• Member Since 29th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen Nov 30th, 2024

Drako Moon

Comments ( 142 )

now... this seems intresting...
track away! :yay:

Oh my this story is very interesting I want to read more please keep it up.:scootangel::rainbowkiss::eeyup:

This looks like it will be good
I'm a fan of yours now

Interesting story i like it


Thank you I and it will get even more interesting as time goes on trust me :pinkiecrazy:


Thank you and I have another 5 Chapters done I just want to let you all sweat it out a bit before I put up the next one :pinkiehappy:

>>Sweetie Belle writes

Thank you :raritywink: And yes this story will be really good from what I have been hearing from my editor Hope you'll like where it goes


Thank you :derpyderp2:

I assume there are previous stories that should catch up on with... that this is not your first story with Drake?
*sigh* welp... i've got a long night to get caught up


Drako is my character in the furry world but Drako Moon my pony self is all new his back story and everything. There will be chapters coming up that have more of his back story in it. Just give it time it will help catch you up on where he is coming from.:rainbowlaugh::derpytongue2:

372122:pinkiegasp: oh... well then... Drako continue on. I'll be looking forward to the rest


I think i'll be nice tonight and do an early post just so I can help catch you all up :pinkiehappy:

372148 :pinkiehappy: why thank you, good sir

I wasn't planning on Posting another story so quickly everypony but I just couldn't help my self I wanted at least a little Clop to be added to this story and to leave you all with a little understanding of where Drako came from and some of his back story. Hope You all will enjoy :derpytongue2:

Dud this was the best chapter in the series. CONTINUE PLEASE :pinkiehappy:

I know but it was something I just had to do. It was my way of explaining why Scootaloo and Drako's parents weren't around. It took me a while to write this part out just because of how sad it was. But I promise it will get less sad as the story goes on. This part is just explaining there past and why Drako Moon had to leave Cloudsdale. :fluttercry::ajsleepy:

Thank you and I will the next chapter will be up tomorrow ^^ :derpytongue2:

381387It's cool and it's true too, but at first I thought Drako was going to commit suicide.


OH yeah I can understand that but I don't like Suicide at all and since Drako is almost an extention of myself I would never do that :twilightsmile: So you'll never have to worry about. I will warn you though the next story has its sad points too just as an FYI. Thank you for reading :pinkiehappy: :derpytongue2:

381432Oh I see I understand and your welcome:eeyup::yay::trollestia:

Well here we go this will end what happened in their past and catch you all up on everything. Well to a point at least hope you all enjoy :derpytongue2:

Damn dude this made me cry and it's very emotionally sad too, but I hope something good happens after.:applecry::fluttercry::pinkiesad2::raritydespair:


Yes there past ended on a sad not but the next chapters will be better, slowly, but they will get better :pinkiehappy::scootangel::derpytongue2:

I hope Drako and Derpy get back together again though:eeyup::scootangel:

I do too but because of the cover image, I think it will be Luna/Drako shipping...

DAMN!!!!!!!! never seen that coming.:eeyup::trollestia::yay::rainbowkiss::scootangel::derpytongue2:

at the end did you mean that rainbow dash had a crush with drako :rainbowhuh:


Kind of the point :rainbowlaugh: I love a good twist in my stuff


Read the end again Derpy Told Drako that Rainbow Dash was in love with him and has been for years...I would call that a little more than a crush but yeah I guess so.


Lol My job is done :rainbowlaugh: Hope you liked the twist. :derpytongue2:

welp, i'll be first... i DID see that coming, i mean not like a train coming, but.. more like a smart car.
still, Well done


Lol thanks and honestly I'm not suprised I did leave it open a little bit on what would happen...now lets see if you can guess the outcome :pinkiecrazy::derpytongue2:

397252 Everyone dies, the end

no worries, i had one reader guess the whole damn plot line to one of my stories.. i was like WTF


I do like a little Tragedy in a story but all of them dying is to much :twilightblush: Good guess though lol :derpytongue2:

Hey everypony Sorry this took so long to get posted. Normally I would have put this chapter out yesterday but I was waiting for a couple of Chapters to be Edited first so I had a couple ready to go for when I want to put them up....

Also I will admit I got caught up in my Reading. I have always seen pics of the Pony called Nyx but never looked into it until three nights ago. I found the story Past Sin's...or well Book I would call it from how long it is :twilightblush: and was lost in it for the past three days :twilightsmile: Yeah I can be a big book warm just like Twilight. Well anyway I fell in love with the fic and had to finish it first before I could Post this story. Any who Everypony Hope you like the updated chapter and also hope you liked my Cut off point :rainbowlaugh:

Drako Moon Singing out :derpytongue2:

Why can I foresee a lot of posts coming arguing over past sins.

Love your story btw.

"And you really need to stop zoning out like that it’s kind of creepy.”

my view of Drako now


Lol Good Question :rainbowlaugh::pinkiecrazy::pinkiehappy:...and Ty I do enjoy writing it :derpytongue2:


Lol Pretty Much. *Looks off into space a flash back rolling over him...but is pulled out of it by something* "Oh...sorry I was just thinking about *Zones out again* :rainbowlaugh::derpytongue2:

OMG CLOP...yeah its a clop one and I thought it was needed. I do like clop now and then and I figured I would give you all a longer one than last time. :pinkiehappy:

So here we are Drako took the step down one path and is finally admitting his feelings toward his friend...maybe soon this Day will end too :rainbowlaugh:

Hope you all Enjoy this one

Drako Moon Signing out :derpytongue2:

Doc... what are you doing at 4am? Reading fanfics? sheeeeeeeeeit.... get it together...

still loved it xD

It was difficult choice, personally I would have went with Derpy because he have hurt her the most. Don't know, difficult choice really.

Also are you planing to write a alternative path, like what happens if Drako did choose his old love (Derpy)?

DAMN!!!!! hahaha get it ON!:rainbowkiss::rainbowkiss::rainbowkiss::rainbowkiss::yay::yay::yay::yay::trollestia::trollestia::trollestia::trollestia:


At the Moment no because I'm not even half way done with this story yet. The way I write is you never know where my character will end up in the end. Though when I'm close to done I may add a chapter or two at the end for an alt path for Drako. :derpytongue2:


Lol figured we needed a little clop in this story :trollestia: :derpytongue2:


Hey I love reading Fics at 4 am...then I post them always a nice time of day when no one is around to comment right away when your still on :derpytongue2:

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