• Member Since 6th Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen Sep 3rd, 2023


Hmmm. Where do I start? Well first off I'm the leader of the Wolf Army and stand proudly as a brony. I love to write and read and do my best to struggle day after day for a new leash on life.


  • TMothers
    It's Mothers Day in Ponyville and all the fillies and foals are all happy celebrating their mother with their fathers. Even the teens and adults are getting into the spirit by visiting graves and and their parents homes. Even Twilight is doing i
    Gamel_Lightshow · 2k words  ·  29  4 · 2.6k views
Comments ( 7 )

females don't have prostates in the same way males do... next time say "G-spot" or "Gräfenberg spot", because that can be stimulated anally... but I'm not sure about horses, I know they don't have prostate sensitivity like humans do, but I don't know if they have g-spots... but overall, I liked this one

4264579 Yea I'm not to sure about horse antinomy to human antinomy to cartoon horses with human like attributes antinomy. *shrug* Yea, but I'll keep that in mind it helps a lot. Thanks!

Mc Bunny Bucker approves:pinkiecrazy:

:rainbowhuh:huh wut? I'm awake! Not daydreaming after this story...surely not!......:ajsleepy:snore...

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