• Member Since 7th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen Sep 16th, 2014



With Twilight's help, Fluttershy endeavors to discover the meaning of a book given to her as a parting gift. She soon discovers that the book will help her remember the breezies in a way much different than she expected.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 8 )

I liked it!

good lesson there... :ajsmug:

4042719 Thank you very much! Glad you thought so! :twilightsmile:

4042741 Haha, you don't think it's too literal? :twilightblush:

So the book let her interact with the Breezies in her dreams? Or are does she just dream of Breezies?

Either way, this was great!

4154356 You know, I actually don't remember which of those two options I was thinking when I wrote this. :applejackunsure: I guess that means it's open to interpretation! :pinkiehappy:

Thanks for reading and taking the time to comment! I'm really glad you liked it! :twilightsmile:

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