that's it. Still, thanks for your little comment!
I bet if you send this to Seth on EqD, you'll get a feature! It's an awesome story =)
17581 You really think so? I thought I tried to, but I can't remember...and I'm not entirely sure HOW to submit things on there.
Well, that was quite interesting. A very good follow-up to the previous story.
I'm know I'm probably reading way too much into this, but follow me on this one. Right from the first hallucination (and the recurring chill through her spine) I felt as if Trixie really was haunting her; like the real Trixie had actually died in that club some time before even the events of the first story. The building was probably abandoned a short time after. Trixie lured Twilight there with the ticket to ease her restless spirit, conjuring up every occupant. When Twilight left her, she placed a piece of herself into Twilight to try and bring her back. Twilight's going to wake up later to an empty dressing room in an abandoned strip club, but somehow feel at peace.
The fun thing is, with the way you wrote it, that's a very good possibility; especially with Trixie commenting on Twilight's doubts about dreaming despite those doubts not actually being spoken. Even the ending doesn't give any clear indication one way or the other.
Yeah, I'm definitely over-thinking this.
In any case, very well done!
Darn my haste and lack of proofreading!
18263 I really like the way you think; just the fact that you are proves that I did SOMETHING right. A good writer will always make their readers feel some sense of emotion, or make them think. If you do neither, then you probably did not do a good job. Yes, those are pretty good ideas that you said...but, the thing is, I really don't like writing or reading stories where somepony has died in some way, shape or form. I'm incredibly emotional and I admittedly cry when I read stories like that (one involving Rainbow Dash dying and Scootaloo becoming sad comes to mind). So, while those ideas are very interesting and seem like something very plausible that could happen, I probably wouldn't do that; the thought of Trixie being dead sends sad shivers down my spine. At the same time, though...man, that's a really good idea.
Thank you for the compliment. This is why I really wish I could write. I keep coming up with these ideas with most everything I read. For instance, I have my own idea for a follow-up to "My Little Dashie" since neither of the two that I've read do anything for me. But alas, I'm terrible at fleshing out details; so I guess it'll just have to stay in my head for now.
I'm glad you like my idea, and I completely understand your reason for not traversing such topics. I know what you mean with getting emotional. I've read the one you mentioned, and manly tears were shed. "Pretty in Pink" left me trying not to cry so I could drive home (didn't work). And "Black and White" prevented me from sleeping that night. So yeah, I know that feel, bro.
In regard to this story, I actually wouldn't want you to change anything, even if you were ok with it. The "open-ended" way you closed it is what allows for reader interpretations such as mine; and that's the true beauty of such a piece. What happens next is truly up to the reader's imagination; and in my opinion, that always leaves a much more lasting impression.
The wicked grin sounds evil honestly lol,makes me think of her wanting revenge, what better way then to get close to Twilight.
Ignoring that it was a interesting and spooky story at the start, until the trip to Manehattan i was beginning to wonder if the romance tag is a mistake.
I still believe it was Trollestia and Trolluna behind the ghost trixie, hell they probably own "The Spiked Crop"
this is pretty good sequal to the story
"...fate drew me here on that fateful Halloween night..."
Just an observation. Pretty good otherwise.
I think Trixie's acting a little bit more like a kid when she uses her third person noun, but that's how she's interpreted in the show :S
Really glad to see a sequel to Spookshow! Well written and nicely emotional there toward the end, although Trixie continuing to refer to herself in third person during such a moment was REALLY annoying.
That stuff should be saved for her on-stage acts, not for casual conversation.
Words can't describe the awesome levels of this fic
at the end of the original, i just wanted more, and you gave it to me *brohoof* thanks!
great but it never tells me whether its all a dream or what, it just seems to go to well.
alternate ending: twilight is actually in a insane asylum. constantly mumbling to herself.
Rob Zombie Approves.
is there gonna be more? i really liked this
because... clothes make the ponies sexier?
semi-humanized pony from a kid show turned to porn? a cat that is gravity is not impressed
You didn't write the first part, did you? It shows. The images that story ended on, i.e., a sexually confused Twilight experiencing things she'd never felt before, and a contented Trixie finding solace in bewildering places, are wasted here. The worst part is Trixie breaking down and admitting she only wanted Twilight's affection. This blatantly contradicts her sentiments at the end of SHB. It's not badly written, but it reeks of wish-fulfillment: trying to close up an open ending.
*SB, I guess.
Also, on a positive note, I have been researching hallucinations and their causes recently, so I did enjoy those parts.
18375 i you think that is sad, read "The End of Ponies"
it is professional level emotional influence.
o and great story!
I never expected to see a part 2 to what one would have rightfully expected to be a holiday one-shot story. The first chapter was surprisingly well-written for a one-shot, and had a refreshingly new plot. (I guess the pun is partially intended there.) However, this chapter was somehow even better than the first, and a wonderfully fun, unexpectedly suspenseful and enjoyable end.
Although, one is still left wondering about that bouncer in this chapter. Perhaps Xitrie has a story to tell about how her month went as well?
Themes: Creepy, pole dancing, whores, shady underworld types and lust. Tags: Dark, Romance. Rating.... Everyone.
Huh, one of these things is not like the others, one of these thing doesn't belong!
46542 That's not entirely true. It all depends on what you as the reader thinks of or perceives at the end of a story. For ME, the ending of Spookshow Baby seemed unfulfilled. Yes, it had Twilight confused, and yes, Trixie SEEMED content. But, as I read between the lines, it seemed (to ME) that Trixie was trying to cover up something and was trying to just stand proudly as she always does without confessing anything. So, in this second part, I played on both roles. For a fateful night like that, I felt that Twilight would start to feel a wide array of feelings inside of her, and they would eventually blossom into something more until she had to find out why. So, it's all about perception. I don't go around posting second parts and sequels to ALL stories, you know. This one just stuck out to me and felt incomplete, like there was more that was needed...or, in the very least, I wanted to see more.
the ghost trixie thing was a nice touch...if a little creepy....for a moment there i thought twilight was going to go back to manehattan and find trixie deas
45758 so this is a reverse world...ponies with no clothes is normal ponies with clothes is sexier...Alternate universes WHY YOU NO MAKE SENSE
As good as this story may be, I just can't see this relationship happenng, never mind the situation set.
Sorry, first one actually sort of made sense.
Woooah I thought she was a real ghost
. Good stuff.
i approve of this fanfic. love the twilight and trixie shipping. very well done. my main beef is that its called Halloween and not nightmare night as its called in the series. still a good one and the amount of almost clopfic in the first installment were great. the characters were kinda off but not enough so that i cared. good job and keep it up.
This story pleases me...it pleases my darkside greatly.
That was creepy, cute, adorable, and insightful. Good job!