• Member Since 19th Feb, 2013
  • offline last seen May 7th, 2022


I am a lover of (pony) fiction, games, art, sugar, spice and everything nice. I also enjoy talking to people, so if you have something to say, let me hear it!


Princess Luna has a hard time finding her place in Equestria after returning from her banishment. Several months have passed, but still Ponies fear her and avoid her presence. Nopony seems to care nor appreciate that she had returned, thus her unhappiness grows each day.

Nopony cares? That is not entirely right. A loyal servant of hers is worried about his mistress's fragile sanity, and decided to do something. Can he mend her ancient scars? Can he help her recover her balance? But more importantly, can he even be trusted?

This fic does not follow the original time line of the show.
Special thanks to ArtWarrior1985 for proofreading and correcting this fic.

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 13 )

Oooo. This looks curious...

Also, new story from you? Sweeeet.

~Skeeter The Lurker

This is an alright Luna story!
I like it :-)

A few grammatical errors but all together a good read!
Continue onward's good sir!

Oh Hello Guys. Didn't expect comments that soon. :trollestia:

I really tried my best to fix all flaws before uploading it. Since english isn't my native language this is a hard thing to do, though. So if you want to help me making this one better, send me a PM pointing out the errors you encountered and I may fix them. Finding a proofreader who isn't a slacker and is indeed willing to help is a very hard thing, at least for me, so I appreciate all help I can get. Besides that, thank you for your opinion. :twilightsmile:

Skeeter... did you send your minions to read my fic? :rainbowlaugh:
This is a old one, but I hope you like it anyway. I'll upload the second chapter soon so stay tuned.

Thank you my friend. :twilightblush:
I expect to receive a lot of hate since people tend to be very thin-skinned when it involves Luna somehow, so it is nice to hear that some people actually like it.

EDIT: Story cover finally uploaded. Why does this site always make such a drama if you want to upload something? -.-

I think both chapters are good so far. Nothing wrong at all. So what happens next:pinkiehappy:

Yes next chapter came. I was wondering what will happen next. So now what? What happens next:pinkiehappy:


My, you are the impatient one, aren't you? Are you really that thrilled? :ajsmug:

I was told that I should upload chapters one after another instead of all at once, to farm more views from the News feed board. But don't worry, the last chapter is already done and will be uploaded soon. :raritywink:

ok this was very good in references, timing/pacing, and even though it ended tearfuly it was a hope filled ending. my only complaint is the ending was too fast. you built up great atmosphere with sky's death,but ended just there. in my opinion you could have luna getting over his death by talking it out with celestia, or choosing wether or not to honer him by searching out his replacements.i just think it ended too soon. but that really is small. great job :)

Thank you for your feedback. You mean I should have written an epilogue or something? Actually, it was pretty much intended from the start to end it with a clean cut. In a way Luna got over his death by remembering what he had done for her. She also honors him by forming his star sign. In a way it is like the memorial he had always wanted. Now everypony will remember him by looking at the sky, and the star sign will also help Luna remember him even if she'd live for another few millennia. The whole starlancer thingy was pretty much building up to this point, so it wouldn't feel as important anymore if there was an epiloque in my opinion.

If you liked it, how about giving me a thumbs up? :raritywink:

YOU made me cry :raritycry: :raritycry:
i agree with you he made the end very short . i wish if he made it just a little longer .
anyway this is amazing . :twilightsmile:

There is two things i can stay to this fuck you man, and why you end it with his death :raritycry:
But well done i greatly enjoyed this.
You deserve a like, hmm..... and maybe a follower


Heh, well I can answer your question quite simply:

Because the majority of people I've asked voted for a sad ending. I had a happy ending fleshed out in my mind, but I didn't write it down.t
Looking at it now it does make more sense this way. I don't like shipping fics that groups up ponies and let them be with their significant other happily forever. By still being alone it doesn't ruin most headcanons and ties in with the show. It would also be an explaination for Lunas change in character during the seasons. Although she now makes her point clear she is still modest and careful to not give in into her hidden powers. It would also explain why she is still punishing herself in "Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep"

Oh and before I forget: Thank you for your like, add and opinion. All of that is very appreciated my friend.

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